"Let's just say we'd like to avoid any Imperial entanglements".
So many years ago I started sketching out a game that in retrospect looks like a high-level tradewar "lite wargame".
It used a subsector map with main routes (for example, in the Marches you'd use the xboat routes) as the board, and counters to represent ground installations and starship convoys.
The idea is that routes have an intrinsic value, and your assets are placed in order to capitalize on that.
The unspoken, unwritten rule is that tradewar is the way to muscle out someone else, but you don't want to get the Navy involved.
So many years ago I started sketching out a game that in retrospect looks like a high-level tradewar "lite wargame".
It used a subsector map with main routes (for example, in the Marches you'd use the xboat routes) as the board, and counters to represent ground installations and starship convoys.
The idea is that routes have an intrinsic value, and your assets are placed in order to capitalize on that.
The unspoken, unwritten rule is that tradewar is the way to muscle out someone else, but you don't want to get the Navy involved.