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Dumarest of Terra Series


I have a stack of Dumarest paperbacks sitting here. 19 titles at the amazingly low price of $15 postpaid in the US. Here are the titles:

The Winds of Gath (the first in the series)
Kalin (x2)
The Jester at Scar
Jack of Swords
Spectrum of a Forgotten Sun
Prison of Night
The Quillian Sector
The Terra Data
World of Promise
The Terridae
The Coming Event
Earth is Heaven
Symbol of Terra
The Temple of Truth

All are in good, readable condition, but all have been read. Most are DAW versions, but four are Ace and two are Arrow. PayPal or money order.
I'd kind of decided I was only going to read the first five (i.e. the ones I've already got), but this is such a sizeable chunk of the series, and at such a reasonable price, that I'm beginning to reconsider. Is there any way I could (for the same price) convince you NOT to include The Winds of Gath, Kalin (either copy), and The Jester at Scar? Finding room for 16 of these books would be hard enough; throw in duplicate copies and it becomes downright impossible.

NOTE: This isn't an offer and anyone who wants to step in and take the whole package can still have it, I'm just mulling things over out loud...
I'd be more than happy to leave out any that you like. I'm so flexible you can just call me Gumby. Sometimes I'm a little Pokey, too.
Originally posted by Swordy:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tom Schoene:
$15 each or total?
Egads! They aren't gilt edged, leather bound editions ;)
</font>[/QUOTE]You don't want to know what I paid for the crappy print on demand edition of Winds of Gath. And no, I don't know why I did it when there are used bookstores around.

On further reflection, I don't think they're really worth even $0.79 each to me. There's a temptation because of their Traveller connection, but Winds of Gath was very disapoinitng. I'll pass.
Well, if these are still available, I'd be interested in the entire batch. I've got most of these buried somewhere in my game/storage room but I remember them fondly and wouldn't mind reading them again in the correct order. Always thought that several of the concepts in the Dumarest series crossed over into Traveller early on.

Are we bidding on these or is this offer gone? I apologize, kinda got hung up on a burglary investigation and then a bank robbery yesterday so I have been out of the loop for a day or so. Then this morning we had what turned out to be a false alarm on a possible bioterrorist issue in Tacoma and .....well, time just flies when you're having fun. Please let me know. Thanks! :D
….as Loki stumbles up the stairs to the podium, he staggers over to the microphone and stares out into the throng of faces in the audience. He taps the microphone several times asking, “Is this thing on?” He then glances down at the cue cards and begins his acceptance speech.

“I would like to thank all the sophants that helped to make this possible. I gladly accept this honor that I believe that I so rightly deserve!”

A Hiver in the audience takes aim and nails Loki in the face with some rotten fruit. Being deathly allergic to certain fruits and vegetables, Loki collapses to the floor and the janitorial crew is called out to sweep up the mess.

This event is one that never makes it into the history books because at that same time it was announced that Brittney Spears had just had her hair cut short and changed it’s color from blonde to brunette to celebrate her coming of age (21 years old). The news media leaves in a rush to go cover this far more important interstellar event and Loki is swept out with the trash. What did you expect from a creature with a ST of 1 and 1/1 hit points?

Swordy: Please leave this open in the event someone else wants a crack at this item. I will willingly step aside if someone else wants to grab it up because I can always try to dig my copies out of my gaming dungeon. Given sufficient time and no one else steps forth, please let me know via email and I will take it off your hands. I can be found further down this post as the one that bought the Far and Away #1 from you a little while ago. By the way, the money was well spent. It is a great read. Thanks! :D
Guess I need to explain Loki's condition. He was still under the influence of his cyclobenzaprine tablet. It's a muscle relaxer guaranteed to make the user a little dizzy and goofy. Along with the naproxen (a NSAID) to treat pain, my recent bout with tendinitis in the shoulder reminds Loki that getting old is a bitch! It is likely the result of poor posture sitting at the computer for oh too many years so take it from me, when they talk about ergonomical work stations, pay attention! :D
Originally posted by Loki:
Swordy: Please leave this open in the event someone else wants a crack at this item. I will willingly step aside if someone else wants to grab it up because I can always try to dig my copies out of my gaming dungeon. Given sufficient time and no one else steps forth, please let me know via email and I will take it off your hands. I can be found further down this post as the one that bought the Far and Away #1 from you a little while ago. By the way, the money was well spent. It is a great read. Thanks! :D
/Waves hand :cool:
Erm, I'm interested. Only read one of them so far and would like to read the rest. Can pay via PayPal in a day or two.


Casey: If it doesn't work out just let me know. Otherwise you are forcing me to go into my dungeon/storeroom to search for those books. I know they're in there somewhere but there be dragons in there! Technically TSR 1.1 and then about 10+ years of Dragon magazines, my Traveller hoard, etc (been collecting this stuff since the early 60's) but I haven't really organized that room since I moved into this house 12 years ago. Guess this will force me to take a few days and go clean it up and see what other forgotten treasures are in there. Hooty hoo! or is it Hoody hoo? I think Bob mumbles when he gets excited. :D

Swordy: If you come across a similar stash of Dumarest paperbacks please let me know. Thanks! May your T-13 gauss pistol battery never corrode.

And as Calvin tells Hobbes: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." :D
Um... so... did someone actually decide to take them? Going once... somebody hurry before my son finds out that I have them ;)
Originally posted by Swordy:
Um... so... did someone actually decide to take them? Going once... somebody hurry before my son finds out that I have them ;)
Yeah I'll take them. Contacting you via the emaill adress on Traveller Trader.
/really wish this board had PM enabled :mad:
