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Caste of Assassins Code of Honor

Chuck Anumia

SOC-14 1K
Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps © 1980 CE. (Terra)
President Rekib Hsart Commanding:

Articles of Operation, Honor and Code of Conduct

Our Motto: “Friend or Foe, No Merc Gets Left Behind”

Article 1. Enlistment
All persons (regardless of race, creed, color, planet of origination or gender) will be considered for membership in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps according to individual abilities and our current and projected needs. The term “He” used in these articles is completely interchangeable as “He or She”.
I. All persons desiring membership/enlistment in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps must either send a resume’ to the nearest recruiting office or present themselves in person at a recruiting office or unit headquarters for screening.
II. All persons with a former military background will be placed on a priority list for evaluation.
III. All prospective (former military) Officer Grade members are subject to being reduced in rank from their highest rank achieved in the military (to no lower than Non-Commissioned Officer) while on a probationary period with the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
IV. All prospective (former military) enlisted personnel are subject to being reduced in rank from the highest rank achieved in the military while on a probationary period with the Corps.
V. All officers within the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps have the authority to enlist members into the Assassins immediately on a probationary basis.
1. Only the President, Vice President and Secretary have the authority to promote members to the rank of General 5 or Admiral 4, permanently and Sub-Sector Generals have the authority to promote Non-Commissioned Officer members to the rank of E9.
a) The president may also promote or demote permanently any members of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps at any time and for any reason.
b) The president may enlist and commission permanently any prospective member immediately into the caste of Assassins at any time and for any length of time.
c) Only the president is responsible for Commissioning Warrant Officers.
d) Officers may only be demoted by consensus of the three highest members of the caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps within each Sub-Sector.
e) Officers above rank 04 have the authority to demote any Non-Commissioned Officers and Officers below the rank of 03 may demote any Non-Commissioned Officer who is below the rank of E7 if in consensus with at least one other officer.
2. Only General and Admiral Rank Officers have the authority to give temporary Commissions as Tactical grade Officers (up to a maximum of two levels below their own rank) to Officers, enlisted and prospective members.
3. A permanent Commission as an Officer in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps may only be attained by a written letter of Commission from the President of the Corps.
4. Prospective Officers must have at least two letters of recommendation from Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps Officers (active or inactive) in order to be considered for a permanent commission in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
5. Any Tactical Grade Officer 04 and above may promote a Non-Commissioned Officer to the rank of 01 (2nd Lieutenant) for a probationary period (until it is confirmed by the president). This promotion will be subject to this Article, section V, and item #8.
6. Any Commissioned Officer of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps has the authority to raise an enlisted member to the rank of Non-Commissioned Officer. This promotion will be subject to this Article, section V, and item #8.
7. Any Commissioned Officer of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps has the authority to promote a Non-Commissioned Officer up to the rank of E8. This promotion will be subject to this Article, section V, and item #8.
8. All non-presidential enlistments and promotions are subject to Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps rank structure, open slots and current requirements.
9. Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps members are authorized to be awarded medals for various actions and activities in which they participate. These medals may only be awarded by Tactical level officers or above of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps. All requests for medals to be awarded will be written up by at least a Non-Commissioned Officer who is in charge of the member who is being considered for the award. The Officer in charge of the members unit will evaluate the request and pass it on to the Sub sector Commanding General for approval. Authorized medals include the following:
a) MSA. The Meritorious Service Award.
1) This award is earned every 4 years by all Caste of Assassins members who complete 4 years of service and are not written up for misconduct more than once per year served.
2) The member awarded this medal is eligible for a cash bonus of up to 1 years salary.
3) The cash bonus award is to be determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer.
b) HUF. The medal for Heroism Under Fire.
1) This award is given to Caste of Assassins members who risk their lives to save the lives or property of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps while being fired upon during a mission.
2) The member who is to awarded this medal must have demonstrated unselfish and fearless conduct by risking his life while protecting members of the Corps or Corps property during a firefight with opposing forces while on a mission.
3) The member awarded this medal is eligible for a cash bonus of up to 1 months pay and up to 1 months paid leave.
4) The cash bonus and leave award is to be determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer.
5) This medal may not be awarded more than twice for each action under fire.
c) WDC. The Wounded During Combat medal.
1) This medal is awarded to any Caste of Assassins Member who receives a wound (that is treated by a person with a minimum of medic skill 1) while under fire from opposing forces during a mission.
2) The award of the medal is to be determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer and Medic.
3) This award may only be earned once for each wound received and treated as per c) #1 during a contract.
4) The member receiving this medal is eligible for a cash bonus rated in various amounts based on the severity of the wound (s).
5) The minimum amount will be 10 CR. Up to a maximum of 50,000 CR. (For the loss of a limb, even if the limb is later regenerated) for the accumulation of all awards of this medal during one contract.
6) Cash bonuses will be awarded as determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer.
d) All awards may be received multiple times as circumstances dictate except where noted in each medals description.
e) Awards after the first will be represented by a Silver Star attached to the ribbon and every 5 awards of the same medal will be represented by a Gold Star.

