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Classic Traveller GCA Data File (not ISWs)

I run a "GURPS Traveller 4th Edition" game, by which I mean that I use the GURPS 4th edition core rules, and the GURPS Traveller supplements (even though they are 3rd edition). I don't use Interstellar Wars at all. This works fine from a rules point of view, but dealing with GURPS Character Assistent (GCA) is very frustrating, because the only data file that I can find is for Interstellar Wars, and it doesn't have what I want in it.

So, I'm going to create a more classic Traveller GCA data file. My goal is to have a draft version in about a month, and a better version in another month. I'm not trying to create the perfect data file, just something that is better than nothing.

So If you have anything you'd like to see in a GCA data file for Traveller, please post it here!

I'll put in what I can, and keep a list of what I don't. (In particular, for this first round, I'm going to focus on smaller things, like Equipment, Advantages, Skills, Languages, etc. and just keep a list of bigger things like job templates and racial templates for future work.)

Also, if you are interested in beta testing the data file, please send me a private message, and I'll tell you when it is ready for that. (I will ask you to send me the characters you create, so I can see what you did with it.)

Finally, if you know of any Traveller GCA materials (Not ISWs) that I can reuse, then please send it to me, or tell me where it is. It would be great if someone, somewhere has some of the Traveller job templates!


Joshua Levy
I've been running 4th Ed GURPS Traveller games for years, and I usually just use the templates for GT:ISW as they are also relevant to games played during the 3I. However, if you get a GCA data file put together from the 3rd Ed material, then this is something I would find useful.