Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps © 1980 CE. (Terra)
President Rekib Hsart Commanding:
Articles of Operation, Honor and Code of Conduct
Our Motto: “Friend or Foe, No Merc Gets Left Behind”
Article 1. Enlistment
All persons (regardless of race, creed, color, planet of origination or gender) will be considered for membership in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps according to individual abilities and our current and projected needs. The term “He” used in these articles is completely interchangeable as “He or She”.
I. All persons desiring membership/enlistment in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps must either send a resume’ to the nearest recruiting office or present themselves in person at a recruiting office or unit headquarters for screening.
II. All persons with a former military background will be placed on a priority list for evaluation.
III. All prospective (former military) Officer Grade members are subject to being reduced in rank from their highest rank achieved in the military (to no lower than Non-Commissioned Officer) while on a probationary period with the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
IV. All prospective (former military) enlisted personnel are subject to being reduced in rank from the highest rank achieved in the military while on a probationary period with the Corps.
V. All officers within the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps have the authority to enlist members into the Assassins immediately on a probationary basis.
1. Only the President, Vice President and Secretary have the authority to promote members to the rank of General 5 or Admiral 4, permanently and Sub-Sector Generals have the authority to promote Non-Commissioned Officer members to the rank of E9.
a) The president may also promote or demote permanently any members of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps at any time and for any reason.
b) The president may enlist and commission permanently any prospective member immediately into the caste of Assassins at any time and for any length of time.
c) Only the president is responsible for Commissioning Warrant Officers.
d) Officers may only be demoted by consensus of the three highest members of the caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps within each Sub-Sector.
e) Officers above rank 04 have the authority to demote any Non-Commissioned Officers and Officers below the rank of 03 may demote any Non-Commissioned Officer who is below the rank of E7 if in consensus with at least one other officer.
2. Only General and Admiral Rank Officers have the authority to give temporary Commissions as Tactical grade Officers (up to a maximum of two levels below their own rank) to Officers, enlisted and prospective members.
3. A permanent Commission as an Officer in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps may only be attained by a written letter of Commission from the President of the Corps.
4. Prospective Officers must have at least two letters of recommendation from Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps Officers (active or inactive) in order to be considered for a permanent commission in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
5. Any Tactical Grade Officer 04 and above may promote a Non-Commissioned Officer to the rank of 01 (2nd Lieutenant) for a probationary period (until it is confirmed by the president). This promotion will be subject to this Article, section V, and item #8.
6. Any Commissioned Officer of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps has the authority to raise an enlisted member to the rank of Non-Commissioned Officer. This promotion will be subject to this Article, section V, and item #8.
7. Any Commissioned Officer of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps has the authority to promote a Non-Commissioned Officer up to the rank of E8. This promotion will be subject to this Article, section V, and item #8.
8. All non-presidential enlistments and promotions are subject to Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps rank structure, open slots and current requirements.
9. Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps members are authorized to be awarded medals for various actions and activities in which they participate. These medals may only be awarded by Tactical level officers or above of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps. All requests for medals to be awarded will be written up by at least a Non-Commissioned Officer who is in charge of the member who is being considered for the award. The Officer in charge of the members unit will evaluate the request and pass it on to the Sub sector Commanding General for approval. Authorized medals include the following:
a) MSA. The Meritorious Service Award.
1) This award is earned every 4 years by all Caste of Assassins members who complete 4 years of service and are not written up for misconduct more than once per year served.
2) The member awarded this medal is eligible for a cash bonus of up to 1 years salary.
3) The cash bonus award is to be determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer.
b) HUF. The medal for Heroism Under Fire.
1) This award is given to Caste of Assassins members who risk their lives to save the lives or property of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps while being fired upon during a mission.
2) The member who is to awarded this medal must have demonstrated unselfish and fearless conduct by risking his life while protecting members of the Corps or Corps property during a firefight with opposing forces while on a mission.