Article 2. Contracts]/b]
All contracts for missions go to the highest bidder. When the Assassins negotiations teams have agreed to the terms of a contract, they will not renegotiate its contents. There will be in every contract; an option that provides for a third party to purchase our services at a higher price after the original contract has been signed. After a contract has been agreed to and signed; the Commanding Officer of the unit assigned to the operation/contract has the total authority of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps to accept or reject offers made by third parties.
I. If a third party makes a higher bid on a signed contract for our services; the original associate will be notified and be given a chance to outbid the third party for our services.
II. If the option to purchase our services by a third party is activated by the commanding officer assigned to the contract, all Assassins forces engaged in the original contract will either withdraw their forces or become neutral parties and await transport to their home base and all monies received from the original associate shall be returned within 24 hours of the units return to their home base. The original forces will not become hostile towards their original associates of the contract.
Code of Honor continued

III. No Caste of Assassins Mercenary force will knowingly engage in combat with another Caste of Assassins Mercenary force that has been hired by an opposing side. The Assassins unit which received the highest amount for their contract shall remain in the field while the opposing force of Assassins will either, join their forces, withdraw their forces and end their current contract or become neutral parties and await transport to their home base and further instructions. (and all monies received from the original associate shall be returned within 24 hours of the units return to their home base)
1. This decision shall be made by the agreement of the commanding officers of the troops involved in the operation.
2. Any contract made by parties knowingly attempting to hire the Caste of Assassins to fight for them against another Caste of Assassins force already hired by their opposition shall become null and void as soon as it is discovered by any member of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
3. The Caste of Assassins forces which are notified that they are engaging other Caste of Assassins forces will immediately follow the directions found in this article, section II (see above).
IV. As soon as a contract has been signed the Officer in Charge of the unit assigned to carry out the terms of the contract will issue orders to the personnel he requires.
1. The numbers, disposition and equipment of the opposing forces will be reviewed by the Officers and Non-commissioned officers in charge of the unit assigned and give their recommendations for a battle plan to the OIC (Officer In Charge) of the unit.
2. The personnel that will carry out the mission will be assembled at the nearest Caste of Assassins recruiting office or unit headquarters to the area of operation.
3. All personnel will draw whatever equipment and supplies they need to accomplish the mission.
4. The unit will proceed to the area of operations and accomplish their mission to the best of their abilities.

