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CT Only: Droyne Funerary Rites?


Are there any cannonical references for such?

The Droyne character in my Storium narration of Beltstrike was just forcibly removed from a ship, suitless via explosive decompression by way of a ragged hole, during a counter boarding operation. The remaining crew are a bit busy for observances at the moment but once things cool down, I anticipate, they'll want to color the wake all Droyne like.

Are there any old skool references we can draw from? I own the FFE CT CD. I just need help navigating the mass of information found therein.

Thank you for your thoughts and insight.
I imagine they might not have any particular rites given the race's ability to painlessly suicide at any time.
Sucked out a hole, you say?

Gather everyone around in the lounge, blender up some smoothies, and everyone make a toast!

One of you (prolly the captain) should spill a little bit on the ground for his lost homy.
I don't recall anything, but it would certainly involve Coyns.

I could imagine a ceremonial casting of the Coyns to tell the story of the departed's next adventure. A sufficiently clever GM could use it to foreshadow the next adventure of the surviving crew.
Thank you all, your advice is about what I came up on my own. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing any gems buried in the cannon.