• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Chartered Engineer Pavel Korvinovich Atalykov

OK, we've shelved our 10 year old Megatraveller campaign (as we do every once in a while when we need a break), and we're launching into a T20 game set in the GURPS Interstellar Wars 2170 environment (post-3rd Interstellar War era). All of the players are Terran Confederation, at a time when my character's grandfather remembers the announcement of First Contact with the Vilani at Barnard/Sol, and his father remembers the Vilani nuking of Kirov before deploying with his medical unit to support the occupation forces on Nusku.

(Note: our games are fairly cinematic, so our rolling convention for abilities is 9 rolls of 4d6, rerolling 1s and dropping the lowest dice, then dropping the lowest result. You'll see the results below.)

Anyway, using the new TGB I wanted to create an ex-military engineer now working as a survey engineer in the private sector. So here's what I ended up with:

Pavel 'Pasha' Korvinovich Atalykov - 11th level character
4th Level Engineer (O4), 3rd Level Marine (O3), 2nd Level Martial Artist, 1st Level Academic, 1st Level Professional. 49 years old, 8 terms (University, Naval Academy, 2x Marine, 4x Engineer), Solomani male

Abilities: STR 14 (+2), DEX 16 (+3), END 14 (+2), INT 21 (+5!), EDU 15 (+2), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 15 (+2), SOC 14 (+2)

Skills: 145 sp.... I won't list them all.

Feats: AP (Light, Medium, Vac Suit), Brawling, Combat Specialization (Blade), Crewmember, Dodge, Enhanced Striking, EVA, Gearhead, Geological Survey, Hostile Environment Engineer, Hostile Environment Operations, Improved Unarmed Strike, Legal Eagle, Martial Training, Nerves of Steel, Professional Specialty (T/Sensors), Research, Skill Focus (K/Geology), Toughness, Vessel (Grav), Weapon Focus (Blade), WP (Combat Rifleman, Marksman, Swordsman), Weapon Specialization (Blade), Zero-G/Low-G Adaptation, Zero-G Combat.

Stamina: 83
Lifeblood: 15
BAB: +5
Experience: 56,000
Credits: 415 KCr
Possessions: Confederation Marine Officer's Issue Combat Blade (personalized), Grav Bike, Terran Confederation Engineering Charter

Pasha graduated from the St. Petersburg State University with an Honours degree in Geology. One of his professors, Professor-Colonel Ulanov, encouraged him to apply to the Confederation Naval Academy on Luna. Although there was a typical military tradition in the Antalykov family, his father had been a dentist and his mother a pediatrician. Nevertheless, Pasha did apply. He was surprised to be selected, more surprised to graduate, and shocked and grateful to be assigned to the Confed Marines as an engineer. He completed eight years of duty, first on internal security duty with the Russian-language Khozyanov Naval Infantry Regiment based at Nusku Highport, and then on counterisurgency duty with the Confed Marine Engineer Regiment in the Sol system. Two significant events occurred in his second tour. First, he was awarded the Confederation Order of Merit for his leadership of an open space assault on a highjacked and boobytrapped freighter at Olympia Highport, Mars. Second, Pasha became a dedicated student of budo, the Japanese martial arts.

Force Commander Atalykov retired from the Confederation Marines at the age of 33. He accepted a position with Smutny Associates, a private Terran survey engineering and exploration firm. Over the next 16 years, he worked on a wide variety of prospecting projects in the Outback for some of the largest private development and mining concerns and offworld exploration surveys for the Confederation itself and several nation-states, including Russia. Along the way, he amassed a small fortune. His classified work for the Confederation in the Rim Main earned him a coveted professional charter from the Confederation.

49 years old genius, decorated ex-Marine combat engineer, expert with a blade, and chartered by the Confed as a survey engineer. Pasha is one tough guy.

Paul Nemeth
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