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[Freelance Traveller] Issue 003 Now Available For Download


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The March 2010 issue of Freelance Traveller magazine has been posted to our website for you to download. This month's issue sports twenty-two pages of Traveller goodness like we've been trying to bring you all along. We can still always use new material, so don't let ourn continues apparent success stop YOU from writing and sending us Stuff - we can always use good material, and our continued success really does depend on getting that Stuff.

We've also updated the site to include web versions of the articles from February.

Come download, read, and tell us what you think!

The Magazine: http://www.freelancetraveller.com/magazine
The Site: http://www.freelancetraveller.com/
Feedback: email feedback@freelancetraveller.com or use the form at http://www.freelancetraveller.com/infocenter/feedback/ftfbf.html