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Fantasy Creatures Redux


SOC-14 5K
Elven or Gnomish bows and arrows positively affect the to-hit and armor-penetrating DMs.

Dwarven hand weapons positively affect the to-hit and armor-penetrating DMs.

ORC CIVILIAN 865421 Brawling-1 Mechanic OR Farming OR Craft-1*; Appropriate tools, 1d4+1 Gold coins**

ORC BARD 874531 Blade-1 Music-1; Instrument, Blade, 2d6 Gold

ORC 978521, Brawling-1, Spear-1; Chain, Spear, 2d6 Gold coins.

ORC ARCHER 978521, Brawling-1, Short Bow-1, Blade-0; Chain, Short Bow, 20 arrows, Blade, 2d6 Gold coins.

ORC LEADER 978521, Brawling-2, Spear-2, Leader-1, Tactics-1; Chain, Spear, 6d6 Gold coins.

FISHMEN (Loacath) 787663 Spear-1 Survival- Craft OR Music OR Hunt-1 Spear or Tools or Instrument 1d4 Gold

FISHMEN LEADER: Spear-2 Survival-1 Hunt-1 Leader-1 Spear, 1d6+1 gold

GIANT, HILL: HAG553 Cudgel-2 Throwing-1 Survival-1 Jack, Greatclub, 2d6 Gold

GIANT, AIR: GAG775 Cudgel OR Broadsword-1 Craft OR Music-1 Greatmace OR Broadsword, Chain, 3d6 Gold

GNOLL A78641 Axe OR Spear OR Sword OR Cudgel-1 Jack, Weapon, 3d6 gold

GNOLL ELITE A88641 Axe OR Sword-1 Bow-1 Recon-1 Jack, Weapon, Bow + Arrows, 4d6 Gold

GNOLL LEADER: A88751 Axe-2 Leader-1 Intimidation-1 Jack, Axe, 5d6 Gold

GRIMLOCK: 989541 Axe-1 Craft-1 Hunt-1 Axe, 2d6 gold

FROGMEN (Kuo-Toa) 979851 Spear-1 Blade-1 Spear, Jack 2d6 gold

FROGMEN CIVILIAN: 878651 Spear-1 Hunt OR Craft-1 Spear OR tools 1d6 gold

FROGMEN LEADER: 979871 Spear-2 Blade-1 Leader-1 Tactics-1 Spear, Jack, 3d6 gold

SNAKEMAN (2 Legged Yuan-Ti) 696A91 Sword-1 Bow-1 Leader-1 Admin OR Craft-1 Jack, Bow +20 arrows, Sword, 5d6 gold

SNAKEMAN, HALF-SNAKE A88661 Sword OR Axe OR Spear-2, Axe OR Spear OR Sword-1, Bow-1 Brawl-1 Tactics-1 Weapon, Bow + 20 Arrows, Chain, 3d6 gold

SNAKEMAN, ALL-SNAKE (May not have arms/hands) C5C551 Brawl-3 Sword OR Axe OR Spear-1 (if with arms/hands) Chain, 2d6 gold, weapon if with arms/hands

TROLL: DAD310 Brawling-2 2d6*5 gold

TROGLODYTE CIVILIAN: 668531 Spear OR Axe OR Blade-1 Survival-1 Hunt OR Craft-1 Weapon, 1d4 gold, Stench (-2 to initiative to all non-Troglodyte opponents without filters)

TROGLODYTE WARRIOR: 86A541 Spear-1 Javelin-1 Axe OR Blade-1 Survival-1 Hunt-1 Stench, Jack, Spear, 2d4 gold

TROGLODYTE LEADER: 87A551 Spear-2 Javelin-1 Axe OR Blade-1 Survival-1 Leader-1 Hunt-1 Stench, Spear, Blade OR Axe, Jack, 2d6 gold

TROGLODYTE PRIEST: 677561 Spear-1 Survival-1 Philosophy-1 Spear, Holy Object, 2d4 gold

GOBLIN 585411, Blade-1 Spear-1; Jack, Blade, 1d6 gold coins.

