Personal Damage System - unecessarily detailed and clunky, difficult to apply and attribute to other forms of trauma - dont know of a solution except to scrap it in favor of another that uses the same damage values etc.
I agree the personal damage system is flawled. BY assigning maximum damage per area, it avoids being seriously damaged by a hit (to give an example) in an arm. If you're hit by a plasma gun (DP 4 as tapered explosión), you still only risk a light wound, while the most likely result would be an amputed arm.
Starship Construction (Star Cruiser) A math jungle and tough to just throw together a new ship on the fly - again, I dont know how to simplify whats there except to perhaps design a number of shells that can be tweaked a bit, detailed rules aside.
Don't know it enough, but I guess I'll like it, as I like this kind of design systems (hey, I liked MT's
Vehicle and Ship Damage - overly simpified to my mind, no color at all. Im thinking some extended damage tables with the main damage effect of course but also including some colorful details like hull breaches, life support failures, intemittent power fluxuations, temporary weapon failures, control problems, etc.
Agree with shaunhilburn here.
Way too many problems to list here. I just correct them with a long list of house rules and tweaks.
Planet generation sucks (I use the planet type nomenclature and discard the rest)
I disagree here. I like the system generation, and is the only one I know about that doesn't use the Bode-Titus law. I guess that's moe a matter of personal preference (after all, we have in RL only one system to take as reference, and that's not a stadistically significant number
That does not mean it has no flaws. E.g.: you cannot end with a garden GG satellite, while Aurora is just so in canon. In fact, many canon planets are not posible with that sysem (no mention to tidaly locked worlds, while there are some in Colonial Atlas, no mention to left/right aminoacids, while is one of the major features in CA...)
Aircraft skill and Ground Vehicle skills are too vague (I cascade them like T:2K)
Sea Military characters get no development points for Swim skill
Hovercraft skill too widely available
That's setting dependent. If hovercraft is assumed to be as usual as today are 4x4 cars, I see no reason for it not to be available.
A game featuring combat walkers without combat walker skill
Again agreed. BTW, are combat walkers used as armor or as vehicles in combat? (see that if used as vehicles, a hit by a plasma gun is easier to kill you if in a Combat Walker tan if unarmored, as most hits in personal combat cannot kill you, except for shock points).
30-second combat turn allows two actions? Seriously? (use 10 second rounds)
As any game, it has to put the limits somewhere, but I agree turns are too long to represent tactical combat.
Grossly overpowered laser weapons (I mentioned this previously)
As you say, already discussed on another thread
But it doesn't base wounding on stats like classic Traveller. It's a more realistic wounding system based on hit location and body mass. I like it.
In fact, characteristics are (IMHO) underplayed. The use of body mass for shock points makes an obese character more resistent that a thin one, and endurance has no influence on it...
My crithicisms (aside from those commented above):
Rules dependent:
Size too important in charGen (strength dependent on size, instead of being an independent stat, as in T2K 1
st edition, and shock points dependent on size too, as specified above).
No skill for interface piloting (it's assumed that is aircraft, but I guess they are different tings, not having ever piloted an aircraft nor an interface vehicle).
No Rank in chargen, nor possibility to have more/less money (or other benefits), being exclusively year dependent.
Use of a single die in task resolution, giving no gauss bell results.
Setting dependent:
Impossibility (or near so) for the players to own a ship. This is one of the most argeable, as the setting represents a ship scarce universo, and I guess many players like as it is.
No trading system (related to impossibility to own a ship, I guess).
Too militry/exploration oriented (related to those above, and an inheritance of T2K, I guess).