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CT Combat and Damage to Spacecraft?


I'm a bit on the fence about this, and can't recall how CT (and/or for that matter, later variants of the Traveller rules handle it) deals with weapons fire, in and around small spacecraft, for boarding actions, or when they're out on the tarmac, and a skirmish breaks out (thinking small arms fire here).

In the real world, we obviously know that weapons fire is very detrimental, and in many/most cases, catastrophic, if it happens to hit one or more sensitive parts on a passenger jet, Learjet, or other small air or spacecraft.

Air marshals are presumably armed with special rounds to bring down the bad guys/women, but that are less likely to penetrate the fuselage and cause hull depressurization. They're also no doubt, very skilled in hitting their targets at close range, so that their rounds don't penetrate into cockpits, damaging or destroying the controls, and/or aircrew. I suspect they're also told not to fire through windows, etc., etc., that also might cause major issues.

Of course, in the movies, this is a non-issue in many cases, since the craft we're dealing with are larger, and they're using lasers/blasters which can be played off as being of less danger to hulls than very fast moving projectiles might be.

Ultra-realism suggests that any and all (or at least most) weapons fire in and around small spacecraft, and even some larger ones - 100 tons and less, to 400+ tons or so, may be adversely impacted (pun intended) by high speed projectiles flying about, either outside, or inside these vessels.

Granted, perhaps some specialized rounds, and/or weaponry might be ignored, in such battles, if specifically tailored for that, but I imagine most might pose a real danger, if the spacecraft are not at least minimally armored.

So, how does CT, and/or other variants handle this, or do you just ignore it in most cases?

I can see that it might add some interest to games, but in a wild, firefight between rival factions, or individuals, it might also be overly burdensome to track where the various rounds impact each turn, if there's a battle at the local spaceport, before liftoff.

Perhaps, some way of tracking only catastrophic damage for the occasional lucky/unlucky shot?

Obviously, in a lot of cases, hull integrity would likely be compromised, resulting in atmospheric pressure loss, unless the vessels' hull has some way to automatically repair that.

A slow or moderate loss of fuel, and/or engine power might make for an interesting follow-up scenario, for those trying to escape from a fight at a spaceport, but then find their vessel is damaged, so they need to make a short hop, and emergency or crash-landing to deal with the damage, and repairs.

CT: per S7... 100 points of damage does a breach; 500 if it's a man sized hole... x10 if not an energy weapon. MAYBE a breach does one hit.

Striker: given the AV... anything manpack bounces.

MT: it can be resolved normally, but 40 AV means only at close range is it going to penetrate.
Traveller ships have hulls designed to withstand impacts from space dust - bullets and most man portable weapons scratch the paintwork.

If the gunfight is inside the ship then you may find it useful to allocate hits values to machinery in a similar way MWM rated robots.

I came up with a way to adapt the animal hits table to machinery/vehicles/robots that I am quite happy with.

Here is the thread just in case it is any use to you:

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What Page?

From Supplement 7:

p. 5:
Interior Walls: lnterior walls are partitions: non-load-bearing panels firmly fixed in place. They are not pressure-tight, and cannot withstand a concerted assault. Firing 100 hit points at such a wall with an energy weapon will burn a hole in the wall large enough for one person to pass through per turn; an explosion which produces 100 hit points will produce the same effect. Weapons firing bullets are less efficient in doing this sort of damage; such a weapon must produce 1000 hit points before a person-sized hole is produced.

p. 6:
Bulkheads: The major structural components of a ship are the bulkheads, and they represent the compartmentalization of the ship for damage control and environment maintenance as well as the outer hull of the ship. Bulkheads are very difficult to destroy. A concerted effort with an energy weapon or explosive must produce 1000 hit points of damage in order to create a hole large enough for a person to step through. Bullet firing weapons are ineffective against bulkheads. All deck floors are assumed to be bulkheads.
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From Supplement 7:

p. 5:

p. 6:
Bulkheads: The major structural components of a ship are the bulkheads, and they represent the compartmentalization of the ship for damage control and environment maintenance as well as the outer hull of the ship. Bulkheads are very difficult to destroy. A concerted effort with an energy weapon or explosive must produce 1000 hit points of damage in order to create a hole large enough for a person to step through. Bullet firing weapons are ineffective against bulkheads. All deck floors are assumed to be bulkheads.

Actually I was asking specifically about the breach of vacuum integrity not the man size hole.

I found it in Snapshot, Page 26....
CT: per S7... 100 points of damage does a breach; 500 if it's a man sized hole... x10 if not an energy weapon. MAYBE a breach does one hit.

Striker: given the AV... anything manpack bounces.

MT: it can be resolved normally, but 40 AV means only at close range is it going to penetrate.

HMM, on the Striker one I believe its' possible to pack a tac missile that can penetrate unarmored starship, and of course there are demolitions and nuclear charges.
HMM, on the Striker one I believe its' possible to pack a tac missile that can penetrate unarmored starship, and of course there are demolitions and nuclear charges.

plasma and fusion guns, too. But common small arms will not even dent the armor.
I have a big tendency to treat CT ships like Maritime ships, especially in terms of the weapons they need to worry about.

At sea, they generally worry about RPGs and larger for damage to the ship.

With that I generally have the players worry about Armored Cars armed with Autocannons at short range to the ship. A squad of Imperial Marines with Plasma and Fusion weapons are something to worry about at close range as well, well and at longer ranges too if they decide that the ship is really a target, then a pocket nuke Tac missiles are available.

My general categories of vehicles and weapons.
Armored Vehicles/Starships, "Turret" weapons,
Armored Cars/Armored Contragrav/Smallcraft, "Support" weapons,
Softskin vehicles, well pretty much everything.

Some odds and ends, the VRF Gauss Gun as described in Book 4 is a 2 tonne turret, that serves as a Autocannon. It is probably the most common vehicle weapon in the Imperium, by the various TO&Es published throughout the years.

I have always treated the AFV as equivalent of the 10 dton fighter. Armed with a Ship's laser and a VRF Gauss Gun. Using the Smallcraft damage table from Ship's combat for received damage.
Makes sense in many cases, and solves a number of issues.

Of course, it creates some too, so I'll have to see about balancing that for various scenarios.