GOBLIN CIVILIAN 575411 Hunting OR Farming OR Craft-1 Blade-0 1d4+1 Gold

GOBLIN SHAMAN 585441 Cudgel-2 Philosophy-2 Medic-1 [Possible Psionic powers]; Jack, Cudgel, 2d6 Gold

GOBLIN LEADER 585631 Blade-2 Spear-1 Leader-1 Jack, Spear, Blade, 3d6 Gold

KOBOLD 4A4871, Dagger-1, Spear-1, Recon-2, Mechanical-1; Jack, Dagger, 1d6 gold coins.

KOBOLD CROSSBOWMAN 5A4871, Dagger-1, Recon-2, Sporting Crossbow-1; Jack, Dagger, Sporting Crossbow, 20 arrows, 1d6 gold coins.

KOBOLD CIVILIAN 484761 Hunt OR Farm OR Craft-1, Dagger-1; Dagger OR Bow, tools, 1d4+1 Gold coins

KOBOLD CLERIC 4A4881 Philosophy-2 Leader-1 Cudgel-1 Medic-1 [Possible Psionic powers]; Cudgel, Jack, 2d6 Gold

HOBGOBLIN A79762, Pike-1, Sword-1; Chain, Pike, Sword, 3d6 gold coins

HOBGOBLIN ELITE A7A762, Pike-2, Sword-2; Plate, Pike, Sword, 4d6 gold coins

HOBGOBLIN CIVILIAN 778751 Blade or Spear-1, Hunt OR Farm OR Medic OR Craft-1; Blade or Spear, Tools, 1d4+1 Gold

HOBGOBLIN ARCHER 7A9762 Bow-2 Dagger-2 Recon-1; Jack, Short Bow, 20 Arrows, Dagger, 3d6 Gold

HOBGOBLIN BARD 874771 Blade-1 Music-1; Instrument, Blade, 3d6 Gold

HOBGOBLIN CLERIC A79872 Cudgel-1 Philosophy-2 Leader-1 [Possible Psionic Powers]; Mace, Chain, 4d6 Gold

BUGBEAR C7A540, Broadsword-2; Chain, Broadsword, 6d6 gold coins.

DWARF 768777, Axe-2, Craft-1, Mechanical-1; Chain, Axe, 3d6 gold coins

DWARF CLERIC 769897 Philosophy-3 Cudgel-2 Leader-1 Axe-1 Craft-1 [Possible Psionic Powers]; Mace, Plate, 3d6 Gold

ELF: 696777 Bow-2 Foil OR Sword-1 Recon-2 (Craft OR Mech OR Hunt OR Farm-1 if civilian); Elven Chain OR Jack, Foil OR Sword, Short Bow + 20 Arrows, 2d6 Gold

ELF LEADER 797889 Bow-2 Foil OR Sword-2 Recon-2 Leader-1 Tactics-1; Elven Chain, Foil OR Sword, Short Bow + 20 Arrows, 4d6 Gold

ELF HEALER 696888 Medic-3 Philosophy-1 Bow-1 Blade-1; Dagger, Healer's Kit, 3d6+2 Gold

HALFLING 494776 Sling-2 Blade-1 Stealth-1 Craft OR Mech-1 Farm OR Hunt-1 OR Medic-1; Jack, Sling, 40 stones, 2d6 Gold

HALFLING "MERCHANT" 494886 Trader-2 Admin-1 Mech-2*** Stealth-1 Broker-1 Bribery OR Forgery-1 Dagger-1 Sling-1; Jack, Dagger, Trade Goods (low tech, maybe imports), some mechanical tools, 4d6 Gold

HALFLING WARRIOR Sling-2 Blade-2 Stealth-1 Leader-1 Tactics-1; Jack, Blade, Sling + 40 Stones, 3d6 Gold [Outriders add Equestrian-1]

GNOME 585776 Mech-3 Craft OR Music-2 Blade-1 Trader-1; Crafting Tools OR Instrument, 3d6 Gold

GNOME WARRIOR 686776 Blade OR Cudgel-2 Craft-1 Sling OR Bow-1 Tactics-1; Jack OR Chain, Blade OR Mace****, Sling OR Short Bow and ammunition, 2d6 Gold

GNOME PRIEST 585887 Philosophy-3 Leader-1 Medic-1 Cudgel-1; Mace, Holy Text, 2d6 Gold

OGRE F5F310, Cudgel-2; Chain, Cudgel, 2d6x5 gold coins. NOTE: Ogres are so big targets that they grant a +1 bonus to hit them in combat.

