In another thread about HG weapons in Book 2 combat I created this. This adds energy and accelerators turrets and preserves the existing flavor of Book 2 combat....
Now the new rules:
Power Requirements for Energy Weapons and Accelerators: Inclusion of even a single energy weapon requires a power plant rated at least one letter higher than its maneuver drive. Inclusion of even a single accelerator requires a power plant rated at least two letters higher than its maneuver drive. Having both requires only two letters higher. The greater cost of larger power plants combined with the costs of these weapons means they typically are found only on military ships.
Energy Weapons (Plasma Guns and Fusion Guns), require an enlarged single or dual turret occupying 2 tons for fire control and space for the larger energy weapon(s). A dual energy turret may contain 2 energy weapons or a single energy weapon and a laser, missile, or sand caster.
Particle Accelerators may only be mounted on enlarged single turrets occupying 3 (standard) or 5 (barbette) tons for fire control and space for the weapon.
Turret Weapons:
Plasma Guns: Available at TL 10. Cost: 1,500,000 Credits per weapon
Fusion Guns: Avalable at TL 12. Cost: 2,000,000 Credits per weapon
Particle Accelerator Barbette: Available at TL 14. Cost: 4,000,000 Credits per weapon
Particle Accelerator: Available at TL 15. Cost: 3,000,000 Credits per weapon
Energy Weapons have a +1 DM to hit. They may not fire at targets further than 2500 mm however. They incur the –DM for sand if encountered. Plasma Guns cause 2 hits if successful. Fusion Guns cause 3 hits if successful.
Particle Accelerators ignore sand. Barbettes cause 3 hits if successful. Turrets cause 4 hits if successful.
Change Double program rules
Double fire allows a ship to draw excess power (if available) from the power plant and thus increase the output of laser weaponry. When this program is functioning, a vessel with a power plant rated at least one letter higher than its maneuver drive (and which has not yet taken damage to reduce the current letter rating to equal to or below the M-drive letter) can fire a double beam or double pulse with laser weaponry.
Double fire allows a ship to draw excess power (if available) from the power plant and thus increase the output of laser, energy and accelerator weaponry. When this program is functioning, a vessel with a power plant rated at least one letter higher than its maneuver drive, two letters or three letters in the case of equipped energy or accelerators respectively (and which has not yet taken damage to reduce the current letter rating to equal to or below the that normal minimum letter) can fire double laser, energy or accelerator weaponry.