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Fleets of the Descarothi - League of Suns (Notes)

What is below is all the information on the three identified participants in the 1108 Descarothi - League of Suns War the opening phases of which appeared in one of the last FASA adventures 'The Stazhlekh Report' that I've been able to put together. The population/economic stats come straight from the Traveller Wiki and my plan for the coming months is to double check these numbers.

Also included is all the information on ship types provided. As I develop this I am going to limit myself to what was available at the time (E.g. FASA/GDW/GW) developed ship designs.

What I do not have are copies of either of the FASA Traveller Magazines (High Passage and Far Frontiers.)

Descarothe Hegmony Classes (All Zhodani types)
Shivva Class (500 ton F (Jump 4)) (Source: Adventure 4 - Leviathan/Adventure 7 - Broadsword.)
Zhidts Class (400 ton DE (Jump 4) (Source: Adventure Class Ships Vol. 1)
Stedlas Class (400 ton SDB (Jump 0) (Source: Adventure Class Ships Vol. 1)
Ninz Class (100 ton Scout Jump 2) (Source: Adventure Class Ships Vol. 1)
Kia Class Fighter (50 ton) (Source: Adventure Class Ships Vol. 1)
Fighter (8 Ton) (Source: Adventure 4 - Leviathan/Adventure 7 - Broadsword.)

Descarothi Economic Stats (From Traveller Wiki)

Descarothe Hegemony

The Descarothe Hegemony has jurisdiction over four worlds with an estimated population of 7 billion, a per capita income of Cr936, and a total economy is BCr6,616. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr5 through 3 starports (0 Class A, 1 Class B, 1 Class C, 1 Class D) employing 4,645 people. Driving this interstellar trade are one Agricultural (Ag) world, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, one Rich (Ri) world, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Descarothe Hegemony maintain three Scout bases. The average technology level is 6 (with most between 5 and 8). The highest technology level is 9 at Desaekhe (Far Frontiers 1734).

The Descarothe Hegemony has an estimated population of 7 billion distributed across one High population (Hi) world, no Moderate population (Ph) worlds, one Non-industrial (Ni) world, one Low population (Lo) world, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Iraaz (Far Frontiers 1732). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

The capital of Descarothe Hegemony is Desaekhe (Far Frontiers 1734).

Note: This information will need to be recalculated, the Hegmony also control DeBeers in Cabala Subsector.

League of Suns Classes

TBD (Probably Third Imperial ship types, but not necessarily...)

League of Suns Economic Stats (From Traveller Wiki)

League of Suns

The League of Suns has jurisdiction over nine worlds with an estimated population of 35 billion, a per capita income of Cr3,876, and a total economy is BCr137,141. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr843 through 8 starports (1 Class A, 2 Class B, 5 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 217,110 people. Driving this interstellar trade are three Agricultural (Ag) worlds, one Non-Agricultural (Na) world, two Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, three Rich (Ri) worlds, and one Industrial (In) world. The governments in League of Suns maintain three Scout bases, and one Naval base. The average technology level is 8 (with most between 6 and 11). The highest technology level is 12 at Alzenei (Far Frontiers 1934).

The League of Suns has an estimated population of 35 billion distributed across three High population (Hi) worlds, three Moderate population (Ph) worlds, two Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, no Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Gniadek (Far Frontiers 1835) and Nesbitt (Far Frontiers 2035). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

The capital of League of Suns is Alzenei (Far Frontiers 1934).

Domain of Alntzar Classes

TBD (Ex-Zhodani Types, most likely)

Domain of Alntzar Economic Stats (From Traveller Wiki)

Domain of Alntzar

The Domain of Alntzar has jurisdiction over seven worlds with an estimated population of 9 billion, a per capita income of Cr4,733, and a total economy is BCr43,316. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr459 through 5 starports (1 Class A, 3 Class B, 1 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 152,980 people. Driving this interstellar trade are one Agricultural (Ag) world, one Non-Agricultural (Na) world, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, one Pre-Industrial (Pi) world, one Rich (Ri) world, and one Industrial (In) world. The governments in Domain of Alntzar maintain two Naval bases, and one Scout base. The average technology level is 9 (with most between 6 and 11). The highest technology level is 12 at Kraich (Far Frontiers 2037).

The Domain of Alntzar has an estimated population of 9 billion distributed across three High population (Hi) worlds, no Moderate population (Ph) worlds, one Non-industrial (Ni) world, one Low population (Lo) world, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Kraich (Far Frontiers 2037), Harantz (Far Frontiers 1838), and Claveer (Far Frontiers 1938). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

The capital of Domain of Alntzar is Harantz (Far Frontiers 1838).
Following with keen interest: this is the setting for my current CT campaign (with the Zhodani and 3I removed).
Following with keen interest: this is the setting for my current CT campaign (with the Zhodani and 3I removed).

It's going to be a challenge, there is very little information about the plot line they started, it's not referenced in either version of Far Frontiers (Either the one published in Ares Magazine Special Issue 2 or in Traveller Chronicle.) So I'm having to work from the Sky Raiders Trilogy and 'The Stazhlekh Report' only...

