Here's the ship I put together for my new campaign. The player liked the CT J1 1g scout deckplan, but we're flying a T20 J2 2g ship so I did something in the same style:
Event Horizon (Powerpoint)
Main and upper/lower decks (GIFs).
Short range sensors/comms
20 dtons cargo
4 staterooms
4 low berths
8 weeks manoeuvre fuel and life support
Jeep with trailer that fits as a lid
Grav bike
Scoops and homebrew 1 dton 24 hour fuel purifier
I had to put a ramp in the bottom, since the jeep can't float out the back like an air/raft.
Event Horizon (Powerpoint)
Main and upper/lower decks (GIFs).
Short range sensors/comms
20 dtons cargo
4 staterooms
4 low berths
8 weeks manoeuvre fuel and life support
Jeep with trailer that fits as a lid
Grav bike
Scoops and homebrew 1 dton 24 hour fuel purifier
I had to put a ramp in the bottom, since the jeep can't float out the back like an air/raft.