I have read literally hundreds of posts here and at Mongoose regarding debate over the MGT task system including the Timing/Effect gimic. I have noticed the following gripes and praises in regards to the task system as is, and towards any new proposals:
- I like the idea of the T/E gimic, but it is statistically broken.
- I want a roll high system, not roll low.
- I like the T/E gimic, but I want to keep it simple.
- I should have to choose whether I am "hasty" or "cautious" before I roll the task, not after.
- The better I succeed, the better my Effect should be.
- The worse I fail, the worse my Effect should be.
- I like the idea that T/E is part of the roll, not an additional step.
- Roll two task dice (as usual), but roll a different colored timing die with it if time is important. I roll a 5, 4, and 3 on the timing die. My task roll is 9, with a timing of 3.
- Timing range is capped 1-6, as per MGT.
- Effect is uncapped at the difference between the task number of 8. If my total is 11, I rolled +3 Effect, over the universal task number of 8. If my total is 5, I rolled a -3 for Effect. This may work nicely with MGT's latest news of an uncapped Effect. A new uncapped Effect table would be needed, along with changes to damage, as MGT has already proposed. They may even work as is with this new MGT system.
- Cautious Rolls: Declaring cautious before the roll requires the timing die to be swapped with any task die that it is higher then (a.i. pick the best 2 of 3 dice for the task dice). I roll 2, 4, and 5 for timing. Since I delcared cautious, my task roll is a 9, while my timing is reduced to only 2, instead of a 5. I have not looked at how much of an affect this will have on task success, this is important since often time will not be a factor. This could be abused?
- Hasty Rolls: Declaring hasty before the roll requires the timing die to be swapped with any task die that it is lower then (a.i. pick the best of the 3 dice to be the timing die). I roll 3, 5, and 2 for timing. Since I declared hasty, my timing die must be the 5 (instead of 2), but my hasty task roll total is 5, instead of 8 for a normal task.
- Open-Ended: An open-ended system allows for very skilled or very poor task rolls to have a chance, even if it's very slight - If double 6's are rolled, add the timing die to the task total. If double 1's are rolled, subtract the timing die from the task total. Double 6's could be ruined by a hasty attempt, while double 1's could be prevented by a cautious attempt.
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