One thing is clear though, all three powers are 'brittle' in their own way, Descaroth cannot make spare parts for the ships it has, the League of Suns has no strategic depth and Alntzar, well, it's navy may be wallowing in corruption, whatever form that corruption takes
It's going to be a challenge, there is very little information about the plot line they started, it's not referenced in either version of Far Frontiers (Either the one published in Ares Magazine Special Issue 2 or in Traveller Chronicle.) So I'm having to work from the Sky Raiders Trilogy and 'The Stazhlekh Report' only...

One thing is clear though, all three powers are 'brittle' in their own way, Descaroth cannot make spare parts for the ships it has, the League of Suns has no strategic depth and Alntzar, well, it's navy may be wallowing in corruption, whatever form that corruption takes
Well, appreciate the effort: will stand by to see what you come up with.
Well, appreciate the effort: will stand by to see what you come up with.

All I can say at this point is my 'gut feeling' is that the biggest ships are likely to be in the destroyer/light cruiser range and all three powers have Jump 4 capable ships.

Descaroth definitely does from the ships listed in the various scenarios.

The League is implied to have them in 'The Stazhlekh Report' since the League raiding force at the end has to make a Jump 2 to reach Desaekhe and another to return. I don't think they'll be hanging round to refuel.

The Domain is mentioned as one of the suppliers of Descaroths ships in the various Library data entries, so they definitely have Jump 4 capable ships as well.

My real problem at this point is figuring out just how many ships each power can support. I think I can get there from TCS, but that system is built for single planet navies rather than multi-world powers (even ones as small as these...)
Another update before I get into the calculations.

Of the three powers, the Hegmony only has two ports with repair capacity, Desaekhe (Class B) & Iraaz (Class C) and only Desaekhe has the capacity to build non-FTL craft (anything over TL9 will have to be 'kit assembled'.), if they are running higher tech ships all of their spare parts will have to be imported.

The League has eight ports with repair capacity (1 Class A, 2 x Class B & 5 Class C), only Alzenei has a port capable of building FTL craft, with Gniadek & Kokkelen capable of building Non-FTL craft, but they have the capacity to build TL11/12 craft and don't necessarily have to import all their spare parts.

The Domain has five ports with repair capacity (1 Class A, 3 x Class B & 1 Class C.), only Harantz can build FTL craft, Claveer, Kraich & Lazthar can build Non-FTL craft. Like the League they have the capacity to build TL11/12 craft and don't necessarily have to import all their spare parts. Corruption however may affect the supply chain.
What I do not have are copies of either of the FASA Traveller Magazines (High Passage and Far Frontiers.)

I have these buried in my basement somewhere. I will try to dig them up this weekend. I seem to remember that they focused on the Old Expanses sector, but I'm getting old and my memory is failing.


Baron Ovka
I have these buried in my basement somewhere. I will try to dig them up this weekend. I seem to remember that they focused on the Old Expanses sector, but I'm getting old and my memory is failing.


Baron Ovka

Thank you. I know that they focused on the Old Expanses sector. I am interested in the ships listed in them, I know most of them are on the Wiki, but the details about their history are not on there.
Fleets of Junglebut Subsector

Using the fleet size calculator used for Fifth Frontier War on the Junglebut subsector fleets from the data in Trail of the SkyRaiders (given at number or BatRons and CruRons with their TL):

The League of Suns has: 1.BR-12, 3.BR-11, 2.BR10, 1.BR-9; 1.CR-12, 3.CR-11, 2.CR-10, 2.CR-9

The Domain of Alntzar has: 1.BR-12, 1.BR-11, 2.CR-11, 2.CR12

The Descaroth Hegemony (not including at least one worlds (0802, D starport, pop <9) in Cabala subsector has only one CR-9.

If the LOS has to match the DoA, 2 BR and 4 CR will have to watch the Rimward border. Leaving 5 BR and 4 CR.

The Hegemony could crew at least 1 BR and 2 CR from the population of TL Iraaz, and if these were obsolete Zhodani vessels of TL 12-13 that would be the only way to represent a real threat.

To everyone who replied last year, sorry for the delay in coming back to this. To relaunch the thread here is an update on just what I think the League of Suns might have in their Navy, which is part of their 'Survey Service'.

One thing to remember all messages take one week to travel per jump.

League of Suns Classes

TBD (Most likely Imperial types built under license, but possibly local designs as well...)

