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For when things need to get...slippery


The Bucky-Bomb
The Ultimate Oil Slick

This device comes in two forms; a hardened plastic “grenade” just a few centimeters in diameter, and a larger backpack sized version for use on the battlefield. Both are packed to the brim with Buckminster-Fullerene, “Buckyballs”. These groupings of carbon atoms surrounding a lanthanum atom are virtually frictionless, and spread easily to the depth of a single molecule. The result is, for all intents and purposes, a completely slippery surface.

The hand-held version is just terrific for dropping down a stairwell when the bad guys are in pursuit (and not wearing grav-belts).

The larger version is wonderful for detonating in front of fixed positions during a charge by the enemy. Once they’re on their backs, it’s like shooting Vargr in a barrel.

The PC’s in my current campaign emptied one of their grenades at the top of a steep boarding ramp just moments before a Virushii came along...the K’Kree at the bottom never had a chance, in spite of how loudly the big Virushii was screaming at the time...
I LOVE this one! I already printed out the handout for my players with the list of available merc weapons, or I'd CERTAINLY add this one. So...I'll just have to give it to the bad guys when they show up. Yes...YES...
thats a realy good idea! Thats worth a star on your first post!!!...keep these good ideas coming, we need em!!!
;) :D
Named after Buckminster Fuller, an architect who made the geodisic dome famous. Bucky balls resemble miniature geodesic spheres, thus the name. They actually are used nowadays in medicine.
I used these years ago, but fluorinated the buckyballs (Think teflon nano-ball bearings). I made it available as an industrial lubricant, my players thought up the idea of packaging it in aerosol grenades. (Not to mention Super-Soakers!) Therefore my idea to introduce an occasional "3 Stooges" moment into the games (the containers tended to leak...) was turned into yet another means of slowing the enemy down long enough to draw a bead...
Hey, thanks! I didn't expect such a nice response to my first post.
I also use the buckyballs as an industrial lubricant in my game. I have a "harvesting" operation in place around a variable star of the R. Coronae Borealis family...one that occults itself with gigantic clouds of its own soot. The harvesters are simply solar sails towed behind a tug, which gather all the ejected carbon (and buckyballs) into a depression in the center.
I realize that most buckyballs require a supernova-type of event for formation, but I'm hand-waving that one with some mumbo-jumbo about the compression wave coming off the surface of a variable star as it "snaps".
I just wanted to design a scenario that had my players flying around close to a star...in the dark.
I didn't expect such a nice response to my first post.
Well you picked the perfect topic. One thing that the Traveller universe is lacking is interesting original equipment that requires PC to be creative. I`ve started to fix that problem with my Toys posts. Check um out some time. ;) The problem is that I can`t do it all by my self. :( So if you`ve got any more ideas don`t hesitate to post em.
Here is a crunchy interpretation for T20.

Bucky-spray. TL 14. Cost: 150 Cr. Aerosol can that sprays “Buckyballs.” These groupings of carbon atoms surrounding a lanthanum atom are virtually frictionless, and spread easily to the depth of a single molecule. The result is, for all intents and purposes, a completely slippery surface. Each can contains three shots, and one shot is enough to coat an area 1.5 x 1.5m. Any person stepping into an area coated with buckyballs must make a Dex check at DC 20 or fall. The area cannot be escaped without either a successful retry on the save or outside assistance. Tumble skill may be used as an additional modifier for characters with the Tumble skill.
If containment is a problem, just do part of the wya antimatter is contained (albeit much easier)...in a magnetic bottle, ie the particles are magentically pushed away from the openings, allowing only the desired amount out.