In the early 90's, I heard of a fanzine, and managed to get one copy. I don't remember the name of the zine, but the house background was called ECDL (Economic Co-Development League, possibly?). I don't have the zine anymore - long gone.
There were several new alien races, and dolphins and self-aware robots were there also. Interstellar nations were formed by humans from Quebec, India, Mexico, Brazil, among others. The ECDL was an alliance among these nations, I believe.
Digging thru a stack of old papers recently, I found a print-out of a spreadsheet listing the worlds of the ECDL. This listing uses the Near Star List from 2300AD, and arranges them into subsectors of 8 x 10 and 9 layers deep, so it uses a 3-dimensional background. The spreadsheet is long gone too; I just have the print-out.
I must have got this spreadsheet off the Web, but I can't find any trace of it now. Does anyone know more about this background, and are the original documents available anywhere?
There were several new alien races, and dolphins and self-aware robots were there also. Interstellar nations were formed by humans from Quebec, India, Mexico, Brazil, among others. The ECDL was an alliance among these nations, I believe.
Digging thru a stack of old papers recently, I found a print-out of a spreadsheet listing the worlds of the ECDL. This listing uses the Near Star List from 2300AD, and arranges them into subsectors of 8 x 10 and 9 layers deep, so it uses a 3-dimensional background. The spreadsheet is long gone too; I just have the print-out.
I must have got this spreadsheet off the Web, but I can't find any trace of it now. Does anyone know more about this background, and are the original documents available anywhere?