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Fleet Courier - T20 version

I created a T20 version of the Fleet Courier in (CT) Supplement 9 p.20. This version (along with others) is linked from my main page about the courier.


The specific page for my T20 design is:

I'm interested in comments, critiques, and possible errors in my T20 design (as it's my first in the T20 system).


Traveller20 version
Gashidda class Fleet Courier, TL15, Type:  FF
Components       Tons    MCr    EP    Notes 
Hull                       -      48      -    400 tons, Needle/Wedge, 14 Months
Bridge                  20       2      -     Yes
Computer               0.6    79.8   5    M/6, CPU=1320
Flight Avionics        0.8     (1.8)  -    M/2
Sensors                 0.9    (1.5)  -    M/3 (Medium Range)
Communications      0.8   (10)    -    M/4 (Long Range + Meson)
Jump Drive           28      112    24   J6
Jump Fuel           240        -      -    1xJ6
Maneuver Drive     20       14      8   2G
Power Plant          15       45      -   Fusion 15, 30 EP
PP Fuel                15         -      -   4 Weeks
Hard Points            -         0.4    -   4x
Turrets                 -         4       -   4xTT 
Missile Racks          6        4.5     -   6xMR, USP4
Beam Lasers           6        6       6   6xBL, USP5
Staterooms          36         4.5    -   9x
Low Berths            -          -      -    No
Cargo                   1.9       -       -   -
Fuel Scoops           -         0.4    -    Yes
Fuel Purification    30.0       3      -    5 hrs to process 200 tons
Agility                  -          -       8    Agility:2
Airlock                  6         0.005 -    2x
Totals               400      320.635 OK
Architect's Fee      -          3.206

This is a T20 reverse engineer of the Fleet Courier found in Supp 9 p20.

Class: Starship, type FF    EP Output: 30 
Tech Level: 15                Agility: 2
Size: Medium (400 tons)    Initiative: +2 (+2 Agility)
Streamlining: Streamlined   AC: 12 (+2 Agility)
Jump Range: 1 x Jump-6    Repulsors: None
Acceleration: 2-G             Nuclear Dambers: None
Fuel: 255 tons                 Meson Screens: None
Duration: 4 weeks            Black Globes: None
Crew: 6                          AR: 0
Staterooms: 9                 SI: 145
Small Cabins: 0                Main Computer: Model/6 (1320 CPU)
Bunks: 0                         Sensor Range: Medium (Model/3)
Couches: 0                     Comm. Range: Long (Model/4)
Low Berths: 0

Cargo Space: 1.9             Cost: MCr320.635 (new)
Atmospheric Speeds:        NoE = 275 kph
Cruising = 825 kph            Maximum = 1100 kph
Other Equipment: Maser (Medium), Meson (Short)

The Gashidda class fleet courier is named for planetary systems which
 contain naval bases.  The maneuver drive design has proved to be
 especially vulnerable to sabotage.

Crew: 1x Pilot, 1x Astrogator, 1x Engineer, 0x Steward, 1x Medic, 2x Gunner.
   Total: 6.
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My numbers bring me to 427Td total. Did you intend to have a total of 3 airlocks or just two? There is one "free" lock included in the hull package in case you forgot. That would drop you down by 3Td if the number desired is only 2.

You also charged yourself 6Td for missiles and Blasers, which to fit in the 4 turrets have to be 2 triple turrets each for a total of 4Td rather than 12. USP's stay the same. You did not however leave room for extra missiles so this design has 6 missiles total for protection. Not a good thing.

This still leaves us at 19Td over, so I recommend dropping the fuel processing plant. Since it is a fleet courier, it should be equipped with military heavy duty drives and power plants, so running unrefined fuel will not be a problem.*

This brings your cargo up to 12.9Td, a respectable number for a courier. Or, by dropping 3.6TD into missile magazines, this gives you a still respectable 9.3Td cargo with 12 battery rounds of missiles (72).

This configuration, with 3 total airlocks, and the changes above, comes to MCr 323.13 (MCr258.504 with 20% discount) according to my numbers.

*- At least that's how I interpret the rules.
And at the very least, fleet couriers will have priority in fueling in inhabited sectors so your refined fuel will be to hand more often than not.

EDIT: Ahh i think I found the error- you designated 30Td for the purification plant, rather than the 3Td at TL15. Another thing, you went with 30EP for PPout, and according to my calcs you need 19 to run the ship in combat and 8 more for agility +2 for a total of 27EP. Dropping to 27 EPout saves you another 6Td. however my numbers could be wrong here, please let me know if they are.
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