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Commonwealth Campaign Log


SOC-14 1K
Someone suggested that I post a writeup of my Commonwealth Campaign on COI. Hope this is the right place for it.

Comments: The campaign is set in a non-canon universe. I've posted the history of the New Anglian Commonwealth before, but basically, it's kinda like Pax Brittanica in space. It's also a small ships universe. Using CT, with the T4 damage system for weapons. I've used my alternate CT character generation system detailed in this forum.

Dramatis Personae

Paul—Capt. Seamus McTaggart—retired merchant captain from New Caledon.

Clayton—retired Army colonel, highly decorated.

Robert—retired duelist; expert shot with a pistol and retired duelist. Something of a jack of all trades.

Noel—Chief engineer; somewhat paranoid. Highly capable engineer and mechanic.

James—retired intelligence agent. Expert at intrusion and stealth. Also ship’s steward.

Greg—Doctor/Lawyer/dilettante. Excellent at administrative tasks as well.

Dave—Good at gambling and very streetwise.
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Week 1: Heart of Darkness

The game starts with the group preparing to go into cold sleep. They’re traveling on a liner to Pravus (C666414) to meet with Seamus’ brother Angus. Angus is a Pre-Owned Starship salesman and has found Seamus a ship and arranged “no down payment” financing for him.

They wake up in cold sleep as the ship is beginning an uncontrolled reentry and the crew dead. Holes are melted in various parts of the ship and the drives are badly damaged. The crew is dead. They abandon ship and crash land on the planet. They are on a continent that bears a strong resemblance to Sub-Saharan Africa. They never find out the exact cause of the starship‘s demise.

The Pravus Development Company, LC has a charter to develop Pravus. Generally, its agents import cheap trade goods for rare Neodymium ore and transplas—a substance that changes shape in response to thought when an electrical current is run through it. There are two primitive native races (same species, but different attitudes and cultures). The most numerous race are the Skinks, 6’+ tall lizard men who are cannibals (and also like the taste of humans). The Khral are colored differently than the Skinks and have a warrior culture similar to Ghurkas. The Company has formed 3 regiments of Khral troops, the 103rd, 107th and 111th Native Rifles. The 103rd is the garrison on Pravus.

On arrival at Pravus, the adventure begins to follow the contours of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.

After a battle with hostile skinks, the PCs make it to Outer Station. I lifted the descriptions for Outer and Central Stations almost word for word from Conrad, updating the technology a bit and exchanging Skinks for natives.

They see piles of decaying machinery and a cliff being blasted for no apparent purpose (an ill-conceived Mag-Lev rail system). They see Skink prisoners walking along in chains under the guard of Khral sepoys. Finally, they come to a grove of trees and find a group of dying Skink laborers. They meet the Company’s chief accountant, who assumes that they are Company men heading to “Central Station”. He arranges transport up the Ognoc River for them. He tells him that in the interior he will undoubtedly meet Mr. O’Brien, a first-class agent who sends in as much transplas as all the others put together and is destined for advancement in the Company. He tells them to let O’Brien know that everything is satisfactory at the Outer Station. He’s afraid to send a written message for fear it will be intercepted by undesirable elements at the Central Station.

They take a wheezing “Hammerhead”, the standard tiltrotor craft used by the Company to Central Station, where Angus awaits with their starship. The Hammerhead is piloted by a dirty little man named Allnut. Allnut tells them not to trust Skinks, but allows that the Khral are “decent…almost gentlemen in some ways…” At the dilapidated Central Station, they find that their starship has been sunk in a nearby swamp. They sign the financing agreement with Vincent de Bartholomew (aka “Vinnie the nose”), president of the subsector Benevolent Association of Dockyard Workers and trustee of its pension plan. His assistant, Otis Breakleg, “brokers” the deal.

While digging their ship out of the muck and trying to get it into flying condition, the PCs meet Hyram Banion, the general manager of the Central Station. Banion is a mediocre man whose authority derives mainly from his resistance to tropical disease. Eventually, he hires them to travel up the river and find out what O’Brien is up to. He equips them with a quiet boat and supplies, including “Bush Rifles” (semiautomatic shotguns firing solid slugs). As the PCs already discovered, the natives are hard to kill with standard firearms.
As they prepare to leave, a shed housing some trade goods burns down, and the Skink laborers dance delightedly as it burns. One of the Skinks is accused of causing the fire and is beaten severely; he disappears into the forest after he recovers.

They learn from Banion that O’Brien is a prodigy, sent here by the Company’s directors and bound for quick advancement. They also hear the sound of artillery in the distance…in the direction that they will be traveling. Banion gives them letters of introduction to the manager at Inner Station, a map of the river and wishes them well. Radio communication will be very difficult; the ionosphere is extremely active, making all but short range communications impossible. The original network of repeater towers has degraded and is good only for local communications. Banion is trying to lay a fiber optic network, but little progress has been made.

