• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.


Hello all,
As exclaimed by the administrators, the material is 100% copyright at this stage so NO digital methods or PDF requests can be posted on the forum. My initial thoughts and offer of putting together a bootleg CD-ROM were based solely on the basis that the original owner doesn't seem to care. However it would seem that some fellow Travellers are undertaking efforts to try and unearth the material and I wouldn't want to jeopardize there efforts in any way. It was merely an offer if no one minded but it would seem some people do, so no problem.

However in any case I am still chasing the following books and would be most grateful if anyone would like to sell some of them to me, if they no longer want them or have spares etc.

So here's the original message in a new forum to replace the one that has been locked for those like myself hunting this harder to find Traveller material.

Hello all,
If there's one set of books I'd like to complete, it's the excellent Digest Group Publishing books.

Currently I have managed to obtain a nice handful of them but I have gaps in the collection so I thought I might put a wanted list here in the Duty Free Shop and if anyone is interested in selling some of there DGP's to me, please let me know.

So the list of wanted/remaining DGP books to complete the collection are as follows:
Travellers Digest #02, #03, #05, #14 and #16
Megatraveller Journal #1 and #2.
Referee's Gaming Kit
Alien - Solomani & Aslan
Alien - Vilani & Vargr
The Flaming Eye Campaign Sourcebook

So if anyone has any of those that they would like to sell, please let me know and what you'd like for them and maybe we can deal.
Who owns the rights? Where is Joe Fugate?

The rights were sold (By Joe and Gary) to Roger Sanger in the 1990's. Certain issues of MTJ bear GDW copyright notice, rather than DGP, and may not have been included.
To Inexorabletash

Hello Inexorabletash,
Just letting you know I've taken up your kind offer for TG #20 and sent a response. (This is purely for the purpose of checking that you got my message. Some fellow Travellers only have a small inbox here on COTI and sometimes have not received there messages from me, if there inbox is full).

Hope all is well and travel well,
And just confirming receipt. :)

For those who may search on this thread in the future, I also have a spare #19 and #21 available. PM if interested.
A very special thanks to Inexorabletash who's kindly selling me a Travellers Journal Issue #20. Most appreciated.

Thanks to agorski for pointing me to Waynes books too. That's an excellent RPG online book shop that one, featuring a lot of the harder to find material out there.

Just updating my wanted list for fellow Travellers who may have a spare or copies of the following they would like to sell:

Travellers Digest #02, #03, #05
Megatraveller Journal #1 and #2.
Referee's Gaming Kit
Alien - Solomani & Aslan
Alien - Vilani & Vargr
The Flaming Eye Campaign Sourcebook

Yes, that's all that's remaining to complete the collection of this excellent source material. Please let me know.
Just an update on the remaining DGP books I'm seeking. If you have any of these that you would like to sell, please let me know.

Travellers Digest #02, #03 and #05
Megatraveller Journal #1 and #2.
Referee's Gaming Kit
The Flaming Eye Campaign Sourcebook

Thank you all.