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Crew of the ISS Insolent Minx


Absent Friend
Ships Commander Dan Ashi
Citizenship: Imperial Race/Sex: human male
Home World: Henoz/2912 Spinward Marches
A245543-B ag ni 824Im F3D
9CABE8 age: 38 apparent age: 38
double encumbered stats: 8B9BE8
Career: Scouts Field
1term Commo office, 1term Exploration office, 3terms Survey office
Assingments: Commo initial trainingx1, Basex5, Routinex3, Missionx6, Special Missionx2,
Field Schoolx2, War Missionx1.
Rank: E5 Asst Team Leader
Pilot - 2, Navigation - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Zero-G-Cbt - 1, Computer - 1, Grav Vehicle - 1, Survey - 1, Leadership - 1, Streetwise - 1, Gambling - 3, Jack-o-Trades - 1, Laser Weap - 4,

Credits: roughly CR10,000 at present

Type S Detached Duty Scout Ship Insolent Minx

Equipment carried:
TL 9 Laser Pistol 3kg,
1- 50 round power magazine 1kg.

TL 9 Flex/Cloth Armor,
with Helmet, 20-power Helmet Radio .1kg,
TL A Light Amplification Goggles, and TL A Combination Mask .5kg

TL A Wrist Watch,
TL A ID/Radiation Card,
TL 7 Hand Calculator .1kg,
TL 8 Back Pack 3kg;
TL A Inertial Locator 1.25kg,
TL A Inertial Navigator .1kg
TL 9 Cold Light Lantern .25kg,
TL A Magnetic Compass,
TL A First Aid Kit 1kg.
Ships Crew, ISS Insolent Minx
Total Crew Morale: 4.4
[A] Command Officer Dan Ashi, Morale: [5+High Initiative] +1

Executive Officer Roxie Kershari 998758 Apparent Age: 27 Actual Age: 42
Race: Vilani Female Birth World: Trin A894A96-F
Career: IISS Comm Branch 2terms
Belter, working with LSP, 4terms
Pilot-2 Sensor ops-1 Vacc suit-1 Grav vehicle-1 Computer-0 Song-1 Handgun-3 Disguise-1 Trader-1 Gambling-1 Herding-0 Laser Wps-0

Cr10,000 1mid psg Gauss Pistol with 1 clip of ammo

Pay per month Cr10800 Morale: 2

Personality: Straight forword, get the job done now. A bit gruff at times. Likes to humm a tune as long as no one else is around.
crew interaction: A+, C++, D, E

[C] Pilot/Steward/Deck Hand Scad Saperdu 5835C8 Apparent Age: 22 Actual Age: 22
Race: Imperial Human Male Birth World: Regina A788899-A
Career: IISS Comm Branch 1 term
Pilot-1 Jack-o-T-1 Vaccsuit-1 Mechanical-1 Wheeled Vehicle-0 Computer-0 Laser Wps-0

Pay per month Cr7500 Morale: 6

Personality: A real ladies man, the guy most likely to be in a beer commercial.
crew interaction: A+, B, D+++, E

[D] 2ndPilot/Engineer Jessie Lishenii 378A33 Apparent Age: 30 Actual Age: 30
Race: Imperial Human Female
Birthworld: Glisten A000986-F
Career: Belter, self-employed
Pilot-1 Navig-1 Engineering-1 Computer-0 Vacc suit-1 Laser wps-1
Fwd Obs-1 Carousing-1 Strwise-1 Prospecting-1
Cr25,000 2High psg, 1Mid psg,

Pay per month Cr7500 Morale: 3

Personality: Hard working but not overly driven, she balances work with play.
crew interaction: A+, B+, C, E

[E] Gunner Sir Delgen Havenor 43563B
Apparent Age: 22 Actual Age:22
Race: Imperial Human Male Birthworld: Regina A788899-A
Career: Regina Colonial Navy, Gunnery Branch
Rank: E1 Starman
Gunner-2 Vaccsuit-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0 Computer-0 Laserwps-0

Pay per month Cr1200 Morale: 6

Personality: A spoiled rich brat who wants to make it on his own, but has no clue how to do it.
crew interaction: A, B-, C, D+
Note: Kukan was a member of the crew originally, but has since left.

2ndPilot/Navigator Kukan Dashimir A7BE57 Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Race: Imperial Human Male Birth World: Mora AA99AC7-F
Career: IISS Survey Branch .5term
Belter, 1term self-employed,
1term w/the Dashimir Group,
1term with Sternmetal Horizons,
Pilot-2 Navig-1 Vacc suit-1 Laserweapons-1 Demolitions-1 Survey-1 Prospecting-2
Cr64,700 Laserpistol w/power magazine.

Morale: 1

Last known location: Hefry

Kukan is greedy, but also suffers from flashbacks from a cave in accident while surveying a large planetoid. He does not play well with others.
The Jame#nth writes:
Well done, plop. Ye don't mind if'n I borrow this, do ya?
Well, Kukan is available; everyone else is employed, except Mr Ashi, who is busy running around the port dome in Hefry trying to put credits together. So far he has been to the Bank AND the Slot machines, and who knows what he'll get into next. ;)

Seriously, you can file it away for your own game. I don't have any problem with that. I do it all the time. I've made alot of use out of landgrabs, RICE papers, campaign logs, etc. I've got a whole notebook, about 30 plus pages, full of NPC's for my CT-MT campaign. And there could be more, just haven't gotten around to adding more people or fleshing out the ones I have. For example, I never got around to doing anything with the idea of the Professer's grand daughter from Adventure 2. I toyed with the idea way back in the Bunny Rebellion thread, but just never got around to doing anything about it. :(