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Classic Edition Charactor Generator


With the accusation of the FFE reprints, I know several people have discussed seeing a classic traveler Generator that included Bk 4 and Bk 5.

I am planning to go on to include Bk 6, “Scouts”, Bk7 “Merchant Prince”, and Sup 4 “Citizens Of the Imperium.” This would give all Classes representation.

I am NOT working on a Spread sheet, I expect to use visual basic with access databases, but may use Clarion, or an outer Database language.

I would like to know common variations to account for. (There will be a variant that failed survival rolls result in injury, not death. Probably terminating service at that point, or maybe a T20 table with various injury results.) All variants would be set on a separate page with clear statements that these characters are using variant rules that the Game Master must approve, and the same statement listing all variants used on the printout.

What I have in mind is an interface using the same black and red motif as classic Traveller, and if you use one of the extra books, switching to the color used on the cover to clearly show which system you are in. There will be a switch set after enlistment or draft to send you to the Bk 1 system, or the alternate at that point.

I want to spell out what each roll is and what your choices are for each roll that can be taken from more than one table.

It will be freeware, (maybe postcard ware, where I ask that you drop me a line with comments and suggestions.)

As I get near to finalizing and have a product I m ready to present I will get FFEs clearance and feedback.

I have written custom software in the past for businesses, but am a bit rusty, so I am going to do this low keyed to get back into the game.

Any suggestions would be welcome, and as I get it into testing, anyone that wants to play with it and tell me what is wrong would be welcome.

From past experience and knowing this is a spare time kind of project, expect probably 3-5 months for something finished enough to share, and another few months at least to finish.

Much respect to the many fine people who have gone before me. I hope to produce something worthy to stand in the crowd of excellent aids spread across this board. If successful, and enough people like the end result, I might tackle other bits too.

Tell me what you would like to see in a classic character generator. My intention is that the mechanics will be as absolutely faithful to the books as I can make them, but describing throws and rolls and die mods is too dry, so I will try to write prompts and instructions in English, as if describing events in someone’s life.

If I can make what is inside my head work, it will flow almost like a story, as you make choices. If you like that idea, or you would rather see plain instruction such as roll on this table or that table, let me know.


Peace all.

Jim Roker
May I recommend you experience the existing software (Travgen, CTUtility, etc.) to see what's been done before and perhaps what's lacking in those programs? You might find ways of improving these attempts, or it may give you a perspective you haven't considered. Bon chance.
The most compleat Classic CG that is widely circulated, I am aware of is Stephen Koo's CTutility. It includes Mercenary, but not the later books.

I have chosen CT for my first project, becuase it is not as complex as the T20 system. No changing services, and fewer options.

Frankly, Changing services, and multi-classing I don't feel comfortable that I have the system right just following it yet. Only a couple of charactors generated in T20, first one in play.

I would like to tackle a simpler project since I have not programmed in a while, and on this very board a few months ago, there was a long thread complaining about the existing Classic charactor generators.

To me, if people are unhappy with what exists, and I am intending a freeware release, that is probably a good place to brush of my programming skills, and get something out that people are willing to give me feedback on.

Once I am back in the game, I can look at a more challaging project, (again, if you like the t20 charactor rules or even if you don't, you have to admit they are more complex than the classic rules are.

I have never more than glaced at the Mega rulels. I was aware of TNE vaugely, that is to say I knew they existed. Other versions I did not even know about until a year or so ago.

I know many professional programmers pretend you don't really need to understand the process you are programming. That is why three quarters of commercial software should never have seen the light of day.

So, IF anyone is interested, I want to start with a progect I at least know how to do by hand.

Relearning to program takes effort, and trying to learn a new process while programming it is hard enough. trying to learn a new process, as you are programming it, and relearning to program is a good way to end up with something so ugly no one wants it.
Travgen does the lot (it's actually MT, but MT is almost identical to CT).

If you want to write one, go ahead. None of the existing programs are perfect.
Well I can offer mods that I have used or considered.
(1) Consider that less than "averagely" endowed characters stay home where it is relativly safe. Above average characters go adventuring. Therefore, roll 1D6 + 6 for critical stats. (I usually use socal status "natural", on further consideration education could be natural also.
(2)Ignore limits on number of skills. At 54, my inteligence and education are not going up, but I am learning siklls all the time and improving the ones I have.
(3) Consider that someone who needs a particular skill for a promotion will specificly work at attaining that skill. Let them pick it at the next time they are eligible to gain a skill. Along the same line someone who transfers to a position that requires a skill that they do not have, subsequent skill eligibilites will be spent to upgrade the deficit.
(4) Some advanced generation rules give no skills for training. Then why do you train. Maybe training should give an automatic skill.
(5) Excessivly high skill rolls (say 4 over required roll) gains another skill.
(6) Option for failed survival rolls: Referees Pardon can be granted x # of times per character generated. On exercising the pardon, player rerolls failure a second time for the same term results in wound and subsequent discharge.