With some trepidation, they prepare to leave on their journey upriver.
Week 2: The Sand Pebbles

As the PCs journey upriver, they find that the river is treacherous and dangerous. They hire two Skink guides, who turn out to be decent sorts. They encounter several boats loaded with transplas or Neodymium. They also encounter a burned out boat.

They make steady but slow progress up the river until they reach a point about fifty miles away from Inner Station. There is a dock with a hut. The dock has a stack of jerry cans full of fuel with a note saying “Fuel for you, hurry up, approach cautiously”. The signature is illegible but it clearly does not belong to O’Brien.

Inside the hut is rubbish—empty food tins, MRE bags, etc., which indicates that the tenant was human. They find a filmbook concerned with astrogation and with some mysterious writing, which they decide is a code.

They are attacked several times; the attacks get fiercer the further they journey upriver. Their guides are cannibals and prefer to eat dead Skinks from the raids, rather than the MREs that the PCs carry. Occasionally, they here the sound of tiltrotor aircraft and small arms fire. Native drums and weird noises are heard at night. But mostly, the trip is hot and dull. They encounter a particularly dense fog just before reaching Inner Station. They can hear the hissing of natives, along with war drums. Their guides say they want to eat the attackers. When the fog lifts, they are attacked by a particularly determined group of natives. They get past the natives and make it to Inner Station. One guide is killed and the other asks to eat him. The PCs allow him to do so.

They arrive to find Inner Station intact, although run down. There’s a station house on a hill. A platoon of Khral sepoys is drilling in the square. As they tie up at the main dock, a smoking gunship crash lands in the nearby landing field. An ancient ambulance trundles out to the wreckage. A barge with 4 armed soldiers guarding it departs for Central Station.

On the path up to the center of the station, there’s a squalid tent hospital with about a dozen badly wounded Khral sepoys. Most are hissing and croaking. It’s mercilessly hot, unsanitary and as they pass a human doctor is hacking the leg off one sepoy. A pile of limbs buzzes with flies. Greg befriends the doctor and discovers that there’s a quite active insurgency going on. The doctor knows O’Brien and says he’s a “genius”.

On the shore stands a human whose clothes are patched all over in bright colors and he reminds one of a harlequin. He informs them that O’Brien is downriver. The man is Vladimir Belenko, a Free Trader who had left the fuel “for anyone who might need it.”

Marlowe is the controller of Inner Station. He introduces them to Captain George Colhurst, commander of Able Company, 103rd Native Rifles. Colhurst is enthusiastic and is the classic upper class English ⬛⬛⬛⬛. He served in the same regular regiment as Clayton and is actually somewhat brighter than he appears.

Neither man has seen O’Brien for some time. They believe that he’s probably near some ruins far upriver. O’Brien tends to send shipments of transplas down once per month ands one arrived yesterday. So the PC’s surmise he’s probably preparing another shipment.

Colhurst states that he could probably supply them with air transport if they want. As they talk a second tiltrotor lands near the tent hospital, smashing its undercarriage. That was their transport, so it’s back on the boat.

Repairs to the boat take the rest of the day. That night, it rains incessantly. Colhurst invites them for cards, brandy and cigars. Late that night a man enters the officer’s mess and walks up to Colhurst. Colhurst introduces him as Reverend Samuel Sayer, a local missionary. Sayer is very agitated and asks to speak to Colhurst privately. They go into an office and the PCs overhear Colhurst apologizing.

Colhurst walks out and offers them a job. The Pravus Light mission, located on an upriver tributary is in danger. Rebels have seized several boats and are blocking the tributary. Sayer wants the PCs to break through the rebel barrier and rescue the 4 remaining missionaries. As payment, Sayer offers cr5,000 and information on where they can find O’Brien. Colhurst lacks the transport to perform the mission with his troops. If the PC’s can’t help he’ll have to commandeer their boat. They quickly agree to the mission. In the meantime, Colhurst will also dispatch some scouts to recon O’Brien’s location.

They travel up a tributary and fight a large battle very reminiscent of the main battle in the movie and book The Sand Pebbles. They rescue the missionaries and return to Inner Station. One missionary, Holman, explains that he was an engineer in the Commonwealth Rim Squadron and left to be a missionary.

Sayer is true to his word and tells them to continue upriver to a collection of ruins visible from the river; O’Brien is outfitting an expedition there.

Colhurst gives them some additional rations, ammunition and armor, but it is clear that he’s low on supplies. And he’s awaiting reinforcements from the Outer Station garrison. 3 of his 4 platoons are committed to “Skink Smashing” operations, leaving one under strength platoon to guard Inner Station. Before he decides to commandeer their boat, the PCs decide to continue.
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Week 3: Rorke's Drift

The PCs continue upriver for two days. They hear an explosion and investigate. The explosion is a crashed Hammerhead with nearly a full platoon of troops in it. It explodes and they can salvage nothing. They also see their first “megafauna”—a 20’ long creature that looks very much like a Terran crocodile.

