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Fifth Frontier War on eBay

It's worth that if someone will pay for it
Or worth that to the seller if not ;)

Worth, value, is very relative. What price childhood? How much would you pay to recapture even a moment of your favorite fondly remembered times :D

I know I've been hoping to find a few "lost" treasures on eBay or somewhere and would pay a fair (crazy to some) amount. So far no luck, the one item found went way over my budget even given the desire. Guess somebody else shared the same childhood but earns a better living :(

On the specific of this item, I seem to recall the same thing, in much better shape though, going for just over $200 last year.
Originally posted by far-trader:
On the specific of this item, I seem to recall the same thing, in much better shape though, going for just over $200 last year.
Unfortunately, I am having a hard time justifying paying much more than half of the asking price, even if it was in better shape.

What price childhood indeed.

I'll keep looking I guess.
I lucked out in getting Azhanti High Lightning at a bargain on ebay. I picked up a copy in pretty good shape (minus rulebook & some counters) very cheap. Then found the booklet itself for about $3.00. Most of my remaining Traveller ships were items bought on ebay cheaply because they were damaged, had no stand. Since they're for gaming, not speculation, I don't mind the condition. Unfortunately the the Aslan clan ships I bought recently ran afoul of my cats & hasn't been seen since. Hopefully, they'll produce enough new ship minis to knock the bottom of the market.
Your cats are producing new ship minis? That explains them taking the Aslan clan ships. They were reverse engineering them. How appropriate.

I was looking for Fifth Frontier War on E-Bay about four years ago. Back then, they were going for $125 to $150. Luckily, I was able to get one that was already punched for $25 on E-Bay. It is complete, but obviously was played a lot. The box was trashed. But it is my "perfect" play copy.

Sometime later, I was able to get an unpunched, virtually mint copy for $44!! It’s on the shelf with all the other board games I don't play!
Originally posted by far-trader:
You could get the CT CD-ROM:


* some printing and assembly required ;)
Is there going to be a re-issue of the CT CD-ROM to correct the various issues like MM did with MT? And I assume the counters are included so I can print them on card stock?

Now that I am back in school (after 10 years in the IT world), I just need to get a part time job and the little lady says I can start buying stuff again. :D

I am tentatively thinking of getting the CT, MT 2nd Ed, and JTAS CDs.
Originally posted by chshrkt:
Is there going to be a re-issue of the CT CD-ROM to correct the various issues like MM did with MT?
Did he reissue the MT-ROM? I thought it was still in the works.
That's a scary possibility. Especially since we had a cat once who liked to make noise on our electronic piano. Had to unplug it at night. We used to turn it off, but she kept pushing on buttons until she found the one that turned it back on.

Originally posted by far-trader:
Your cats are producing new ship minis? That explains them taking the Aslan clan ships. They were reverse engineering them. How appropriate.

Originally posted by robject:
Did he reissue the MT-ROM? I thought it was still in the works.
As far as I know, it is still in the works. T2K v.1 has a release date now so that looks like the next release. T5 has to be his first priority now. I ASSUME (you know what they say about that) that he will shoot for a first issue of the as-yet-unissued products before correcting the already-released stuff.

Just my 2 cents.
By the same seller: Paranoid Press books at $75+. Two thoughts: 1. Ouch! 2. (looking at the pipe under the toilet which burst tonight) Gee, I wish my PP books sold for that much.

Considering having bid against this bidder & had them bid on some of my Traveller stuff; I admit he understands but low, sell high.

My worry especially since there is not much Traveller stuff (particularly minis) on ebay as there was. Is this going create a situation where vintage (& not so vintage) items are going to beyond the reach of average Traveller collector?
Originally posted by Manax Darkhstarr:
[QB] By the same seller: Paranoid Press books at $75+.
He doesn't know what he's doing. I got SORAG for 15 bucks two weeks ago.

Also: Harrensa Project for $75? :rolleyes:

Generally, ebay is all about patience. Of which I now possess in abundance, as in the olden days I did not. :D
Originally posted by robject:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by chshrkt:
Is there going to be a re-issue of the CT CD-ROM to correct the various issues like MM did with MT?
Did he reissue the MT-ROM? I thought it was still in the works. </font>[/QUOTE]Ah, My mistake. I had read that it was in the works and I thought it had already been released.

I will most likely wait until the corrected version has been released, unless some kind of free corrected version/upgrade is offered if I purchase the current CD now.
I agree with patience. That's how I replaced my Paranoid Press Books I had to sell. Right now I'm being patient to replace my 15mm Aslan minis.
For now, I'm replacing them with cardboard figures I downloaded from COTI.

Originally posted by Rhialto the Marvelous:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Manax Darkhstarr:
[QB] By the same seller: Paranoid Press books at $75+.
He doesn't know what he's doing. I got SORAG for 15 bucks two weeks ago.

Also: Harrensa Project for $75? :rolleyes:

Generally, ebay is all about patience. Of which I now possess in abundance, as in the olden days I did not. :D
I just got my CT CROM on Friday and have been indulging in CT PDF goodness for the past two days! :D

I sure wish MM would hurry up with fixing the MT release. I read a thread from ~April 2006 that talked about getting those issues resolved.
No luck so far I guess.. :(