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core rulebook?

I just recently purchased the Traveller Handbook. It mentions a core rule book is necessary. What is the exact name of the book? Otherwise, the handbook is useless.

Thank you.
And, the T20 handbook is far from useless without it. Really, they are required by the OGL to list a core rulebook as a requirement, but it only applies in the case of rules not superceded by the T20 handbook. You could probably play just fine w/o the core rulebook.
Originally posted by Borodin:
And, the T20 handbook is far from useless without it. Really, they are required by the OGL to list a core rulebook as a requirement, but it only applies in the case of rules not superceded by the T20 handbook. You could probably play just fine w/o the core rulebook.
Only if he doesn`t wish to do combat...

There is only MODIFICATIONS in T20 combat rules, no "basic combat"...
Aside from all of that... I recommend "d20 Modern" it has a good tone that well compliments the setting of Traveller... it seems to get right to the point, which is good when you consider the magnitude of the THB...
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran:
Aside from all of that... I recommend "d20 Modern" it has a good tone that well compliments the setting of Traveller... it seems to get right to the point, which is good when you consider the magnitude of the THB...
I like the D20 Modern book also. Interesting reading as well.

Take a look at http://www.travellerrpg.com/cgi-bin/Trav/CotI/Discuss/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=2;t=000054

A T20 Players Handbook, that will be OGL not D20, so it will list full character creation as well as full combat rules.
Originally posted by Sandman:
There is only MODIFICATIONS in T20 combat rules, no "basic combat"...
Oh, that's right. Sorry, I've played DnD 3e since it was released, so I didn't even think about the absence of basic combat rules in the T20 handbook since I know them all pretty well. My mistake. But still, the T20 handbook isn't useless. You could have some quite satisfying adventures without combat, though your Marine3/Mercenary4 character may get a bit bored. ;)
I'd have to say the Star Wars rulebook probably works best as the Core book, then the d20 Modern. The D&D player's handbook as the third choice.
Originally posted by Borodin:

And, the T20 handbook is far from useless without it. Really, they are required by the OGL to list a core rulebook as a requirement, but it only applies in the case of rules not superceded by the T20 handbook. You could probably play just fine w/o the core rulebook.
Incorrect. The OGL have nothing to do with the "required" label. It's the d20 System Trademark License that have everything to do with the "required" label.

If you're going to put that square "d20 system" logo on your product you are automatically applying the Trademark License and abide by its restriction noted in said license and Trademark Usage Guide. HOWEVER, you don't need a copy of THAT license attached to your product, just the OGL.

And if you just got that funny look on your face right, don't worry. Just don't go to law school.
Originally posted by Reginald:
And if you just got that funny look on your face right, don't worry. Just don't go to law school.
Noted. Law school crossed off my list of things to do. :rolleyes: Hey, I at least knew it was one of WotC's various rule thingies, that's a start.
Originally posted by archer8228:
And if you don't want to buy another book everything you need is here: http://www.wizards.com/D20/article.asp?x=srd
Not quite everything. The System Reference Document is the list of all the d20 rules you can include in a third-party d20 book. It specifically excludes some rules about character design and advancement that are only included in Wizards of the Coast's own d20 core books.

OTOH, the stuff they leave out is almost self-explanatory. If you have a friend with the books, they can explain the missing bits in two minutes and you'll never need to refer to them again.

As Tom Schoene mentioned, the SRD is nothing more than a game designer's toolkit, a template to make a d20- or OGL-based product such as T20: The Traveller's Handbook material. There is nothing there you need than the ones presented in T20 sans the character creation and advancement rules.

Either acquire or borrow a Wizards' core game book, or wait for the T20 Player's Guide (OGL-based minus the d20 logo).