Hi all,
I just had a weird idea.
You build a starhip, 200 tons with no maneuvers drives, but with jump capacity for 400 tons.
You build a space ship, 200 tons with maneuver drive capacity for 400 tons.
You equip the jump ship with a docking station, streamlined, for 200 tons.
You got a dual starship.
It costs 20 tons of bridge space, but gives the benefit of high maneuvers with the space ship.
You actually also need 2 computers, so you loose also some space there.
Any thoughts welcome.
It would actually work better as soon as you hit the 1000 tons limit times 2 like this you do not lose the space needed for the bridges requirement.
I kind of like the idea. I think it's a design that my players will meet in a pirating role.
High maneuvers, if you build the power plants smartly, high agility, dual turrets. (the jump ship has maybe only the strict minimum).
I just had a weird idea.
You build a starhip, 200 tons with no maneuvers drives, but with jump capacity for 400 tons.
You build a space ship, 200 tons with maneuver drive capacity for 400 tons.
You equip the jump ship with a docking station, streamlined, for 200 tons.
You got a dual starship.
It costs 20 tons of bridge space, but gives the benefit of high maneuvers with the space ship.
You actually also need 2 computers, so you loose also some space there.
Any thoughts welcome.
It would actually work better as soon as you hit the 1000 tons limit times 2 like this you do not lose the space needed for the bridges requirement.
I kind of like the idea. I think it's a design that my players will meet in a pirating role.
High maneuvers, if you build the power plants smartly, high agility, dual turrets. (the jump ship has maybe only the strict minimum).