Article 3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Anytime a Caste of Assassins unit is in the field on assignment they shall remain in contact with a J-6 capable ship which shall be in system somewhere and which shall monitor their communications.
I. If during the course of battle our Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps forces withstand 25% casualties the commanding officer of the Corps contingent shall attempt to contact the opposing forces and request a 30 minute cease fire while he removes and cares for his casualties. If the opposing forces commander refuses to allow us to treat our casualties, our forces will continue fighting and attempt to reach our objectives to the best of our abilities.
II. If during the course of battle our forces sustain 50 % casualties the commanding officer of the Corps contingent shall attempt to contact the opposing forces commander and shall request a 1 hour cease fire while he removes and evacuates his casualties. If the opposing forces commander refuses, our forces will continue fighting and attempt to reach our objectives to the best of our abilities.
III. If during the course of battle our forces receive 75% casualties the commanding officer of the Corps contingent shall immediately assume a defensive posture and shall attempt to contact the opposing forces and request a total cessation of hostilities and call for an evacuation of all our forces from the area of operation. If the opposing forces commander refuses our request, the commanding officer of the Corps contingent shall relay his call for assistance and current combat status to the monitoring ship. The monitoring ship shall jump to the involved contingents headquarters, Sector or Sub sectors commanding generals headquarters or the nearest Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps recruiting office (whichever is closest to our besieged contingent) and relay the disposition of our forces. Our forces on the planet will then; to the best of our abilities; stand fast, defend ourselves and our fellow Assassins while we improvise, adapt, and fight to the last man.
IV. If during the continuing combat actions of the opposing forces our Corps contingent is overwhelmed and wiped out to the last man, each members surviving relative shall receive double the normal insurance money paid out upon death during combat operations.
V. When the highest ranking officer near our besieged contingent has been informed of the loss of our forces during the fulfillment of a contract, he shall form a new contingent (at the expense of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps) with two intents:
1. Recovering our personnel and equipment.
2. Punishing the opposing forces which showed no respect for, and gave no quarter to, our forces.
 He will then assign a senior officer to take charge of the new contingent (and may not take charge of this contingent himself. Sorry sir, you’re much too valuable for such a risky assignment).
 The commander of the new contingent will gather his senior Officers and Non-commissioned Officers to review what is known about the opposing forces.
a) The numbers, disposition and equipment of the opposing forces will be reviewed by the Officers and Non-commissioned officers in charge of the new contingent and give their recommendations for a battle plan to the OIC (Officer In Charge).
b) The OIC will then chose and equip a contingent of at least double and at most ten times the size of the opposing forces, complete with combat support, equipment and supplies for them to take to the field for an extended period of time.
c) The new contingent shall proceed to the last known location where our forces were situated and engage the enemy in combat with extreme prejudice.
d) The new contingent shall follow the guidelines of this article, sections I-V while in combat.
e) If this contingent also falls in the line of duty, we shall continue our operations in the same way and keep repeating the process until we are successful or until the last Assassin falls.
f) At the conclusion of our recovery operations we shall bury our dead with honor and begin recruiting and training our next generation of Assassins.
g) All equipment and personnel captured during our recovery operations shall be dealt with according to that guidelines set forth in Article 4, sections II through V.

Article 4. Ransom of Caste of Assassin Personnel
The Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps REFUSES to pay ransom for any member of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps captured, abducted or detained by hostile forces. Any Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps member captured or detained by hostile forces will be sought after by the rest of the Corps until they are found and returned (Dead or Alive) to the nearest Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps recruiting office for disposition.
I. As soon as a Caste of Assassins member finds out that another member has been captured or detained he will inform the nearest Officer of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
1. The Officer informed that a Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps member has been captured or detained shall inform the nearest recruiting office.
2. The Officer shall then attempt to contact the commander of the opposing forces and arrange the release and repatriation of the Caste of Assassins member.
II. If the commander of the hostile forces refuses to repatriate the member captured, the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps will mount an armed expedition at their own expense, and will conduct Combat Operations with extreme prejudice upon them until the member is returned (alive) or the member’s remains are recovered according to Article 2.
1. The officer informed by the hostile forces that the will not immediately release the detained member of the Caste of Assassins shall follow the guidelines laid out in Article 4; section V through Article 5 section V for the recovery of our member.
2. The member’s remains will then be interred with those of his fellow Assassins who have fallen in battle with full military honors unless the member has prearranged details for the disposition of his remains upon his demise.
Code of Honor continued

