This is proving more of a challenge than I thought it would be. I looked at it a month or two ago (when I didn't have the money to buy them) and thought I had a pretty good pick of four CDs, but now I am not so sure.
I definitely want T5, and I definitely want the Golden Age Classic Traveller CD; having all of my CT books as PDFs would be incredibly useful, and also save wear and tear on the originals.
That's $70, and I could stop right there. But it is so tempting to spend another $35 and get
two more CDs!
I considered JTAS, but I have the whole run from #7 forward, and while they were great reading at the time, I can't see them as something I want to spend $35 to have in PDF format.
I considered the Apocrypha, but again, I have most of that stuff on paper, and hardly ever refer to it at all, so why spend $35 to have it all on PDFs?
I have MegaTraveller and Hard Times, and am not really interested in the rest of those books. (Hard Times in PDF would be nice, but not for $35!!!)
TNE I never bought and don't know much about beyond what gets discussed here, but I really can't see buying those when I expect to be playing some mix of T5 and CT. Can anyone advise as to whether there is some really really REALLY good stuff in there that I would be missing out on?
T4 - now those are a lot of cool looking books, probably hours of interesting reading - yeah, I'd pay $35 for those, just to read and possibly borrow little snippets from.
Challenge issues 25-77 also would be good reading, and I don't have any of those - but that DVD costs $45 instead of $35m so is probably not part of the 443 deal.
Already have 2300AD, not interested in Twilight:2000 or Dark Conspiracy...
Now if only there was a CD of DGP stuff so I could finally lay hands on the Starship Operator's Manual... :devil: :CoW:

The only way I can see this adding up to a good deal for stuff I actually want is if I can work something out with Marc to include the Challenge DVD in the deal. Time for another email to Mr. FarFuture!