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Mongoose 2300AD: Cowboys vs Xenomorphs, 2300AD style

Brandon C

I picked this up earlier this month and, although I will probably run it as intended, I started thinking about using it as a 2300AD adventure.

The biggest effect on the adventure is the speed of 2300, both in communications and vehicles. On most colonies, the mayor or sheriff merely needs to radio for help and there will be some kind of response in a couple of hours.

Because of this, I decided on using an outpost instead of a colony and found an ideal one in the French Arm: Sans Souci

While a bit cold, it has an atmosphere breathable without aids. Total population is under 200, which puts it on par with the town in C&X. The only help* is days away in another star system, assuming that they can send a ship for help. As a side benefit, a pathfinder colony on a cold world might get the players thinking of Aliens or The Thing.

Surveyors replace miners. The gang might have to be dropped, since the only real substitute are pirates. There is no replacement for the Lakota. The stagecoach robbery is dropped, perhaps replaced with the attempted hijacking of a scheduled light transport.

Unlike the Old West version of the adventure, choice of xenomorph is tricky, depending on how much the GM is willing to stray from the setting. In particular, the Perfect Organism and Pod Things scream to be created by the Pentapods, while it would be hard for Hunters and Martians to be anything other than Kaefer.

The first two would fundamentally change how a friendly race is viewed (although the Perfect Organism could have been designed specifically for use against the Kaefer, but things got out of hand ...) and the last two are just a small scale repeat of Aurore.

* -- unless you want to count the handful of Belters around Sorgeloos, over 7 AU away