Not sure where this should go, but, lookie here:
how cool is this ? Answer: MEGA.
All you techheads (like myself) developing super realistic plangen systems may want to take a break and check out the numbers ! At this rate, we'll be able to assemble a table just from simple counts of observed planets ...
how cool is this ? Answer: MEGA.
All you techheads (like myself) developing super realistic plangen systems may want to take a break and check out the numbers ! At this rate, we'll be able to assemble a table just from simple counts of observed planets ...

so.....with this absolute minimum of probbaly quickly superceeded data, we have ....5% planets of earth size or smaller, of which 0.5% are in the habitable zones ? Coolness.The findings increase the number of planet candidates identified by Kepler to-date to 1,235. Of these, 68 are approximately Earth-size; 288 are super-Earth-size; 662 are Neptune-size; 165 are the size of Jupiter and 19 are larger than Jupiter. Of the 54 new planet candidates found in the habitable zone, five are near Earth-sized. The remaining 49 habitable zone candidates range from super-Earth size -- up to twice the size of Earth -- to larger than Jupiter. The findings are based on the results of observations conducted May 12 to Sept. 17, 2009 of more than 156,000 stars in Kepler’s field of view, which covers approximately 1/400 of the sky.