Have Fun! After all isn't that why we play games anyway?
Well I can offer mods that I have used or considered.
(1) Consider that less than "averagely" endowed characters stay home where it is relativly safe. Above average characters go adventuring. Therefore, roll 1D6 + 6 for critical stats. (I usually use socal status "natural", on further consideration education could be natural also.
(2)Ignore limits on number of skills. At 54, my inteligence and education are not going up, but I am learning siklls all the time and improving the ones I have.
(3) Consider that someone who needs a particular skill for a promotion will specificly work at attaining that skill. Let them pick it at the next time they are eligible to gain a skill. Along the same line someone who transfers to a position that requires a skill that they do not have, subsequent skill eligibilites will be spent to upgrade the deficit.
(4) Some advanced generation rules give no skills for training. Then why do you train. Maybe training should give an automatic skill.
(5) Excessivly high skill rolls (say 4 over required roll) gains another skill.
(6) Option for failed survival rolls: Referees Pardon can be granted x # of times per character generated. On exercising the pardon, player rerolls failure a second time for the same term results in wound and subsequent discharge.

Have Fun! After all isn't that why we play games anyway?
Here's a suggestion:

have a GM's "Approval" option, using a freeware/opensource encryption library. The GM generates an "Options Key", each boolean option having three possible in-key states: True, False, Player. Anyway, a condensed format result gets generated as an encrypted checksum. THe GM can ten take the result file and check it. Especially useful for on-line play.

Remember that brownie points are VERY useful, but can be hard to implement. Also, Poltroonery and Heroism (DM taken agaist survival is reversed and applied to promotion) may be core for Bk4, but many allow them in all services.
i would LOVE a ct generator which included more books . so please go ahead. these are the characters i use . books 1-3 just don't get enough skills but the full ct system up to book 7 makes great characters.

my only request is that you give the die rolls their proper curve by using 1d6+1d6 instead of a flat 2-12 curve which i'm sure was used in the otherwise excellent classic books 1-3 generator which is around somewhere

looking forward to it......
I humbly propose the following:
  • Include a per-profession persistent user-defined "list", where the number of of PCs/NPCs to be generated can be set. That way, if I need 3 Scouts, 10 Mercs, 5 Naval, and 2 Scientists, down the list I go, entering the numbers, and leaving 0 on the other professions. Out comes the number of professions I need. If it doesn't look right, I just re-run it, and out comes another set (perhaps with a tweak on the numbers, and that Noble and Hunter I forgot the first time around).</font>
  • Consider providing a way to save, probably only per-session, not permanently, "templates" of the numbers used in any particular "run". This way, if I generate a varied list of many professions, and then go through and do a new "run" for two more professions, and then decided to redo the first one, I don't have to retype the whole first "run" in again, I just use a drop-down box and go back however many "runs" I want, and that automatically reloads the previously used numbers.</font>
  • Include a persistent user-defined option for handling Survival. 1) Death, 2) Wound/Retirement, etc. Persists until changed. I think this would be global, rather than per-profession, personally.</font>
  • Include a per-profession persistent user-defined option for "enhanced" generation for for Book 1 & Supplement 4 professions. Personally, I'd like it to guarantee one skill per term, and give a chance by die roll for up to three more. This gives Bk1/Sp4 professions a chance to stand up to Bk4/5 characters (Bks 6/7 weren't so overwhelming as Bk4/5, but are still better than Bk1/Sp4).</font>
  • Include a per-profession persistent user-defined option to include backgrounds as per Challenge 35 The Spice of Life, or similar life-path system.</font>
  • Include a per-profession persistent user-defined option to include names (if name generation can be included).</font>
  • Include a per-profession persistent user-defined option to bypass the Int+Edu rule.</font>
  • Include a per-profession persistent user-defined option to indicate high-tech aging resistance being used (i.e. waive aging penalties), and a number for how many terms it shall be waived.</font>
  • By "persistent", I mean, "between application sessions".</font>
  • A partridge and a pear tree would be nice. :D</font>