III. If any Caste of Assassins member is killed in the course of the operation to repatriate a captured, abducted or detained member; all opposing forces (that are left alive after our operations) who held the member hostage will be held accountable for their actions. The senior commander, officer or person who gave the orders shall be shot and the rest of the forces will be dealt with as follows:
1. They will face a court of inquiry within 48 hours of the conclusion of hostilities, composed of 6-12 members (as determined by the OIC) of the unit that the missing member was last assigned to.
2. The court of inquiry will determine the fate of each member of the opposing force involved in the captured, abduction or detention of the Caste of Assassins member.
3. The fate of opposing force members shall be either:
a) A fine of up to one years pay. If the opposing force member is unable to pay or trade equipment equal in value to one years pay; he will be forced into option b) 2.
b) Forced induction into the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps for a period of no less than 1 year from the date of the inquiry to no more than 5 years.
1) The years of service may be served out as the new member chooses as follows:
2) One year of service with no pay (room, board, equipment (weapons and armor) and supplies (bullets, beans and band-aids) will be provided without charge but anything left over at the end of the year must be returned). Promotions, liberty and awards may be earned per guidelines as stated in this Article section 6 and Article 9 below.
3) Two years service at half pay and all room, board, equipment (weapons and armor) and supplies (bullets, beans and band-aids) will be provided without charge and anything left over at the end of each year must be returned.
4) Three years of service at 2/3 pay per year and all room, board, equipment (weapons and armor) and supplies (bullets, beans and band-aids) will be provided without charge and anything left over at the end of each year must be returned.
5) Four years of service at ¾ pay per year and all room, board, equipment (weapons and armor) and supplies (bullets, beans and band-aids) will be provided without charge. Anything left over at the end of each year will become the property of the new member who may chose to reenlist at that time.
6) Five years at full pay per year and all room, board, equipment (weapons and armor) and supplies (bullets, beans and band-aids) will be provided without charge. Anything left over at the end of each year will become the property of the new member who may chose to reenlist at that time.
 All personnel enlisted into the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps are subject to all of our rules, duties, Articles of Operation, Honor and codes of conduct.
 All personnel enlisted into the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps have the same opportunities for rank advancement, promotions, awards for outstanding service and liberty as every other member as found in these Articles.
c) Marooning on an unpopulated island with one weeks worth of rations, drinking water and a pistol with one bullet.
d) A combination of any or all above penalties.
e) Immediate Death by firing squad.
4. The courts decisions may be appealed to the officer who commanded the unit from which the detained member was last assigned. The officer may then go along with the court’s recommendation or with the units senior Non Commissioned Officers concurrence, chose one from the list.
5. The member’s remains will then be interred with those of his fellow Assassins with full military honors unless the member has prearranged details for the disposition of his remains upon his demise.
IV. All items of worth owned or used by all opposing forces (publicly or privately held including dwellings, businesses, spacecraft, stocks, bonds or any other items of real value) which captures, abducts, detains or harms any member of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps shall be forfeit and claimed by the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
V. All items so confiscated shall be appraised by Caste of Assassins negotiators and disposed of by them according to their worth and value to the Corps.

Article 5. Code of Conduct (CoC)
I. Each member of the Caste of Assassins will conduct themselves in such a manner as to reflect only the highest standards of integrity, frankness and responsibility. He will act in a truthful and honest manner in all his dealings according to the role he is required to play within the organization.
II. Because of the special position of trust each member of the Caste of Assassins receives upon joining, certain obligations also are contained in each employee's contract agreement to protect from unauthorized disclosure of information that is classified, information concerning intelligence sources or methods, and other sensitive information the disclosure of which may adversely affect the Caste of Assassins or Intergalactic security equities.
III. Caste of Assassin members never surrender of their own free will. If in command, they will never surrender the members of their command while they still have the means to resist. Members of Cast of Assassins Mercenary Corps may never surrender voluntarily. Even when isolated and no longer able to inflict casualties on the enemy or otherwise defend themselves, it is their duty to evade capture and rejoin the nearest friendly force.
a. All members of the Cast of Assassins Mercenary Corps who are captured by opposing forces are only required to tell the enemy his name, rank, date of birth and UPP number for the first 24 hours while in captivity (ZULU Time) while under duress, torture, and excepting in the case of the use of psionics or mind altering drugs (as outlined below), hardship.
b. The misfortune of capture does not lessen the duty of a member of the Caste of Assassins to continue resisting enemy exploitation by all means available. The POW must be prepared for this fact. If a member is captured he will continue to resist by all means available. He will make every effort to escape and to aid others to escape. He will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy. If a member becomes a prisoner of war, he will keep faith with his fellow prisoners. He will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to his comrades. If he is senior, he will take command. If not, he will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over him and will back them up in every way. Officers and noncommissioned officers shall continue to carry out their responsibilities and exercise their authority while in captivity.
c. After the first 24 hours of captivity other information may be given but no member of the Caste of Assassins shall give the enemy information regarding his unit’s numbers, strengths, weaknesses, disposition or location for as long as he is in captivity, to the best of his abilities to resist.
d. All members of the Caste of Assassins remain responsible for personal actions at all times. When repatriated, POWs can expect their actions to be subject to review, both as to circumstances of capture and as to conduct during detention. The purpose of such review is to recognize meritorious performance and, if necessary, investigate any allegations of misconduct.
e. When a member is placed under the influence of psionics or mind altering drugs against his will, nothing the member of the Caste of Assassins says or does can be held against him by any other member of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
IV. These codes apply to all Service members at all times. A member of the Caste of Assassins has a duty to support COAMC interests and oppose Caste of Assassins enemies regardless of the circumstances, whether located in a combat environment or in captivity.
V. All members of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Crops are subject to all articles of the UCMJ.
VI. No member of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps will be left behind or in captivity after it has been learned of by another member of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps any longer than it is physically possible to repatriate them (See Article 5, sections I through IV).
VII. Once an employee has terminated his or her service, that person is not entitled to be treated any differently, than other individuals conducting business with the Caste of Assassins.
Code of Honor continued

