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Cpt Lindsey Pangborn, Privateer for hire


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
This is an NPC from my homegrown Traveller universe. She is a good example of some of the "regulars" the players interact with and could easily be adapted to an OTU campaign since the names, places, and future history is mine but everything else is CT protoTrav with Striker.

Sample File for Lusty Lindy II and Crew (redacted)

Lusty Lindy II 250 ton Wedge medium Gray w/ red checkered tail


Captain: 6C5BA7

Lindsey Pangborn Human Female 43 5”5” 130 lbs Blonde
Native to Earth (Perth)

Captain (ret.), Terran Confederation Marines (now known as Imperial Line Marines since the succession of Emperor Molitor I and the founding of the Empire of Man)

Combat qualified on:

Grav APC (M9 Crocodile) (Grav Vehicle – 1)
FGMP-14/15 (1)
2cm Hypervelocity Squad Support Railgun (SSR-88) (Autocannon -1)
Combat Rifleman (2) Badge
Battledress (2)
Blade (2)
Handgun (2)

4 Assault Ribbons
Imperial Cross
Purple Heart (3)

 Other skills…. Leader-3, Tactics -2, Cutlass -1


Lindsey (lower right) training in the Terran Confederation Marines at the Wannaroo Depot, Australia (Earth). Service included combat during the last war and received Imperial Cross at the Battle of Jagranath.

Citation Excerpt: Captain Lindsay Pangborn’s team (combined with the command element of the 338th Scout Recon) was under a continuous barrage by Askorrian ortillery and most of the team had suffered severe damage to their battlesuits and were low on power, ammunition, and most of the personnel were ineffectives. The last remaining functional weapon was the 20mm team support railgun. Using the gun to fire a steady barrage of collapsing rounds at near point blank range into the attacking Askorrian powered infantry she killed over 60 of the enemy while allowing the rest of her team to evacuate the wounded troops of her unit, the command element of the 338th Scout Recon, and remaining civilian personnel. Cpt. Pangborn suffered radiation and shrapnel injuries from the collapsing round detonations but continued suppressing fire until forced to enter the evacuation lander.

After she retired from the Imperial Marines, Lindsey purchased a Free Trader which was named by her crew (former members of her squad) Lusty Lindy, in honor of her drinking and carousing escapades in the service. Unfortunately the merchant venture didn’t prove profitable so Lindsey sold the Free Trader and purchased a salvage grade system defense boat (decommissioned). It was refitted with a jump drive, and dubbed Lusty Lindy II.

Pangborn is one of the more successful privateer captains, and she sometimes hires out as close support and cadre for ground mercenary units throughout the Rim. The Lusty Lindy II is commonly berthed at Gehenna Downport. Her crew is protective of her because of the radiation injuries from the final battle she was in, which left her in chronic pain. She refuses to get the cybernetic repairs that would replace her damaged legs, and instead prefers to rely on drink and painkillers.

Pangborn has no immediate family and is single; though a lot of serious (and true) rumor mongering suspects that she and the captain of the Guinness Girl, David Smyth, are an item. Since the two are often on opposite ends of contracts there is a lot of speculating among the crews of the two ships about how this will all end and the betting is furious - as are the rugby games and drinking bouts between the two crews when they berth at Gehenna Downport – the home port for both ships.

Lindsey typically carries a .54 Tannhauser autopistol with 2 magazines (AP and HE) for a sidearm in a shoulder holster; a surprisingly large weapon for someone of her size. She rarely has to actually use it though, since one of her crew, Roger Hanson (who served as her Crocodile driver during the war) is glued to her side and acts as a de facto bodyguard. There has been at least one occasion when Lindsey has dressed him down for shooting someone she really wanted to shoot herself, “and I was more than capable of, Mister Hanson!”, but she knows he means well. Lindsey doesn’t usually take part in boarding actions, but when she does she wears her old suit of TL-14 Battledress “misplaced” and repaired after her wounding at Jagranath…it is suspected that Hanson had some part in this acquisition because of her injuries. If in a serious fight Lindsey uses either a Roadblocker auto-shotgun (with flechette) or a gauss rifle, depending on if she is onboard a ship or not.

At least with the battlesuit she can take part in some of the action, otherwise Lindsey walks with a cane. She always quips that the limp and cane help her get a “sympathy bonus” when negotiating with clients.

Eventually Lindsey intends to earn enough to retire to some ranch property she has been investing in over the last couple of years on Friedland, just outside the Drakensberg Range. It’s good land for raising horse, cattle, and tobacco – which Lindsey makes a hobby of studying ways to hybridize new plants for her endless (and sometimes smoky and unbearably smelly) experiments while cruising the long days in jump space. She also collects old Terran movies from the Australian/New Zealand film renaissance of the 1970’s-80’s, and enjoys reading and collecting old western novels. Her crew sometimes kids her about Lindsey’s fondness for cowboy hats, and the pride of her stateroom wall is the hat reputedly (but isn't - she doesn't care, she likes it anyway) worn by the ancient Terran actor Clint Eastwood in A Fist Full of Dollars, and a regulation bush hat from the Terran Confederation Scout Service she was given by the commander of the 338th Scout Recon Regiment while recovering from the wounds she suffered at Jagranath.

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Very nice, just skimmed it, I'll read it fully later.

I have an NPC bounty hunter (full writeup for another space RPG) called Harmony Frost. She and her partner, ex-Sylean Ranger/G2 man travel about in the Miss Apprehension, a 200-ton Safari ship, along with a few other mercenaries and the crew, pretending to offer Safari excursions in whatever system they're in. It's got the trucker mudflap lady as it's "fin art"


Since I can't find one with an ACR :)

Harmony's adventures in the Traveller Universe can be found here (the last three), this is pre-Miss Apprehension


Also have a comedy entry for another Bounty Hunter, namely
Sir Colonel Bentley Floodbottom, Altess Armoria-Retired, Knight Errant

Where most bounty hunters are singular or maybe have a partner, he's got a company of troops, a Type-T patrol cruiser the Royal Pursuit, Type-S courier, 10-ton launch, APC or G-Carrier and a Grav-Tank. Even has his own Herald complete with a digital Bugle (dee-dee-dee-deeeeeeeeee!) to proclaim his Lordship's arrival in civilized systems. Travels with an entourage, and roughs it by having dinner near the battlefield with caviar and champagne, while his men are out hunting vampires and pirates.


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