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CT Only: Disappearance On Aramat

I've owned this thick adventure for years. Never played it. I should.

It was published by Grenadier Models, Inc. I'm guessing that they were using the adventure to promote their Traveller miniatures line.

The adventure itself looks pretty cool. Anybody ever played it?

It is designed for Book 4 Merc characters. There are some archaeology students that have gone missing on Aramant. That's one half sector coreward of the Imperial border in the Precipiece subsector.

This is the Meshan Sector, but I see that there is some confusion on The Traveller Map and on the Traveller Wiki. This source (from 1984) is not referenced at all, and it predates the other sources on those pages.

The adventure suggest use of Striker, AHL, Veterans, Animal Encounters, and 1001 Characters.

Plus, the adventure uses a lot of robots, which is interesting, because Book 8 (and DGP's 101 Robots) came out two years after the adventure was published.

I'm not sure when the JTAS article on Robots was published.

All-in-all, it looks like an excellent adventure. There's exploring akin to Mission on Mithril/Across The Bright Face. There's random encounters and events. There's plenty of animals. And there's the robots and androids. There's keyed events, and there's detailed encounter locations.

Looks pretty cool.
I was setting up to use this adventure in my Roll20 campaign before it died due to scheduling issues. I was running into challenges in wanting to adapt it for a sandbox campaign. How do you handle adventures where overland travel is important given PCs that might own a ship or an Air/Raft (or even better grav vehicle)? Or what prevents the PCs from flying their ship over to the interesting spot?

Many of the GDW adventures have "railroads" like "something breaks on your ship, while you wait for it to be repaired..."

With the added complication for the Ref that it isn't in the Imperium, so the overarching authority to keep your ship from landing anywhere you please has no teeth, if it is present at all.
I ran it once years ago.
How do you know it's supposed to be located in Meshan sector? I don't remember ever reading that... :confused: