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Cold Blood

Very cool Andrew, I currently am running something with an Ice World...my inspiration is obvious when you look at the artwork carefully. The BBC seems to do Science Fiction the best!

A while ago, I suggested to a colleague that they would hire British writers to take over the Star Trek franchaise. True, there is a lot of dribble over on the other side of the pond...but at least we would not get endless troubles with tribbles (play intended).
You have to be more creative when your FX budget is almost nonexistent!

I've really got into Radio 7 recently, and the "listen again" feature is great - the first thing I do when I turn on the computer is bring up the previous days page and listen to the best bits while I'm checking my email.
I agree that that BBC7 budget is virtually non existant (although, they do have realms of recordings from the Radiophonic Workshop). I was rather thinking of the main BBC...some of the best Science Fiction (note the Caps) has come out of the UK rather than the US. The Yanks do have the special effects downpacked, no question there, but for my money I would rather have a good drama over another rendition of cowboys blowing away another surrogate Indian/Aliens...although, that has it's place in my heart too...true Canadian, I suppose.
It was TV I meant - in the past, SF shows were given about the same budget as mainstream dramas (although the new Dr Who got a decent amount).

One problem with US vs UK shows is the season length - coming up with 20-26 decent scripts is harder than 6-13.
My question is,
Do authors in the UK get tax breaks, or is that honor reserved for Anne McCaffrey in Ireland?
Now that is an author that I would like to see some titles ade into movies.