Commander Truestar
Keith sent out the following notice:
"I'm pleased and excited (and just a bit well chuffed with meself) to
announce that Frank Chadwick (co-creator of Traveller) has accepted our
invitation to appear at Travellercon-USA 2008.
Travellercon's format makes the use of panels/seminars something of a
challenge, though we are looking at the option of a "Dinner with Uncle
Frank" on Saturday night."
Check it out at
"I'm pleased and excited (and just a bit well chuffed with meself) to
announce that Frank Chadwick (co-creator of Traveller) has accepted our
invitation to appear at Travellercon-USA 2008.
Travellercon's format makes the use of panels/seminars something of a
challenge, though we are looking at the option of a "Dinner with Uncle
Frank" on Saturday night."
Check it out at