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Fifth Frontier War Admirals

I'm working my way through the 5th Frontier War Fleets for the wiki. I believe the game counter set listed 13 admirals. Does someone have the names, seniority and whether they were one or two star rank on the counter? My set got nicked in the 1990's!
There could be a few transcription typos, it was a bit blurry in places.

Each admiral had two numbers, I didn't separate them with a comma.

At first glance, Santanocheev looks to be better than Norris - I mean, 4 vs 0, right? A little reading and it turns out that the first number is the number of weeks in advance the admiral has to plot. Santanocheev needs to figure things about a month in advance, Norris can react with no advance warning. That's one duke that can turn on a dime.

The second number is the tactical effect.

Blue Admirals - each has 1 star unless noted

1. Demiatl 2 stars, 3 0
2. Zdalenstabr 2 stars, 3 +1
3. Killiantse'thas 2 stars, 2 0
4. Chteprnentlasche 2 stars, 3 +1
5. Poliststlasche 2 stars, 2 0
6. Tlaplsofat l 0 0
7. Qianzhatl 3 0
8 Vlenizastl 1 0
9. Benshatl 1 +3
10. Chienjistsbr 0 +3
11. Province Governon Shtaliajtias 2 -1
12. Trodranstabr 2 +2
13. Shanstabr 2 0
14. Nivrnditlas 2 +2

Red Admirals - each has 1 star unless noted

1. Liang 2 stars, 4 -1
2. Shumii 2 stars, 1 +1
3. Shanathar 2 stars, 4 0
4. Mtume 2 stars, 0 +2
5. Goolanzoon 2 stars, 0 +3
6. Santanocheev 2 stars, 4 +1
7. Elphinstone 3 0
8. Ashiode 2 +2
9. Djoulikian 4 +3
10. Vasilyev 4+1
11. Duke of Regina Aledon 0 0
12. Romao 4 +1
13. Stvi 1 -1
14. Gascogne 4 -1

There's also a red Warrant tile.

Also - the Zhodani have 'borrowed' one Sword World Admiral, and the Imperial Navy hired one mercenary Vargr Admiral. They count as precedence 15. I couldn't find if it was a random draw or someone picks.

1. Thurkhs 2 stars, 2 +1
2. Drzaekh 4 +1
3. Gvungugha 3 +3

Sword Worlds, all 1 star:
1. Riksdatter 4 +1
2. Eyolfsson 2 +2
3. Tryggvesson 4 +2

Hope that helps!
Significantly Helpful

This list is of great importance to Traveller writers who may want to reference persons of historical importance. Thanks for the transcription and the ratings. Knowing the Who's Who of the Fifth Frontier War is helpful to those writing in that era of the setting.
A little reading and it turns out that the first number is the number of weeks in advance the admiral has to plot.

Curious how that manifest as a characteristic of the actual person.

The "weeks in advance" is a 5FW mechanic to model information lag. Slow Admirals make it hard to "turn the fleet", and easy to stall advancement when their month long plan is wrecked and they have to park while awaiting new orders.

It could be more a measure of infrastructure than any regarding the person themselves.

But, in the end, it's really just a game mechanic.
Thank you
I’ve listed the admirals in the wiki’s Fifth Frontier War entry
I’ve looked them up in the wiki
Santanocheev is a Sector Admiral who was a Rear Admiral just before the war. Fantastic political clout! That gives a bench mark for Two Stars
Elphinstone is a Vice Admiral throughout the war per TNS
So the star counts are NOT formal rank
Goolanzoon is a Fleet Admiral (100th Fleet) who replaced Santanocheev as Sector Admiral at the end of the war.
Liang has been listed by “jmattera” as the commander of 214th Fleet. Not sure why the most powerful Admiral would be at Glisten at the start of the war – it’s a nothing posting. My preference would be Corridor Response Fleet instead.
Norris is a Commander who has resigned his commission, but is sector duke.
None of the Zhodani are mentioned in the wiki at all
I’d be inclined to have the Vargr Thurkhs as the Uthith Fleet commander and Drzaekh as the Gireel Fleet Commander (on the basis that Gireel fleet is beaten by Elpihistone)
All three of the listed Sword Worlds admirals are in the wiki as under the Narsil Fleet.
Also, there are several fleets whose admirals can’t possibly be in the list – The Imperial 208th (Five Sisters) and the Sword Worlds Narsil and Sacnoth Fleets (Notwithstanding the above) and the 7th and 90th Zhodani fleets (presumably in Foreven)
Anyway, anyone got any preferences as to which admirals get assigned to which fleet in the Wiki?
Average strategic value for the Zhodani admiralty is 2, while for the Imperium it is 3.

Average tactical bonus is +1 for the Zhodani and +1 for the Imperials.
Curious how that manifest as a characteristic of the actual person.

The "weeks in advance" is a 5FW mechanic to model information lag. Slow Admirals make it hard to "turn the fleet", and easy to stall advancement when their month long plan is wrecked and they have to park while awaiting new orders.

It could be more a measure of infrastructure than any regarding the person themselves.

But, in the end, it's really just a game mechanic.

True, it's a game mechanic - but if it were simply impartial 'infrastructure' and all admirals were created equal, then I'd expect that the 'planning' stat would change for all admirals when admirals moved from system to system, reflecting the different 'information infrastructure' available.

Since it doesn't, I'd consider it a characteristic of the person themselves. "Yeah, Djoulikian can't plan worth beans, but if he ever does catch up with the enemy, they'd better look out."

The Imperium has at least a few 'political admirals' in there. Family connections can be good for something.
Average strategic value for the Zhodani admiralty is 2, while for the Imperium it is 3.

Average tactical bonus is +1 for the Zhodani and +1 for the Imperials.

Having played the game several times, the slower guys quickly get to do the defensive stuff and the faster reacting guys do the chasing. A value of 3 isn't a problem if your role is sitting on the objective and holding on forever. I can see that psionic temporal magic would really help the planning process!