Yes the books and screens are on their way to the distributors for their pre-orders with the balance on their way here.Originally posted by Mythmere:
Are the books out of the printer?
Depends on if Amazon orders any from a distributor. We don't ship to Amazon directly.Originally posted by Anduirnal:
Has it been shipped to also ? It's my prefered way to get books that I cannot find in France... (Or has it been shipped to some retailer in France ?)
I know at least the Midwest branch of Alliance got their shipment already. I would assume the other branches probably have as well by now.Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
I picked up a copy of the GM's Screen from the FLGS. However, according to the fellow who does the actual ordering, the book isn't available from Alliance yet.
Mark A. Siefert
And????Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
I picked up a copy of the GM's Screen from the FLGS.
Thanks. In fact, if the book has been shipped to, I can buy it from them. I suppose that if the book has been shipped to UK, they will get some copies ?We do have a shipment on the way to the UK and Esdevium. I honestly don't know if Esdevium deals with retailers in France. If nothing else we could probably arrange to get you one via Martin out of the UK.
If they ordered any they should. I have no idea if they have or not.Originally posted by Anduirnal:
Thanks. In fact, if the book has been shipped to, I can buy it from them. I suppose that if the book has been shipped to UK, they will get some copies ?
And????Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
I picked up a copy of the GM's Screen from the FLGS.
Aw come on, it wasn't THAT late...Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
And what???? You got your money! What more do you want from me? Stop calling me in the middle of the night! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
Aw come on, it wasn't THAT late...Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
And what???? You got your money! What more do you want from me? Stop calling me in the middle of the night! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
Tell them to call their distributors. All of the major distributors are carrying the products.Originally posted by Sage:
Can someone give me a clue how to actually get a copy? None of my local game stores have a clue -- 2 of the 3 didn't know that there was revised Traveller rulebook, and the 3rd, WoTC, wanted to know if "that was one of those dice games." The order site links to the old book (presumably) as it's ISBN ends with 4, not 6. Hints?
Yes, that is all that we have available. There are none of the first printing left anywhere that I am aware of. It's been sold out for awhile now.Originally posted by Sage:
If I order from TravellerRPG, will I automatically get the new version?
Nope the delay was on getting the screens in here. We just got them into the warehouse on Thursday.Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
I ordered a screen on Sept. 29 and haven't received it yet. I sent an e-mail inquiry on Friday (Oct. 10). Is there a backlog because of a heavy number of orders?