Occurs to me that a particularly clever engineer could rig up some device to scoop water from clouds, say some gill arrangement attached forward of the scoops that admitted air and then vented it out a side vent after passing it over coolant coils that condensed water out of the air flow to pass on to the scoop. I wonder if the starport authority would take issue with someone just circling over the port collecting fuel.
Figure a square meter vent traveling at a bit under the speed of sound, drawing maybe 300 cubic meters of atmosphere per second, with the cloud at maybe 0.02% water, some fraction of 60 liters of water per second being available for condensation, which translates to some fraction of 24 dTons of water being available if I did the math right. You ought to be able to draw adequate fuel in a reasonable time if your vents are large enough and your condenser reasonably efficient.
Figure a square meter vent traveling at a bit under the speed of sound, drawing maybe 300 cubic meters of atmosphere per second, with the cloud at maybe 0.02% water, some fraction of 60 liters of water per second being available for condensation, which translates to some fraction of 24 dTons of water being available if I did the math right. You ought to be able to draw adequate fuel in a reasonable time if your vents are large enough and your condenser reasonably efficient.