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Droyne Expedition (Type DE)

Sir Brad

Droyne Expedition (Type DE)

200 Ton Custom Streamlined Wedge Hull with D J-Drive (Jump-4), D M-Drive (Maneuver-4) and D Power-plant, Model 4 Computer, there is 102 tons of Flue for the Drives and Power-plant. the ship has a communal living area suitable for up to 6 Droyne. it has two Triple Turrets one mounting three Beam Lasers and an other with three Sandcasters and a 15 ton Cargo bay with re-configurable bulkheads that allows part of it to be isolated for various purposes such as a Vehicle Bay or some other purpose.
normally crewed by a tyafelm or kroylos it can realistically be crewed by any combination of Pilot, Navigator and Engineer.

Using standardized components it can be constructed as early as TL A but even among Droyne the design is uncommon at lower Tech Levels not becoming widespread before TL D

If produced commercially by a non-Droyne shipyard it would cost 145.45 MCr and is unlikely to receive a discount due to model standardization. those not constructed by the Droyne are almost exclusively built by the Zhodani.

Variants, around IC 1100 both the IISS and Zhodani started limited production of a ship based on the Type DE though technologically distinct from each other they where functionally identical with near identical interior layouts and possessed remarkably similar exterior hulls. both broke the comuinal living area up in to individual staterooms and added a 4th and both added an Air/raft in a dedicated bay that could be converted to additional cargo space with relative ease, additionally 1-2 Sandcasters are replaced with Missile/Probe launchers a modification not often seen on Droyne versions of the ship.

Anyone interested in making up High Guard or other editions of this ship please do and post them.
You should have 120 Dt fuel, 80 for jump and 40 for the PP, making the ship a bit over-tonnage.

A LBB5 version gains a few Dt, but costs more.
DE-2144441-000000-00000-0        MCr 161         200 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=3
batteries                                           TL=13
                          Cargo=36 Fuel=88 EP=8 Agility=3

Single Occupancy                                   36       160,8
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             2          200            
Configuration       Needle/Wedge       1                     24  
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,2
Jump Drive                             4    1      10        40  
Manoeuvre D         D                  4    1       7        16  
Power Plant                            4    1      16        48  
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-4, 4 weeks            4       8            
Purifier                                    1       5         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         1  
Computer            m/4                4    1       4        30  
Staterooms                                  3      12         1,5
Cargo                                              36            
Demountable Tanks   J-4                     1      80         0,1
Empty hardpoint                             2       2            
Nominal Cost        MCr 160,81           Sum:      36       160,8
Class Cost          MCr  33,77          Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 128,65                                   
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge     1
Passengers            Mid     0           3       Engineers     1
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     1
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0

Note that the jump fuel is placed in demountable tanks in the cargo hold, so that some tanks can be taken out for decreased jump range but increased cargo capacity.
A T5 version is much cheaper:

Using a 200 Dton streamlined hull, it has a J Drive D, a M Drive D, and a P Plant D giving performance of jump-4 and 4 g acceleration. There is fuel tankage of 87,2 Dton, enough for 4 weeks and 1 jump-4.
Controls consists of three control consoles, seven operating consoles, and a m/4 computer with Ergonomics 2.
There are five sensors: a communicator, an EMS, a scope, a neutrino sensor, and a stealth mask.
Crew accomodations consists of four staterooms with a Comfort of 4.
Cargo capacity is 24 Dton. The ship requires a crew of four: a pilot, an astrogator, an engineer, and a maintenance. The ship costs MCr 78,1.

TL-13  DE-BS44                       Ergo 2   Comfort 4    Demand 0        Agility 0
       Defence Corvette              Total:         0          78,1        Stability 1
SYSTEM                                    #       DTON         COST      
Hull                                              200                    
Config: Streamlined                                            13        
Structure: Plate Kinetic       AV=13 ( 130 vs Blast, 2600 vs Heat/Beam, 130 vs Pres, 1300 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )      
Coating: Reflec                AV= 0 ( 1300 vs Heat/Beam  )      
Armour Std Anti-Rad                       1                          AV=13 ( 130 vs Blast, 1300 vs H/B, 1300 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )      
Landing Legs Wilderness                             2           2        
Lifters Installed                                               1        
Jump Field: Jump Bubble                                                    D=278 m, Flash 7
J Drive D      J-4, 400 EP                1        25          25        
Mod M Drive D  4 G, 440 EP                1         3,5         7        
Mod P Plant D  P 4, 440 EP                1         6,5         6,5      
Fuel, Jump   J-4                                   80                    
Fuel, Power  4 weeks                                7,2                  
Purifier                                  3         3           1,5      
Scoops                                    1         1           0,1      
Water Intake                              1         1           0,1      
Ice Bin                                   1         1           0,1      
Console, Control Gen C+S=12               3         6           0,4        Brain: INT=4, EDU=2
Console, Operati Gen C+S=12               7        14           0,6        Brain: INT=4, EDU=2
Computer Gen m/4                          1         4           9        
Mod AR Surf Commu-10 +12A+7 PA(           1                     1,5        
Gen AR Surf EMS-13 +13A+7 PA(El           1                     1,5        ACS S=7
Mod AR Surf Scope-11 +13A-- P(P           1                     1,5        ACS S=4
Mod AR Surf Neutr-12 +14A-- P(G           1                     1,5        ACS S=7
Gen AR Surf Steal-13 -13A-- P(A           1                     1,5        
Crew:                                     4                              
Stateroom for 1                           4         8           0,4      
Freshers Shared                           2         1           1        
Common Areas                              7         7                    
Life Support:                                                            
Med Console                               1         0,5         0,5      
Life Support, Long term 200%              1         1,6         1,6        960 person-days
Escape Capsules 200%                      1         1           1           10 people
Standard Air Lock                         2                              
Cargo                                              24,7                  
Spare Space                                         2                    
                                       Crew    Consoles      Panels      
Crew                                 4               10          18      
Bridge Crew                          2    0                              
    Pilot                                 1           1           2      
    Astrogator                            1           1           0      
    Sensor Ops                            0           2           5      
Engineer                             2    0                              
    Engineer                              1           4           7      
    Maintenance                           1                              
Service Crew                         0    0                              
    Operations                            0           1           2      
Gunner                               0    0                              
    Gunner                                0           1           2
Medium expensive, a bit crew intensive.

