Aboard far-traders aging ship the Chief Engineer stretches enjoying the feel of real gravity, she always sleeps better on a planet with a decent mass, eh-gee just isn't the same. Rolling over and hitting the exterior view for the staterooms display the sight greeting her cause's her to dress in a rush and run across to the Purser's room.
"Kimura you'd better see what's going on outside, quick!" the Engineer hollers at the door.
The Purser comes out and looks at the holo Sharr has turned on over the commons table. A small crowd with signs is chanting something inaudible at the current volume setting while the SA boys stand off to the side to keep things peaceable. Kimura gets a cup of RealJava(tm) from the galley and pulls the heat tab. As he sits down he addresses the computer "Kay, please turn up the holo volume." The computer complies and the sound comes through...
"...ilege, NO more burning. NO more sacrilege, NO more burning. NO..."
"Kay, mute repeated words." Kimura sips his hot RJ and looks at the Chief Engineer.
Sharr looks back at him with a grin "So did you know those books were sacred texts here when you joked about burning them in that blurb-vert?"
Kim sips a little more RJ before replying "Guess I'd better go straighten this out. Just as soon as I finish my java."