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Emergency Management (or equipment to help out planets with disasters)

I assume you are talking about disasters the are almost global in size? I would assume that from an Imperial point of view, something like Katrina or the Tsunami in SE Asia would NOT qualify for assistance under the IBEM (Imperial Bureau of Emergency Management), but something like an asteroid strike or MAJOR climate shift. Maybe not.

I would think Fusion Power Plants, Solar Power Plants, Communications would be priorities, other than the obvious food and shelter.

I would think that the IISS would be the lead Imperial Agency involved. The Navy might provide some of the transports, but I see the Scouts using MegaCorporation's Heavy Transports to move millions of tonnes of food and supplies to the stricken planet.

The local Nobility would be the major coordinating effort of the Imperial response. They would coordinate with the planetary government, if it still exists, or perhaps become the defacto government in extreme cases. I doubt that the response would be much bigger than a Sub-Sector type of response, but some Sector level resources might be used.

On smaller scale disasters, such as a Tsunami or large Hurricane or Earthquake (Planetquake?), the local government would have to appeal to the Imperial Nobility for assistance.

Interesting question... What resources SHOULD the Baron or Count be able to draw upon in times of Disaster? How much in the way of supplies would a typical Sub-Sector have stashed away for this type of emergency?

I could see a variation of the Lab ship being useful. Medical Ships of course, even bulk freighters for food transport.
Thank you Plankowner, I do appreciate the thinking.

To answer your questions, yes and no.
Priority would be to world wide disasters, but say due to Imperial interest a large area disaster might recieve some assistance.

Keep in mind that any disaster would take a minimum of 2.5 weeks before help arrived and this is assuming that a call/ship is sent imediately from the planet. (travel to 100 dia, 1 week jump, distess call sent after jump, travel to 100 dia, 1 week jump, travel to planet).

So what kind of help could local ships offer so that many will not die? Should they, are they required too (like a ship in distress), are they compensated, etc.

What kind of equipment is sent to help?

I am not trying to make real life into Traveller ;)
But I did think it might be an interesting set of adventures.

Currently ships are suppose to respond to ships in distress but what about a planet or local government in need due to disaster(s).

Maybe a there is a big corp (small megacorp) that specializes in the such help. In a universe with 1,000 of planets, there must be a least a disaster a week (not that I wish for it but percentagewise it must).
Then planetry war is also another situation were the Imperial might use such help as vehicle to improve relations or prove the worth of being part of the Empire (sic). Of course there could be political pressure and the wheeling/dealing to make things happen.

And who is incharge, like Plankowner mentioned. This might make for great adventures for the Political, high power type Traveller games.

Hers to hoping for more discussion

Dave Chase
I would think that the local Nobility would have the power to order any starship in an Emergency. Compensation is another matter.

I could see players being ordered to a planet with their cargo if it was usefull. They could also be ordered to carry off refugees/survivors.

War would be a little different. I would imagine that the local nobility would stay out of any local war unless NBC weapons were used. They would probably try to broker a peace, but given the general hands-off approach of the OTU, they might not want to provide too much aid. After all, these people did it to themselves and the Imperium has much bigger things to worry about. It would probably depend on how benevolent you want your Imperium to be.

If it was an interstellar war, there are all kinds of possibilities for players. I would think that food, drugs and weapons would be the most likely cargos into the area, with refugees filling the holds on the way out. Even if the second part wasn't originally intended, it would still probably happen.
I vaguely recall a long discussion on this but not where. I think it was somewhere here on CotI but I may be mistaken. I leave it to someone with more time and connectivity to dig it up ;)
I've been thinking about this some more, and I am not sure that the Imperium COULD respond very well to a planetary disaster.

ANY response is going to be weeks, but more likely months away. Neighbor worlds would be responsible for providing immediate food, shelter and medical supplies.

The Imperium would come in later to aid with the rebuilding Probably more along the lines of construction materials and equipment. Perhaps each Barony must have a cache of food, medicine, water and AIR for use in responding to emergencies in their immediate area.

Second thought, how would Imperial politics impede help from arriving? If two Counts are arguing/fighting, how quickly would they respond to a plea for help from their rival?