Using a 200 Dton streamlined hull, it has performance of jump-4 and 4 g acceleration. There is fuel tankage of 81 Dton, enough for 4 weeks and jump-4.
The ship has a bridge with holographic controls. Adjacent to the bridge are a m/20 and a m/15/bis computer. The sensor suite include an improved sensor.
There are four staterooms and four tons of common areas. There are eight escape capsules and an autodoc.
There are two turrets.
Cargo capacity is 31 Dton. The ship requires a crew of seven: a pilot, an astrogator, two engineers, one service crew, and two gunners. The ship costs MCr 107,9.

You should have 120 Dt fuel, 80 for jump and 40 for the PP, making the ship a bit over-tonnage.

A LBB5 version gains a few Dt, but costs more.
DE-2144441-000000-00000-0        MCr 161         200 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=3
batteries                                           TL=13
                          Cargo=36 Fuel=88 EP=8 Agility=3

Single Occupancy                                   36       160,8
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             2          200            
Configuration       Needle/Wedge       1                     24  
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,2
Jump Drive                             4    1      10        40  
Manoeuvre D         D                  4    1       7        16  
Power Plant                            4    1      16        48  
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-4, 4 weeks            4       8            
Purifier                                    1       5         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         1  
Computer            m/4                4    1       4        30  
Staterooms                                  3      12         1,5
Cargo                                              36            
Demountable Tanks   J-4                     1      80         0,1
Empty hardpoint                             2       2            
Nominal Cost        MCr 160,81           Sum:      36       160,8
Class Cost          MCr  33,77          Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 128,65                                   
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge     1
Passengers            Mid     0           3       Engineers     1
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     1
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0

Note that the jump fuel is placed in demountable tanks in the cargo hold, so that some tanks can be taken out for decreased jump range but increased cargo capacity.
I like this trick (under HG rules they're drop tanks but mounted internally, and not ejected after use). Add drop the cost of drop tank fittings for them and it meets the intent of the rules, if not the letter.

200 Dt, J-4, M-4 w. 60 Gturns propellant, MCr 123
Crew intensive with 4 bridge crew, 4 engineers, and 2 gunners, so 10 small staterooms.
222 m³ (a bit over 15 Dt) free cargo.

I like this trick (under HG rules they're drop tanks but mounted internally, and not ejected after use). Add drop the cost of drop tank fittings for them and it meets the intent of the rules, if not the letter.

No trick and perfectly according to the letter of the rules, see TCS pp13-14.

Demountable tanks are a distinct system, not drop tanks. Slightly cheaper, but takes a couple of weeks to remove or restore.
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200 Dt, J-4, M-4, MCr 145.
5 staterooms for five crew: Pilot, Navigator, two Engineers, Gunner.
35 Dt cargo.
Good active sensors, weaker passive sensors.

No trick and perfectly according to the letter of the rules, see TCS pp13-14.

Demountable tanks are a distinct system, not drop tanks. Slightly cheaper, but takes a couple of weeks to remove or restore.
Reasonable. Hadn't realized you'd invoked TCS on this, but it should have been obvious.
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huh, my CT HG/LBB ship comes out a bit different

Tsaki	Class	USP	Tsaki Droyne Explorer ED-2144(1)441-040000-40000-0  MCr166.48 200 Tons TL:13				
Item	Droyne Explorer						
13	TL	13.00%	26	Tons left			EP left
Explorer	Type	E	166.48	MCr			Agility
Droyne	Modifier	D		TL	Tons used	Cost	EP Used
1	Bridge				20	1	
200	Tons	2			-200		
1	Needle	1			0	24	
4	Jump	4		13	10	40	
D	Manuever	4		13	7	16	
4	Power Plant	4	4	13	16	48	-8
4	Computer	4		13	4	30	2
5	Crew	1			12	1.5	
88	Fuel				88		
3	Sandcaster	4		13		0.75	
3	Laser	4		13		3	3
	Single Turrets	Particle Accelerator extra mass			0	0	
0	Dual Turrets	Energy weapons exta mass here			0	0	
	Triple Turrets				2	2	
1	ATV	10	tons each		10		
1	Fuel Scoops					0.2	
1	Fuel Purifier			13	5	0.03	
	Cargo	26					
	Max Life Support	6					
Tsaki Droyne Explorer ED-2144(1)441-040000-40000-0  MCr166.48 200 Tons TL:13							
Cargo 26 Fuel 88 EP 8 Agility 1 Crew 5							
1x 10 ton ATV Fuel Scoops and Purifiers.
Crew is one full stateroom and 4 halfs, but, as Droyne, communal with modular partitioning.
Well we need to name this ship. I saw one suggestion "Tsaki" -- a legitimately Droynish word. Any others?
I always figured the ANNIC NOVA as a Droyne Expedition ship, built with some Ancient technology, such as a pocket universe to supply the power for the Jump Drives.