SOC-14 1K
Had a hard time choosing between posting here or in Random Static, because this is totally non-substantive but is in fact Traveller related.. but I am jumping for joy and nobody would understand why as well as you people here.
I have been at home sick in bed for just about a month now, have gotten in a few afternoons at the office but mostly not worth the effort, so have had a lot of time on my hands and trying to get something worthwhile done on my long-years-neglected Traveller campaigns, especially now that my two sons are interested in playing.
Have been moping much of that time because when I started to get my old Traveller stuff together, I could not find my original Little Black Box w the LBBs in it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). I knew exactly where I had seen it last, but that was some years ago. Several times over the past few weeks I have gone back up there to search, but have always been frustrated.
Finally this afternoon I was back up there again (actually trying to find my copy of The Mote in God's Eye to look up details on Pournelle's fusion-photon drives) and I dug just that extra bit deeper into the stacks and found my Black Box, near where I had looked before but concealed by some magazines that had flopped down over it.
That's all, no big deal, just bubbling w "Happy" and wanted to share.
(Now if only I could figure out where my old 2300AD stuff is hiding...)
I have been at home sick in bed for just about a month now, have gotten in a few afternoons at the office but mostly not worth the effort, so have had a lot of time on my hands and trying to get something worthwhile done on my long-years-neglected Traveller campaigns, especially now that my two sons are interested in playing.
Have been moping much of that time because when I started to get my old Traveller stuff together, I could not find my original Little Black Box w the LBBs in it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). I knew exactly where I had seen it last, but that was some years ago. Several times over the past few weeks I have gone back up there to search, but have always been frustrated.
Finally this afternoon I was back up there again (actually trying to find my copy of The Mote in God's Eye to look up details on Pournelle's fusion-photon drives) and I dug just that extra bit deeper into the stacks and found my Black Box, near where I had looked before but concealed by some magazines that had flopped down over it.
That's all, no big deal, just bubbling w "Happy" and wanted to share.

(Now if only I could figure out where my old 2300AD stuff is hiding...)