Thank you Plankowner, I do appreciate the thinking.
To answer your questions, yes and no.
Priority would be to world wide disasters, but say due to Imperial interest a large area disaster might recieve some assistance.
Keep in mind that any disaster would take a minimum of 2.5 weeks before help arrived and this is assuming that a call/ship is sent imediately from the planet. (travel to 100 dia, 1 week jump, distess call sent after jump, travel to 100 dia, 1 week jump, travel to planet).
So what kind of help could local ships offer so that many will not die? Should they, are they required too (like a ship in distress), are they compensated, etc.
What kind of equipment is sent to help?
I am not trying to make real life into Traveller
But I did think it might be an interesting set of adventures.
Currently ships are suppose to respond to ships in distress but what about a planet or local government in need due to disaster(s).
Maybe a there is a big corp (small megacorp) that specializes in the such help. In a universe with 1,000 of planets, there must be a least a disaster a week (not that I wish for it but percentagewise it must).
Then planetry war is also another situation were the Imperial might use such help as vehicle to improve relations or prove the worth of being part of the Empire (sic). Of course there could be political pressure and the wheeling/dealing to make things happen.
And who is incharge, like Plankowner mentioned. This might make for great adventures for the Political, high power type Traveller games.
Hers to hoping for more discussion
Dave Chase