*: Craft includes such various tasks as Blacksmithing, carving or carpentry as well as other similar tasks.
**:"Gold" here also includes copper, silver and possibly other D&D coinage that would add up to any amount of Gold.
***: Mechanical can also be used for defeating mechanical (and only mech.) locks, just like Electronics can be used for defeating Electronic (and only Elec.) locks.
****: Maces are pretty much Cudgels except for: TL-1, Damage 3d, stats as Cudgel+1.
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ZOMBIE A79100, Brawling-1; Hands, Teeth.

SKELETON 777100, Sword-1; Sword; NOTE: weapons that rely on a sharp point deal only 1 point of damage per attack to the skeleton; weapons that rely on a sharp edge deal only half damage to the skeleton; heavy blunt weapons and explosives deal full damage.

SKELETON ARCHER 777100, Short Bow-1, Brawling-0; Short Bow, 20 arrows, Claws; NOTE: weapons that rely on a sharp point deal only 1 point of damage per attack to the skeleton; weapons that rely on a sharp edge deal only half damage to the skeleton; heavy blunt weapons and explosives deal full damage.

GHOUL 9B9520, Brawling-2; Claws, Teeth; NOTE: after each combat with a ghoul in which the character was hit by a ghoul, the character should roll END or less of 2D to avoid contracting Neo-Rabies which, if untreated, will turn the character into a ghoul in 5d6 nights; to treat, roll 8+, DM +Medic skill, DM-2 if not in a medical facility.

VAMPIRE 7D7880 Persuasion-2 Tactics-2 Sword-1 Brawling-1; Claws, Fangs; NOTE: These creatures have a Sophont-Invectious Vampiric Virus which requires them to drink blood at least two times a week and renders them both sterile and extremely sensitive to light; though exposure to light will not kill them, it will render them at -5 to all actions due to pain. The SIVV will render Vampires long-lived provided that they drink blood regularly, although they can eat whatever food that they could eat before infection.
A few natural and unnatural animals that will fit well in a fantasy-style adventure:

DRAGON Flying Killer, 800kg, hits 24/10(*), Cloth, Teeth+2 (5D damage), Claws+2 (5D damage), as Flamethrower (**), A3, F9, S3.
The Dragon is a large airborne predator native to a SIZE-3, ATM-8 world. Its fire-breathing capabilities stem from the fact that it could siphon and filter methane from its digestive tract and store it in two large sacks at its belly. The gas is then pumped through its mouth and ignited by a bio-electric spark-generating organ in its thorax. The Dragon carries enough methane in its sacks for 2D6 rounds of breathing fire; they will refill after a good meal and 6D6 hours of rest.
A Dragon's skin is strong, scaly and very light. A suit of armor may be made from this skin, requiring a Craft/DEX/-2 UGM task and 4D6 days of work. This armor will be similar to Jack in shape and weight, but will provide the protection of Cloth armor.
(*) Every time a Dragon is hit with an explosive or incendiary weapon, roll 9+ for its methane sacks to catch fire, painfully killing the creature and setting it on fire. Of course, if all of the methane in the sacks has been used up, ignore this rule.
(**) Flamethrowers are described as a cross between a laser and a shotgun.

HYDRA Killer, 6,000kg, hits 42/21*, Cloth**, Teeth x6*** (2Dx2 damage each), A2, F8, S1.
(* The hits given are for the main body; if the heads are attacked, each has 14/7 hits.)
(** The armor given is for the main body; the heads are treated as protected by Mesh.)
(*** The Hydra has 6 heads, each of them attacking each round. It is possible to severe the heads one by one (see above), reducing the number of attacks the creature has; however, its vital organs and brain are all in the main body, and all the heads will regrow within 1D6 weeks if the main body remains alive.)

Giant Rat Gatherer, 12kg, hits 7/7, No Armor, Teeth, A5, F6, S1.

