Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
RichardP wrote:
"I am afraid it will always be an incomplete classic"
Having forced myself to read both of the so-called TNE novels, I must take great exception to your use of the word 'classic'. The TNE books were not novels to be put aside lightly, rather they should be thrown with great force. Everyone associated with them should be ashamed of themselves.
My thesaurus fails me when dealing with the TNE novels. Hopefully, they will find use in college courses as examples of what NOT to do when writing a novel. The TNE novels were so bad that they should have been PAID us to read them. The staff at my town's dump removed the TNE novels from the paper recycling bin and placed them where they belonged; among the rest of the HAZARDOUS WASTE.
The TNE novels were 'Un-Books'.