3) The member awarded this medal is eligible for a cash bonus of up to 1 months pay and up to 1 months paid leave.
4) The cash bonus and leave award is to be determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer.
5) This medal may not be awarded more than twice for each action under fire.
c) WDC. The Wounded During Combat medal.
1) This medal is awarded to any Caste of Assassins Member who receives a wound (that is treated by a person with a minimum of medic skill 1) while under fire from opposing forces during a mission.
2) The award of the medal is to be determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer and Medic.
3) This award may only be earned once for each wound received and treated as per c) #1 during a contract.
4) The member receiving this medal is eligible for a cash bonus rated in various amounts based on the severity of the wound (s).
5) The minimum amount will be 10 CR. Up to a maximum of 50,000 CR. (For the loss of a limb, even if the limb is later regenerated) for the accumulation of all awards of this medal during one contract.
6) Cash bonuses will be awarded as determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer.
d) All awards may be received multiple times as circumstances dictate except where noted in each medals description.
e) Awards after the first will be represented by a Silver Star attached to the ribbon and every 5 awards of the same medal will be represented by a Gold Star.
Article 2. Contracts]/b]
All contracts for missions go to the highest bidder. When the Assassins negotiations teams have agreed to the terms of a contract, they will not renegotiate its contents. There will be in every contract; an option that provides for a third party to purchase our services at a higher price after the original contract has been signed. After a contract has been agreed to and signed; the Commanding Officer of the unit assigned to the operation/contract has the total authority of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps to accept or reject offers made by third parties.
I. If a third party makes a higher bid on a signed contract for our services; the original associate will be notified and be given a chance to outbid the third party for our services.
II. If the option to purchase our services by a third party is activated by the commanding officer assigned to the contract, all Assassins forces engaged in the original contract will either withdraw their forces or become neutral parties and await transport to their home base and all monies received from the original associate shall be returned within 24 hours of the units return to their home base. The original forces will not become hostile towards their original associates of the contract.
President Rekib Hsart Commanding:
Articles of Operation, Honor and Code of Conduct
Our Motto: “Friend or Foe, No Merc Gets Left Behind”
Article 1. Enlistment
All persons (regardless of race, creed, color, planet of origination or gender) will be considered for membership in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps according to individual abilities and our current and projected needs. The term “He” used in these articles is completely interchangeable as “He or She”.
I. All persons desiring membership/enlistment in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps must either send a resume’ to the nearest recruiting office or present themselves in person at a recruiting office or unit headquarters for screening.
II. All persons with a former military background will be placed on a priority list for evaluation.
III. All prospective (former military) Officer Grade members are subject to being reduced in rank from their highest rank achieved in the military (to no lower than Non-Commissioned Officer) while on a probationary period with the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
IV. All prospective (former military) enlisted personnel are subject to being reduced in rank from the highest rank achieved in the military while on a probationary period with the Corps.
V. All officers within the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps have the authority to enlist members into the Assassins immediately on a probationary basis.
1. Only the President, Vice President and Secretary have the authority to promote members to the rank of General 5 or Admiral 4, permanently and Sub-Sector Generals have the authority to promote Non-Commissioned Officer members to the rank of E9.
a) The president may also promote or demote permanently any members of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps at any time and for any reason.
b) The president may enlist and commission permanently any prospective member immediately into the caste of Assassins at any time and for any length of time.
c) Only the president is responsible for Commissioning Warrant Officers.
d) Officers may only be demoted by consensus of the three highest members of the caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps within each Sub-Sector.
e) Officers above rank 04 have the authority to demote any Non-Commissioned Officers and Officers below the rank of 03 may demote any Non-Commissioned Officer who is below the rank of E7 if in consensus with at least one other officer.
2. Only General and Admiral Rank Officers have the authority to give temporary Commissions as Tactical grade Officers (up to a maximum of two levels below their own rank) to Officers, enlisted and prospective members.