Very Large Cockroach Gatherer, 6kg, hits 3/7, Cloth, Claws (actually mandibles; damage 1D-1D), A8, F3, S1.

Truly Giant Cockroach Gatherer, 50kg, hits 15/9, Battledress, Claws+1 (actually mandibles), A7, F5, S1.

Giant Lizard Killer, 50kg, hits 20/9, Mesh, Teeth, Claws, A1, F7, S1.

Wolf Chaser, 50kg, hits 14/7, No Armor, Teeth, A: If More, F4*, S3.

Warg Chaser, 100kg, hits 21/9, Teeth+2, A: If More, F10, and S3.

Tiger Pouncer, 200kg, hits 20/10, No Armor, Teeth+1 (3D damage), Claws+1, A: If Surprising, F: If Surprised, S2.

Smilodon (Saber-Toothed Cat) Pouncer, 200kg, hits 23/10, No Armor, Teeth+3 (3D damage), Claws+1, A: If Surprising, F: If Surprised, S2.

Mammoth Intermittent, 6,000kg**, hits 36/21, Cloth, Trample***, As Pike, As Cudgel (its trunk), A7, F8, S1.

Elephant Intermittent, 6,000kg**, hits 32/18, Mesh, Trample***, As Spear, As Cudgel (its trunk), A7, F8, S1.

(* Natural wolves would usually run away from humans unless the wolves are very hungry and/or rabid. However, wolves who are actual mongrels with dogs are far less fearful of humans; for them, use F9.)
(** Contrary to popular belief, real Mammoths weren't much larger than contemporary elephants.)
(*** How would you handle a trample attack by a mammoth or elephant? This is their strongest attack and a good way of defending itself.)
Chain, TL2, Cr250, treat as Mesh against melee or thrown weapons and as Jack against ranged weapons. Weights 4000 grams, and, unlike modern or Jack armor, counts against the Encumbrance limit.

Scale, TL1, Cr350, treat as Mesh+1 except weighs 4500 grams and counts.

Elven Chain, TL2, Cr2000, treat as Mesh-2, but weighting only 2000 grams and does not count against the Encumbrance limit.

Elven Scale, TL1, Cr2500, as Mesh-1 and weighs 2350 grams and does not count against the Encumbrance limit.

Plate, TL2, Cr1000, treat as Cloth against melee or thrown weapons, as Mesh against primitive ranged weapons and as Jack against modern firearms. Weights 10,000 grams, and, unlike modern or Jack armor, counts against the Encumbrance limit.

Elven Plate, TL2, Cr 5000, as Cloth-1 against melee or thrown weapons and Mesh against modern and primitive ranged weapons; weighs 7500 grams and counts two-thirds against the Encumbrance limit.

Elven or Gnomish bows and arrows positively affect the to-hit and armor-penetrating DMs by 2 and by 1 in order.

Dwarven hand weapons positively affect the to-hit and armor-penetrating DMs by 2.

SUGGESTED MODIFICATION: IMTU, a sling will do 1d6+2 damage, a shortbow and a sporting/light crossbow will do 2d6 damage, and a longbow or war crossbow will do 3d6 damagem, as will swords and cutlassed; short- and long-bows incur a -2 penalty when attempting to use while mounted, and slings incur a -3 penalty. Crossbows do not incur a penalty. This is intended to bring bow weapons in line with the historical usage of weapons. (Composite short- and longbows do exist, but they are the same thing as above with 1/3 more range than the regular weapons and do not incur a penalty while mounted.)
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Reading about the Dirty Pair and some website mentioned how close their cat Mooghi was to a displacer beast. It had tentacles too.

I think in the anime it could pilot a ship and could interface with computers. It was certainly intelligent.
Reading about the Dirty Pair and some website mentioned how close their cat Mooghi was to a displacer beast. It had tentacles too.

I think in the anime it could pilot a ship and could interface with computers. It was certainly intelligent.

It could in the movies at least, but I don't recall seeing it too often in the TV series ... if at all.

I would think this to be more of an uplifted feline, than anything else. Originally it was a tiger, but was later drawn as an oversized house cat.