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Hello all,
If there's one set of books I'd like to complete, it's the excellent Digest Group Publishing books.

Currently I have managed to obtain a nice handful of them but I have gaps in the collection so I thought I might put a wanted list here in the Duty Free Shop and if anyone is interested in selling some of there DGP's to me, please let me know.

So the list of wanted/remaining DGP books to complete the collection are as follows:
Travellers Digest #02, #03, #05, #14, #16 and #20
Megatraveller Journal #1 and #2.
Referee's Gaming Kit
Alien - Solomani & Aslan
Alien - Vilani & Vargr
The Flaming Eye Campaign Sourcebook

So if anyone has any of those that they would like to sell, please let me know and what you'd like for them and maybe we can deal.
Have you tried any of the dealers that go to Sci-Fi and Gaming Conventions? Sometimes the Convention website will have the dealers listed and you can look them up on Google. Then you can drop them an e-mail asking if they have the books you are looking for. And even ask if they might be in your area anytime soon.

I grabbed some DGP Traveller books at GenCon 2001 (also where I got my copy of T4 autographed by Mr. Miller). I know I've seen DGP books at other conventions. Especially when I didn't have the money to buy them.
Hello all,
If there's one set of books I'd like to complete, it's the excellent Digest Group Publishing books.

I got my copy of V&V from ABE books, for a reasonable price by contacting the seller and negotiation a price. Not all of them will, but a few of them do. ABE currently has three copies of V&V, one of flaming eye. Plus one copy of S&A for $465 (plus shipping).
Plus one copy of S&A for $465 (plus shipping).

$465?!?! You've got to be kidding!

(Although a few years ago I was told if you had a near-mint version of White Dwarf #1, you could sell it at Gencon and pay for your entire trip &accomodatiin (incl. international flights)!

As Loren often opines, "Why don't they sell for that price when I want to sell stuff?"

Thanks Everyone

Many thanks everyone, it looks like most of the missing volumes can be obtained from one of these locations. Also a fellow Traveller has a spare of one of them.

It goes to show, if your after Traveller source books, ask your fellow Travellers.

I saw that and just can't believe it.

Car Wars Tanks was going for $365 at one time. It's come down to a modes $215 or something.

I saw some old Win98 game on Amazon going for $1100 or something, sold by some Asian lady running a game store in the midwest. A little shopping revealed a used copy for like $5 somewhere. Ditto with some old SEGA games. Pretty remarkable what people price their junk as.
As these are reasonably popular items, why isn't the copyright holder issuing them on CD in PDF format or on a Print-on-Demand basis?
Difference of opinion over their value (if I remember the story correctly).

Ultimately, Marc Miller would also need to allow them to be sold (FFE Trademarks) and for anyone outside FFE to sell them might also involve conflicts with other license holders (like Mongoose or GURPS).
Difference of opinion over their value (if I remember the story correctly).

Ultimately, Marc Miller would also need to allow them to be sold (FFE Trademarks) and for anyone outside FFE to sell them might also involve conflicts with other license holders (like Mongoose or GURPS).

Sounds like a case where only the lawyers make money.
As these are reasonably popular items, why isn't the copyright holder issuing them on CD in PDF format or on a Print-on-Demand basis?

The original owner sold the copyright (that sale may be invalid shortly†) and trademarks.

The new owner has no license from Marc, and won't come to terms for Marc to rerelease in PDF on CD, and won't pay Marc reasonable terms for a license for him to reprint them.

THey're good. Pirate scans of V&V, S&A, SSOM, and WBH are out there.

† Recent changes revert 25+yo sales of copyrights under certain conditions, most especially non-reissue. A couple of older games have reverted to their authors under those clauses, but whether the new law stands up in contested situations is untested.
Thanks for the information Aramis. Very handy to know. It's rather sad when works have to wait for years till certain stubborn people are out of the picture to let them see the light of day.

It's a crying shame as every Traveller player needs to read these works, they really are terrific and feature some of the best Traveller artworks I've seen in printed form.

If anyone has any copies of those books mentioned(even a tattered copy would be fine), please do post them on here.

For that matter, any DGP books as I'm sure there would be others who have been looking for the missing DGP volumes in various forms as well.

I might put together a "not for profit or sale" PDF collection simply to help preserve the data of these terrific works if other fellow Travellers were interested. However I'd need to complete the collection for that to occur. (If anyone believes I'd be annoying anyone or breaching copyright etc by doing this, please do let me know. It would be purely for the benefit of gamers, nothing more).

In any case, here's hoping I can complete the collection. It really is great material. :)
Such a collection would violate a number of copyrights, and Marc and Roger do have an agreement about that. Marc has defended Roger's copyrights previously.

When it comes to DMCA orders, Marc has DGP materials at the top of my list. I'd hate to have to issue DMCA orders against board members.
Thanks for the information Aramis. Very handy to know. It's rather sad when works have to wait for years till certain stubborn people are out of the picture to let them see the light of day.

It's a crying shame as every Traveller player needs to read these works, they really are terrific and feature some of the best Traveller artworks I've seen in printed form.

If anyone has any copies of those books mentioned(even a tattered copy would be fine), please do post them on here.

For that matter, any DGP books as I'm sure there would be others who have been looking for the missing DGP volumes in various forms as well.

I might put together a "not for profit or sale" PDF collection simply to help preserve the data of these terrific works if other fellow Travellers were interested. However I'd need to complete the collection for that to occur. (If anyone believes I'd be annoying anyone or breaching copyright etc by doing this, please do let me know. It would be purely for the benefit of gamers, nothing more).

In any case, here's hoping I can complete the collection. It really is great material. :)

We'd have to stop you by the legal routes.

Roger, for the moment, owns the copyrights to DGP materials other than the later issues of MTJ. (those are GDW's copyright.)

That there are good pirate scans shows there is demand for high quality scans. And shows that, were Roger to cure his malajustment, could have product up in days. (By law, IIUC, those pirate scans belong to him, no matter who did them, once they hit the US. He could, legally, use those pirate scans immediately. More than one eRetailer has used pirate scans to replace lower quality scans they had done.)

[m;]If you go looking for pirate scans, don't post about the process nor the locations here. We will suspend you immediately for posting locations of pirate scans. Including ones you've done yourself. We will infract you for admissions of getting them.[/m;]

In my opinion, there is a large moral gulf between pirate copies of the official PDFs and pirate scans of out of print and unreprintable materials. There is no legal ground, however, between them - they are, legally, still the same: Copyright Infringement.

And we have to act on the legal basis.
Not only am I privy to the most recent discussions between Rodge and Marc, but I was part of the Courtney Soloman/Rodge discussions, and I would disagree with significant portions of Aramis' portrayal of Rodge's positions, and there are other problems related to the issue.

I'd like to request that this thread be locked.
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