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I had this thought... if TODAY, we have cyberwarfare rearing it's ugly head, with attempts to hack or compromise enemy networks, with the intention of shutting down powerplants, detection grids, defenses.. you name it.. why not have an automated system that can deliver a massive attack in one mobile punch. A Cyber missile. The idea is, it's launched at a target ship, base, whatever, and instead of a warhead detonating, it releases a massively powerful wifi blast with a host of computer virus, malware, system exploits, DDOS, and other 'cyber attacks' in the hopes of infecting the target systems or at least swamping them so the network can't do what its supposed to do.
Random blasts of data aren't going to get anywhere. Especially in combat.

Computer systems only accept input via specific channels. In combat mode, no ship is going to accept wireless input unless a government has forced the manufacturer to put in an intentional weakness.

The reason cyberwarfare works right now is that people are putting machines that need not be onto the networks. We lack sufficient paranoia to prevent general use machines from being compromised. On the other hand, dedicated appliances with tight code are virtually immune; a machine that can only check Pop3 servers and deliver to SMTP servers (not even allowing itself a self-update system) can be literally immune to virii.
The idea is, it's launched at a target ship, base, whatever, and instead of a warhead detonating, it releases a massively powerful wifi blast with a host of computer virus, malware, system exploits, DDOS, and other 'cyber attacks'

You wouldn't need a missile. A wireless such as this attack can be done directly from the launching platform.
Where missiles, or better still, drones do work in cyber warfare are as platforms for snooping and gaining SIGNIT intelligence on what information is being radiated, what hardware is being used and the type and volume of communications.

There are things you can send by missile that can attack the enemy's cyber warfare capability.

EMP warheads to knock out unshielded military or civilian equipment.

Carbon fiber strands or bundles. I'm hazy on this one but the idea of these is that you drop them on electricity transformers and powerlines to cause shorts.

Jammers. Powerful short range jammers to flood the part of the electronic spectrum that the enemy is using for cyber warfare and communications.

There are better (sneakier) ways to access and infect and enemy network than firing a missile containing a transmitter and code. Also remember that a big aspect of cyber warfare is not just bricking the enemies toys, but gaining intelligene, taking over his sensors either to see what he sees or to make him see what you want him to.
And don't forget the main advantage of a computer virus is when it is unnoticed, as if noticed it can be fought against. Installing a virus through such a missile would be as bradcasting the computer is infected, and so minimizing (at least) its effect.