Imperial Design Ships that are possibilities

Type S Scout/Courier (100 ton Jump 2) (Source: Traders & Gunboats)
Gazelle Class Frigate/Close Escort (300 ton Jump 4) (Source: Traders & Gunboats/JTAS 4)
Fiery Class Frigate/Close Escort (300 ton Jump 4) (Source: Fighting Ships)
Type T Patrol Cruiser (400 ton Jump 4) (Source: Adventure Class Ships Vol. 2)
Kurgulash Class Medical Scout (400 tons Jump 3) (Source: Adventure Class Ships Vol. 2)
Donosev Class Survey Ship (400 ton Jump 3) (Source: Fighting Ships)
Broadsword Class Cruiser (Mercenary) (800 ton Jump 3) (Source: Fighting Ships/JTAS 8/Adventure 7)
Explorer Class Survey Ship (800 tons Jump 3) (Source: Adventure Class Ships Vol. 2)
Chrysanthemum Class DE (1000 ton Jump 4) (Design over 100 yrs old (E.g. Dates from the early 1000s, more likely) (Source: Fighting Ships)
Fer de Lance Class DE (1000 ton Jump 4) (Note: Post Fourth Frontier War Design, less likely.) (Source: Fighting Ships)
Tethys Class Cruiser (Mercenary) (1000 ton Jump 3) (Source: FASA DPM 4: ISPMV Tethys)
P.F. Sloan Class Close Escort (5000 ton Jump 4) (Source: Fighting Ships/Challenge 25)
Azhanti High Lightning Class Cruiser (60,000 ton Jump 5) (Note: Specifically stated as being passed on to friendly powers.) (Source: Fighting Ships/Azhanti High Lighting (Game 3))
Rampart IV/V Fighter (Source: Challenge 27) (Note: In service 1109, too late for this war.)
Dragonfly Class Fighter (10 ton) (Source: Adventure Class Ships Vol. 1)

Non-Imperial Design that is a possibility
Valkyrie Fighter (FASA DPM 3: ISPMV Fenris) (Note: Fighter needs to be checked in High Guard...)

Note: The Leagues specifically combat oriented space force is actually the Naval arm of the League Survey Service (E.g. Warships attached to a force largely concerned with scouting/exploratory functions.) Has to possess some Jump 4 capable ships. The League posesses at least one asteroid converted into a spacecraft for intelligence gathering purposes.

League of Suns Economic Stats (From Traveller Wiki)

League of Suns

The League of Suns has jurisdiction over nine worlds with an estimated population of 35 billion, a per capita income of Cr3,876, and a total economy is BCr137,141. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr843 through 8 starports (1 Class A, 2 Class B, 5 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 217,110 people. Driving this interstellar trade are three Agricultural (Ag) worlds, one Non-Agricultural (Na) world, two Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, three Rich (Ri) worlds, and one Industrial (In) world. The governments in League of Suns maintain three Scout bases, and one Naval base. The average technology level is 8 (with most between 6 and 11). The highest technology level is 12 at Alzenei (Far Frontiers 1934).

The League of Suns has an estimated population of 35 billion distributed across three High population (Hi) worlds, three Moderate population (Ph) worlds, two Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, no Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Gniadek (Far Frontiers 1835) and Nesbitt (Far Frontiers 2035). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

The capital of League of Suns is Alzenei (Far Frontiers 1934).

Only three systems can be reached from the capital with Jump 2 capable ships (Gniadek, Nesbitt & Nomael). To cover all the systems in the League in the minimum travel time, Jump 4 capable ships are needed.

List of systems with UWPs

1. Alzenei: A768895–C (Scout Base)
2. Gniadek: B661AB9–B (Non-Starship Construction Only)
3. Nesbitt: C555A94–A (Repair Only) (Scout Base)
4. Kokkelen: B88987A–B (Non-Starship Construction Only) (Naval Base)
5. Jaer: C3109BC–9 (Repair Only) (Scout Base)
6. Price: C888513–8 (Repair Only)
7. Shattur: C877687–6 (Repair Only)
8. Jenai: E857756–5 Port incapable of repair or construction.
9. Nomael: C767886–8 (Repair Only)

Note on Mobilization:

The introductory notes for 'The Stazhlekh Report' reveal that both the Hegemony and the League are having mobilization problems. The League's are due to the uncertainty as to whether or not Alntzar will become involved in the conflict, the Hegemony's are due to internal unrest, possibly triggered by the removal of troops for use on the eventual main fighting front and probably trade disruption. It's noted that the Hegemony has mobilized freighters as "...transports, couriers and rear-echelon supply vessels...", this has to cut into their out-state trade. Exactly what the League's 'Fleet Train' is made up of is unspecified.

Notes on strategy:

If the conflict remains a two power war, both sides capitals are vulnerable to quick strikes, only one of the Leagues key systems is out of range of the Hegmony's likely fleet, Kokkelen. That picture changes if Alntzar becomes involved, they can go straight for the major population centers (Gniadek & Nesbitt) in a quick strike situation.

'The Stazhlekh Report' itself clarifies the opening phase of the war, but I'm not going to reveal the exact details just in case someone decides to run the scenario. FASA's decision to abandon Traveller after they got the Star Trek license means that the incomplete information given in that scenario is the last specific details provided on the war. That said, it is possible with the aid of a map to come to some reasonable guesses as to just where things may have been intended to take place.

I have seen a report on the unpublished double adventure 'Piracy/Stardust' that indicates the second scenario was going to be set in Alsas subsector and would involve drug smuggling. There were however no details given on the first scenario save that it involved piracy in some form. There is also a further unpublished adventure 'Target: Assassin' for which no details have apparently survived.