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Database-less Proof of Concepts

Hi all,

I had some time during my extended coffee break today to put together a quick proof of concept app for a dictionary with full-text search. It's all HTML/CSS/Javascript and will run directly from the browser without a web server. The impetus for doing this was a comment on the TML about folks not having database experience to build proper apps instead of spreadsheets. So long as you don't have to save anything to disk (other than screenprints), you really don't need a database for most apps.

Vilani Dictionary

There is also a quick and dirty generator for Zhodani at Zhodani Word Generator. It still needs some additional work (compressing repetitive sequences, suppressing sequences of unpronounceable syllables), but it seems to generate words according to Classic Traveller Aliens 4 - Zhodani.

They aren't pretty, but they do seem to work as expected.
I did something like this with a Vargr name generator, but kept the data in the main file itself. Mostly because Go is compiled, and it's easier to package things internally. On the other hand, I did a Names database with sample code in PHP, Perl, Python, and Ruby. It uses a SQLite database, so no real "dba work" required.