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classic traveller sale

I have had a bit of a turn out and have the following "classic" traveller LBBs for sale.

Books 0 to 8
Introductory Adventure (+ map of spinward Marches)
Supplements 4 (citizens) & 6 (patrons)
Double Adventure 4
Adventures 1,2,5,6 & 8
The Traveller Adventure Vol 2
Set 1 - Adventurers (15mm figures)

It is all going on ebay but i was wondering the best way to divide it up. I was just going to do all the books/supplements as one lot, all the adventures as another and the big book and figures as the last two lots. As it is all quite rare though i wondered how best to help as many people fill the gaps in their collections. Sell each book individually?
Welcome aboard ThirdPrize :D

I hope your sale doesn't mean you won't be enjoying Traveller (in some form) and this forum in the years to come but it's understandable if so.

I used to sell on eBay (same handle there as here "far-trader") including a lot of Traveller stuff (for a friend). It can run hot and cold but in my experience single items sell better than grouped items generally. And usually starting the bid low will get a higher final bid as you have more early interest.

I would definitely keep the figures separate from the book. Anyone likely to bid on the figures isn't going to factor the book price into it (effectively they ignore it and you end up giving it away free). Bidders looking for the figs may also take exception to paying higher shipping to have the book they didn't want (but if you don't ship it to save them money on the s&h they could make a claim with eBay/PayPal and probably win it, I've seen such low dirty tricks, most eBayer's are honest though).

Figures always seem to do well. While many of the books are becoming less valued (pdf's and reprints being available) unless in pristine condition and then only to collectors filling in rare holes (definitely include good pics/scans if they are near mint or better, but don't exaggerate the sometime subjective quality statements, let the pics/scans speak).

And do let us know here when you put them up on eBay :D
A quick question as to how these were sold in the first place. Were books 0,1,2 & 3 and the introcuctory adventure (the imperial fringe) sold together as a box set? I can't remember but it woud make sense if they were.
A quick question as to how these were sold in the first place. Were books 0,1,2 & 3 and the introcuctory adventure (the imperial fringe) sold together as a box set? I can't remember but it woud make sense if they were.

yes, plus the map of the marches. Called "Deluxe Traveller"...