The Great TML Landgrab
"In a fit of pique, during a netiquette flame war, while no one was minding the domain, rabid Traveller Mailing List (TML) citizens made a mad grab at unsuspecting worlds. Not since the Sword Worlder forays into Vilis during the Fifth Frontier War has such a brash, unprovoked campaign been attempted. It was so successful that it has become a great tradition and favorite pastime of TMLers to this day.
So don't just stand there gearheading, grab a world and start detailing! The catch, if you can call it one, is that the grabber must report on the grabbee (the exact level and the canonicity of it is open to interpretation) within 90 days. A survey must be taken and a State-of-the-World Address (SWA) presented by web-proxy to the whole of the high council of the TML. Claims are documented on this Web site. You can browse them by Sector, Grabbee(World), or Grabber (Claimant)."
"My original Landgrab was thoughtfully sustained by Berka at his website " the Zhodani Base"
- Sheyou/Cronor
I later Claimed two more systems in the spinward marches during the TML Landgrab Landrush, but on may 2005 I hadn't developed an online site for either system.
"The 2005 Landgrab Landrush: In accordance with advance notice given on the TML, all Landgrab claims made prior to 15 March, 2004, (the date of the relaunch of the Landgrab site) for which no SWA had been submitted (or reconfirmation of intention to complete an SWA received) by 31 May, 2005, were removed from the Landgrab site. A record of these expired claims is available here."
I never had the time to develop these Landgrabs due to my time serving in the US Army Airborne and my tour in Afghanistan. That was a decade ago, I like to finish what I start so I have included them here.
Chwistyoch/Chronor on (originally claimed March 15, 2004)
Joyeuse /Sword Worlds (originally claimed March 15, 2005)