So if there's no test for psionic abilities, what does the Psifinder General do when he goes looking for psionic adepts?IMTU, only Psis can detect Other Psis. I think we discussed this before, Hans. I dislike the idea of some sort of electronic device capable of detecting psionics, unless the talent is related to elevated brain chemicals or specific brain wave patterns.
If you don't have psionic powers yourself and want to track down and apprehend people who do, how do you go about it?
Being able to detect latent powers makes sense, but there are a lot of people with those. Imperium never struck me as that much dystopian so as to get rid of everyone who has the potential to be a psion.
So if there's no test for psionic abilities, what does the Psifinder General do when he goes looking for psionic adepts?
Genetic testing?
Eyewitness accounts?
So, hate psionics much?I can imagine genetic testing prior to birth, with mandatory abortion if any genetic indication of psionics appear. Failure to submit to testing would result in mandatory sterilization, and possibly execution.
Saint Timmii the Exploiter is proud of you! That is very well put together, I like it.Assuming you dont go the NAS route, use some trickery with the cloning and personality editing from the T5 rules.
1) Clone a telepaths brain (as per rules - psionics remain intact in a clone p524)
2) Edit old personality to resemble that of a 'smart' dog.
3) Train/edit/reprogram the clone brain to 'sniff out' psi activity.
4) Re-implant the edited personality (which is permanent).
5) Install the brain in a synthetic body (a dog is appropriate)
6) The Psi-dogs then follow the Psifinders on their rounds sniffing for Psi events.
7) If the dog reacts the individual is brought in for more detailed examination
8) The Psi-dogs personality implants are updated/re-implanted often to prevent them getting smart.
9) If you dont want a psi-dog, put the brain in a sealed box with blinking lights, etc.
10) Because no one knows about the clone brain inside the unit, they just think they are specially trained dogs and dont get upset or ask uncomfortable questions.
I can imagine genetic testing prior to birth, with mandatory abortion if any genetic indication of psionics appear. Failure to submit to testing would result in mandatory sterilization, and possibly execution.
Not particularily. I posted in Lone Star instead of T5 because I was thinking of the OTU in general rather than any specific set of rules.I gather we're discussing T5.
Oh dear...And Carlobrand, yes T5 says Psionics are inheritable.
So, hate psionics much?
Also, exactly how do you justify abortions for the mere possibility of manifesting psionics at some unknown future point? Just because one has a gene present doesn't always mean it will express its code, other genes may interfere with it or environmental effects could prevent its expression. Not to mention the execution for merely failing to submit to testing that may well result in your children being aborted for abilities they may or may not have developed.
Nasty Imperium you have there, sir, very nasty indeed.
which I related to the "Witchfinder General" of Puritan England, which did get quite nasty.Psifinder General
Okay.I was just speculating as to what the Imperium might do in order to restrain any development of psionics within the Imperium. It all depends on how anti-psionic you wish the Imperium to get. One of the other posts mentioned a <Psifinder General> which I related to the "Witchfinder General" of Puritan England, which did get quite nasty.
Given the size of the Imperium, and the distances involved in passing orders to outlying worlds, I view a coherent anti-psionic policy as more than a bit unworkable.