In the afternoon of the third day, the PC’s start to receive a weak distress signal from “Firebase Ford Striker” in the interior. They then come across the scene of a massacre. A column of Colhurst’s native infantry has been very recently wiped on the banks of the river. The bodies are stripped of equipment and half eaten. Six stretchers were being carried by the troops, but the wounded were apparently massacred as well.

Leaving 3 PCs (whose players had to miss the game) to guard the boat, the PCs follow the trail that the infantry hacked through the jungle.

At dusk, they arrive at Firebase Ford Striker. They find the remnants of the unit wiped out on the river bank. There’s one building left standing, an autocannon and six remote antipersonnel mines. There are two dozen wounded or sick Khral infantry, two badly wounded human NCOs and one human doctor who volunteered to stay behind. The doctor tells them that the firebase commander was intending to reach the river and try to get a transport to Inner Station and return with help. The doctor suspects that the commander was feverish or had gone insane.

Moments later, a badly wounded Khral scout staggers into the clearing and tells them that a huge Skink force has found the trail and is heading towards the firebase. This puts the Skink force between the PCs and their boat.

The PC’s begin to desperately fortify their position. They expertly place the AP mines and repair the autocannon. They repair the radio and manage to raise Colhurst. He tells them to hold on; he’ll have them help in 8-10 hours.

When the Skink attack force arrives, an epic battle ensues. The natives arrive piecemeal, which results in a series of assaults, rather than one big assault.

The first wave of about 100 Skinks is cut to pieces by the autocannon and scatters. However, at the end of the fight, the autocannon is out of ammo.

The second wave is decimated by the AP mines and concentrated Bush rifle fire. At this point, the PCs are largely unharmed. Their fortifications have protected them from sporadic native fire and they’ve broken up the attack before the natives could engage in hand to hand combat with their spears.

The third wave suffers serious casualties, but a dozen Skinks manage to get into melee combat with the PCs. The PCs win, but all are lightly wounded. Ammunition is becoming an issue, with each man down to about 20 rounds.

The fourth wave contains both natives and two of the giant crocodiles (with natives riding on their backs). The crocodiles are killed before reaching the outer line of sandbags, but the natives swarm over them. The PCs win the fight, but two of them are badly wounded and can do little more than fire weapons from prone positions.

Immediately after Greg bandages up the last man, a fifth wave of 40+ natives attack.

The PCs get some spectacular rolls and thin the natives out, but the natives manage to seriously wound two PCs, who collapse. Greg and Clayton pull back to the last line of defense, pursued by five natives. The natives attempt to leap over the outer barricade and get to the PCs. I gave them a 1/3 chance of falling. Four of them fall! This gives Greg and Clayton one more precious round of gunfire. They kill two of the natives. Clayton kills another one in melee, then suffers a serious wound and collapses. The two remaining natives charge Greg. With only two rounds left in his rifle (and no melee skills or weapons), Greg fires…and hits both of them. One dying native stabs Greg then collapses. As Greg loses consciousness, he sees more natives pouring out of the tree line…

Some time later, the PCs come to in the field hospital at Inner Station. The natives Greg saw were Khral sepoys.

Colhurst is there and is “most damnably proud of you chaps, etc., etc.” He tells them that his troops found over 200 dead natives and two dead giant crocodiles. Quite an achievement for four men. He nominates them for the Commonwealth Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry. It will be several months before they find out if it’s approved.

Colhurst also tells them that O’Brien has disappeared. Colhurst thinks that O’Brien is supplying the natives with weapons and fomenting rebellion. He offers to charter their ship to bring more medicine and spare parts from Faraway. The PCs accept the charter, as their first payment to Vinnie the Nose will be due in about 3 weeks…
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Comments So Far

Well, in three weeks, the PCs have reimagined Heart of Darkness and The Sand Pebbles, and have refought the battle of Rorke's Drift. The campaign is off to a fine start as far as I can tell.

Allusions and In-Jokes

"Pravus" is Latin for dark or evil. Ognoc is Congo backwards. The Congo was the river in Heart of Darkness. Marlowe was the protagonist of Heart of Darkness. "Ford Striker" is an anagram of Rorke's Drift. The tributary where the mission is located is named the Saint Paul. In the movie and novel The Sand Pebbles, the San Pablo is the ship that the protagonists live on. Holman is the main character of The Sand Pebbles and would like to leave the Navy and join the China Light Mission. Allnut is one of the protagonists in The African Queen. Samuel Sayer is a minister in The African Queen. A lot of the color commentary during the game was inspired by the novel and the movie The African Queen. O'Brien was the main villain of Orwell's 1984. "George" and "Colhurst" are the first two names of Hugh Laurie's character in the series Blackadder Goes Forth. Captain Colhurst is modeled after Laurie's character, though a bit brighter (or just more experienced).
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