3. A permanent Commission as an Officer in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps may only be attained by a written letter of Commission from the President of the Corps.
4. Prospective Officers must have at least two letters of recommendation from Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps Officers (active or inactive) in order to be considered for a permanent commission in the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps.
5. Any Tactical Grade Officer 04 and above may promote a Non-Commissioned Officer to the rank of 01 (2nd Lieutenant) for a probationary period (until it is confirmed by the president). This promotion will be subject to this Article, section V, and item #8.
6. Any Commissioned Officer of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps has the authority to raise an enlisted member to the rank of Non-Commissioned Officer. This promotion will be subject to this Article, section V, and item #8.
7. Any Commissioned Officer of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps has the authority to promote a Non-Commissioned Officer up to the rank of E8. This promotion will be subject to this Article, section V, and item #8.
8. All non-presidential enlistments and promotions are subject to Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps rank structure, open slots and current requirements.
9. Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps members are authorized to be awarded medals for various actions and activities in which they participate. These medals may only be awarded by Tactical level officers or above of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps. All requests for medals to be awarded will be written up by at least a Non-Commissioned Officer who is in charge of the member who is being considered for the award. The Officer in charge of the members unit will evaluate the request and pass it on to the Sub sector Commanding General for approval. Authorized medals include the following:
a) MSA. The Meritorious Service Award.
1) This award is earned every 4 years by all Caste of Assassins members who complete 4 years of service and are not written up for misconduct more than once per year served.
2) The member awarded this medal is eligible for a cash bonus of up to 1 years salary.
3) The cash bonus award is to be determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer.
b) HUF. The medal for Heroism Under Fire.
1) This award is given to Caste of Assassins members who risk their lives to save the lives or property of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps while being fired upon during a mission.
2) The member who is to awarded this medal must have demonstrated unselfish and fearless conduct by risking his life while protecting members of the Corps or Corps property during a firefight with opposing forces while on a mission.
3) The member awarded this medal is eligible for a cash bonus of up to 1 months pay and up to 1 months paid leave.
4) The cash bonus and leave award is to be determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer.
5) This medal may not be awarded more than twice for each action under fire.
c) WDC. The Wounded During Combat medal.
1) This medal is awarded to any Caste of Assassins Member who receives a wound (that is treated by a person with a minimum of medic skill 1) while under fire from opposing forces during a mission.
2) The award of the medal is to be determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer and Medic.
3) This award may only be earned once for each wound received and treated as per c) #1 during a contract.
4) The member receiving this medal is eligible for a cash bonus rated in various amounts based on the severity of the wound (s).
5) The minimum amount will be 10 CR. Up to a maximum of 50,000 CR. (For the loss of a limb, even if the limb is later regenerated) for the accumulation of all awards of this medal during one contract.
6) Cash bonuses will be awarded as determined by the member’s unit commander and senior Non-Commissioned Officer.
d) All awards may be received multiple times as circumstances dictate except where noted in each medals description.
e) Awards after the first will be represented by a Silver Star attached to the ribbon and every 5 awards of the same medal will be represented by a Gold Star.
Article 2. Contracts]/b]
All contracts for missions go to the highest bidder. When the Assassins negotiations teams have agreed to the terms of a contract, they will not renegotiate its contents. There will be in every contract; an option that provides for a third party to purchase our services at a higher price after the original contract has been signed. After a contract has been agreed to and signed; the Commanding Officer of the unit assigned to the operation/contract has the total authority of the Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps to accept or reject offers made by third parties.
I. If a third party makes a higher bid on a signed contract for our services; the original associate will be notified and be given a chance to outbid the third party for our services.
II. If the option to purchase our services by a third party is activated by the commanding officer assigned to the contract, all Assassins forces engaged in the original contract will either withdraw their forces or become neutral parties and await transport to their home base and all monies received from the original associate shall be returned within 24 hours of the units return to their home base. The original forces will not become hostile towards their original associates of the contract.