I've been editing the entry for the current archduke of Vland, Ishuggi, on the Trawiki and I've run into a snag.
According to p. 102 of GT: Nobles:
From this it is clear that Archduke Ushari died somewhere between 1073 and 1077. But is there any information elsewhere in Nobles (or anywhere else) that can narrow it down further?
According to p. 102 of GT: Nobles:
"In 1073, Lord Ishuggi took a sabbatical to visit his father, whose health had been failing for years. He was present on Capital when his father died. [...] Archduke Ishuggi returned to Vland in 1077..."
From this it is clear that Archduke Ushari died somewhere between 1073 and 1077. But is there any information elsewhere in Nobles (or anywhere else) that can narrow it down further?