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Diverse Roles Coming Soon!

Independence Games

SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Coming soon!

Gypsy Knights Games is proud to present our newest book in the Clement Sector line of products. Diverse Roles: A Clement Sector Career Catalog presents 19 career tracks for use in building Clement Sector characters. These include careers such as Belters, Clergy, Politicians, Scavengers, and much more. While these careers are specifically geared toward our Clement Sector setting, they could easily be used in any Cepheus Engine or 2d6 SF RPG setting.

Written by John Watts with a special Engineer track written by Michael Johnson, the book includes art by Bradley Warnes and our newest artist, Jennifer Leonard.

Cover art by Bradley Warnes. Cover design by Stephanie McAlea. Edited by Curtis Rickman.

Diverse Roles will be available in PDF on June 23 and in print shortly thereafter.

Any chance you can give a link to Jennifer Leonard's work so that we can know what to expect? I'm really looking forward to this and would like to see her style.

Any chance you can give a link to Jennifer Leonard's work so that we can know what to expect? I'm really looking forward to this and would like to see her style.


In Diverse Roles, Jennifer illustrates the "Adventurer" career. I will likely be showing it later in the week as part of the advertising campaign for the book.

Jennifer is an artist local to me and I met her at a Free Comic Day event back in May. She's a promising young artist. I hope that this art will be the first of many that she does for us and that this can give her additional exposure.

In the meantime, you can see her DeviantArt page here: http://sunsetrising-art.deviantart.com/gallery/
In Diverse Roles, Jennifer illustrates the "Adventurer" career. I will likely be showing it later in the week as part of the advertising campaign for the book.

Jennifer is an artist local to me and I met her at a Free Comic Day event back in May. She's a promising young artist. I hope that this art will be the first of many that she does for us and that this can give her additional exposure.

In the meantime, you can see her DeviantArt page here: http://sunsetrising-art.deviantart.com/gallery/

Not too bad. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the pencil work but the painted work looks good. I can't wait to see how she envisions the Clement Sector and look forward to her work.

Here we see Arthur Neal. Neal is running for the Cascadian Congress for the Social Democrats from the 421st district which encompasses much of downtown Columbia. This picture of Neal is used to illustrate the Politician career featured in Diverse Roles: A Clement Sector Career Catalog which is Gypsy Knights Games' newest sourcebook.

Diverse Roles will be available in PDF form on June 23.

Art seen here by Bradley Warnes.

OK. So this picture is a bit meta.

Art seen here by Bradley Warnes for Gypsy Knights Games' newest sourcebook, Diverse Roles: A Clement Sector Career Catalog. The book will feature career tracks as varied as Clergy, Politicians, and Scavengers.

Diverse Roles: A Clement Sector Career Catalog will be available on June 23 in PDF form.

We've updated the Diverse Roles file on the PDF sales sites. It would seem that there was an error in the PDF formatting that made the cover far larger than the body of the PDF. That's fixed now and you should have an email from DTRPG/RPGNow or a note in your Updates section informing you of this.

Thanks for your patience.
I've said it elsewhere (and John is not paying me, I swear), but this is a great product and everyone should take a look at it.

Even if you don't play in Clement Sector, it is a great resource for any MgT/Cepheus/2d6SF campaign if you want more character generation options.
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I've said it elsewhere (and John is not paying me, I swear), but this is a great product and everyone should take a look at it.

Even if you don't play in Clement Sector, it is a great resource for any MgT/Cepheus/2d6SF campaign if you want more character generation options.

Thanks Adam! I'm glad that you are enjoying it.
Just wanted to drop in a quick heads-up and let folks know that both A Fifth of 21 Plots and Diverse Roles have been submitted to the printer. Assuming all goes well, I should have a print proof in hand in about two weeks possibly less.
Well, it would appear that things at the printer are moving faster than usual. Just got an email saying that the print proofs for Diverse Roles and A Fifth of 21 Plots are in transit to GKG HQ.

Assuming all is well with those proofs, those books should be available in print quite soon.