Article 6. Our Motto “Friend or Not, No Merc Gets Left Behind”
No one who has become a member of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corp shall be left behind (see our motto above). When our forces leave an area of operation after the conclusion of a mission or conflict, all members (even if all that can be found is enough genetic material to be picked up in an eye dropper) shall be brought back to the nearest Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps recruiting office for disposition.

Article 7. Permission to Return Fire
I. At all times and in all circumstances each Caste of Assassin Mercenary Corps Member is free to immediately return fire when fired upon without requesting permission from any higher authority. This includes being fired upon by any force (legally constituted or otherwise) regardless of affiliation with the Cast of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
II. The only exception to this rule is when the hostilities have been provoked by a member or members of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps by firing their weapons first. In such a case the member or members will be subject to the local laws and powers that be (which are left alive) after the hostilities have ended.
III. If the members of the Corps have not used firearms before they are fired upon, they may then return fire with all diligence and prejudice in order to protect their lives and the lives of any Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps members or property.

Article 8. Caste of Assassins Leadership Responsibilities
The Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps is a Benevolent Dictatorship; not a Democracy.
I. The individual members of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps do not get a voice, vote or say in the choosing of missions, daily operations of the Corps, selection of potential members or procurement of equipment unless they are assigned to that position by someone of a higher rank within the Corps, except as outlined elsewhere within these Articles.
II. All Officers in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps have the full trust and confidence of the president of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps and retain their Commissions by his grace.
1. If at any time the president of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps dies, the next highest ranking member will assume the office of president.
2. If that person (and or any subsequent leader) dies the office will continue down through the ranks of the Commissioned Officers of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
3. Whoever takes on the office of president of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps will have no power to revoke an Officers Commission made by a former president.
III. All Commissioned Officers in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps have the authority to negotiate contracts for the Corps and are responsible for all units and equipment assigned to them.
IV. While on assignment, the OIC of the mission has the power to make all decisions concerning his personnel, equipment and supply requisitions, and the contract he has been assigned to fill.
V. The commanding officer at each Sector or Sub Sector Generals Headquarters, Contingent Headquarters, or Recruiting Office has the full Authority of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps to:
1. Accept or reject contracts.
2. Hire or fire members.
3. Hold boards of inquiry or bring charges against members.
4. Order and requisition equipment and supplies for operations, personnel and missions conducted within their spheres of influence.
VI. The commanding officer at each Sector or Sub Sector Generals Headquarters, Contingent Headquarters, or Recruiting Office has the full authority in the use of, and responsibility to the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps for, all equipment (including but not limited to personnel and combat equipment) issued or assigned to them.
Code of Honor continued

