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[Freelance Traveller] Issue 008 Available for Download


SOC-14 1K
The August 2010 issue of Freelance Traveller is now ready for download. We apologise for the delay it making it available, and further apologise for July's articles not yet having been added to the website, but we'll be correcting the latter as quickly as we reasonably can, and explain both by simply noting that certain medical events led to the editor spending the better part of a week hospitalized and without computer access.

You can download this issue from http://www.freelancetraveller.com/magazine, or from our mirror site at http://freelancetraveller.downport.com (follow the links to the magazine downloads from the start page - because of certain implementation details, a direct URL doesn't work).
Ahhh... Issue #8...

Joy! Rapture!

The perfect nativity present for this gray headed fat man!

Thanks again, Jeff!

[Freelance Traveller] Issue 007 Articles Now On Website

We've caught up a bit with some of our post-hospitalization backlog, and put the articles from the July issue of Freelance Traveller on the main Freelance Traveller website. For some reason, our mirror at http://freelancetraveller.downport.com isn't responding to our requests; it crapped out in the middle of posting the articles, so we can't say what shape it's in over there right now. We'll keep trying, though.
My first visit to Freelance Traveller and I'm liking the kinds of stuff you have posted there.

Maybe I missed something but when I follow the link I reach a page where I can visit each issue so far, only I don't see a single place to download an entire issue but instead see several links (one for each article) for each issue.

Is there a place to download the entire issue as a single PDF, or is it designed to be read in parts? (I have the feeling it's obvious and I overlooked it somehow.)
My first visit to Freelance Traveller and I'm liking the kinds of stuff you have posted there.

Maybe I missed something but when I follow the link I reach a page where I can visit each issue so far, only I don't see a single place to download an entire issue but instead see several links (one for each article) for each issue.

Is there a place to download the entire issue as a single PDF, or is it designed to be read in parts? (I have the feeling it's obvious and I overlooked it somehow.)
:alpha: Yes. On the page for each issue, below the table of contents, there's links to download each issue in PDF format, both in US Letter (ANSI-A) and ISO A4 sizes. For the CURRENT issue, there are no links in the table, but the links to download the PDF are ABOVE the table.

:paragraph: Just before the beginning of each month, I release the PDF for that month (e.g., at the end of June, I released the July PDFs), AND I post the individual articles from the PREVIOUS month (e.g., the articles from the June PDF) to the website as individual articles.

:paragraph:So, right now, you can download the PDF for August 2010 at http://www.freelancetraveller.com/magazine/index.html, using the links for "Download the current issue: ANSI A (US Letter) format or ISO A4 format". If you want to download the July 2010 issue as a single PDF, scroll down on the page to the list of prior issues, and click on the link for July 2010 (which will take you to http://www.freelancetraveller.com/magazine/2010-07/index.html), and then, right below the table, you'll see "Download this issue: ANSI A (US Letter) format or ISO A4 format", which will be the links to the PDF of the July issue. You'll see similar links to ALL of the issues, each on its own page.

I hope this explanation helped...