Article 9. Caste of Assassins Member Responsibilities
All members of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps are considered to be on duty at all times unless they are officially on liberty.
I. All members are considered to be on duty when:
1. On duty for maintenance purposes (whether on an 8 to 12 hour shift or off shift; including a minimum 4 hour rest period).
2. On duty for security purposes (whether on an 8 to 12 hour shift or off shift; including a minimum 4 hour rest period).
3. On duty for recruiting purposes (whether on or off an 8 to 12 hour shift).
4. On duty for training (24 hour shifts including a minimum 4 hour rest period).
5. On assignment for a mission (24 hour shifts including a minimum 4 hour rest period).
6. On sick call or recuperating from illnesses or injuries while in a hospital or at home.
II. All members on liberty are subject to being immediately recalled and being placed on duty for assignment at anytime as determined by the highest ranking officer or non-commissioned officer near where they are taking their liberty.
III. Liberty for all members of the Cast of Assassins shall be earned at the rate of 2 ½ days (60 hours) per 30 days (720 hours) of time on duty per calendar year.
1. Liberty may only be accrued for a period of 3 years (90 days (2,160 hours) accrued liberty maximum). All liberty accrued after the 90 day maximum shall be forfeit (Use it or Lose it; you really need to take time off from work) unless the member receives written permission from the CAMC President.
2. Liberty may only be taken after the Member of the caste of Assassins has been on duty 180 days (4,320 hours) after he was first recruited.
3. Liberty may be taken in no less than half day increments (12 hour time periods) at a time.
4. Liberty may not be taken for more than 60 consecutive days (1,440 hours) at one time without consent of the Officer in Charge of the nearest Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps recruiting office. The only exception to this rule is when a member is at home recuperating from grievous injuries and is authorized by a Doctor of the CAMC. In such a case the member will stay home as long as the doctor tells them to.
5. All members of the Caste of Assassins on liberty will carry a copy of their request and approval for liberty with them at all times or will be subject to immediate recall to their Duty Station.
6. All members on Liberty are required to leave a forwarding address and an active communicator frequency, cell phone number or message service number where the individual may be contacted and the individual checks every 24 hour time period (so that no new emergency message to the member may be older than 36 hours from the time it is first sent to the time a member will receive it).
7. If a member fails to receive an emergency message within 36 hours of it being sent to him due to negligence on his part he will be placed on report and will be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including termination.
8. While on Liberty all members of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Crops are required to carry an Imperial Weapons permit which is issued to each member at the time they go on liberty. This permit allows Caste of Assassins members to carry any non-energy weapon anywhere that Imperial authority is recognized while on Liberty. This permit must be surrendered to the unit commander upon the conclusion of the members Liberty.

Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps Personnel Ranking
President of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps. Commander In Chief.
Vice President of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps. Commander of Operations.
Secretary of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps. Chief Financial and Judicial Officer.

Commissioned Officer Ranks (Naval Grade)
Admiral. Admiral of the Naval forces of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
05- Captain, Commander of a Wing (80 Craft)
04- Commander (Commander of a Group, 40 Craft)
03- Lieutenant Commander, (Commander of a Squadron, 20 Craft)
02- Lieutenant, (Commander of a Flight, 5 Craft)
01- Lieutenant Junior Grade, Executive Officer, Commander of a Flight

Commissioned Officer Ranks (Tactical Grade)
General. General of all armed forces of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
05-Colonel , Commander of a Brigade of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps
04-Leutienant Colonel, Commander of a Battalion
03-Major, Executive Officer (Battalion, Brigade)
02-Captain, Commander of a Company
01-1st Lieutenant Commander of a Platoon
Warrant Commissioned Officer Ranks (Specialists who Directly Represent the President)
W5-Chief Warrant Officer, Commander of Intelligence, Tactical Air Wing, Maintenance & Logistics.
W4-Chief Warrant Officer , Executive Commander under a W5. (Negotiations team leader)
W3-Chief Warrant Officer, Assistant Commander under a W4.
W2-Chief Warrant Officer, Intelligence Officer, Supply Officer (and other Jobs as assigned) at Battalion level.
W1-Warrant Officer, Assistant Intelligence Officer, Assistant Supply Officer (and other Jobs as assigned) at Battalion Level..

Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
E9-Sergeant Major of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps
E8-Master Sergeant, (Assigned to administrative and tactical leadership duties throughout the Corps from Company level to Sector Headquarters level)
E7-Gunnery Sergeant, (Assigned to tactical leadership and administrative duties from platoon level to Sector Headquarters level)
E6-Staff Sergeant, Leader of a Section or Squad at platoon level.
E5-Sergeant, Medic or Leader of a squad or Fire Team at platoon level
E-4 Corporal, Medic or Leader of a Fire Team

Enlisted Ranks
E3-Lance Corporal, Leader of a fire team, medic or Heavy weapons specialist.
E2-Private First Class, Fire Team member and or vehicle operator.
E1-Recruit Private, Fire Team member or Ammo Carrier.
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