• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

[Freelance Traveller] Mail Server Problems


SOC-14 1K
There is a problem with the Freelance Traveller mail servers; I suspect they've implemented the new verification that was screwing up Yahoo!, and it's screwing up both inbound and outbound with the hosting company.

If you attempt to send to Freelance Traveller (anything @freelancetraveller.com) and get a bounce, please send the original AND A COPY OF THE BOUNCE to freetrav@gmail.com, our principal backup address. Until this is worked out, you'll be seeing all mail from Freelance Traveller coming from that address.

I'm paid up until next February. That's not stopping me from starting to explore other options now. Suggestions for hosting VIA PRIVATE MAIL (to freetrav@gmail.com) will be gratefully accepted; I'll be happy to explain my requirements through that channel. Please do not try to PM via the board; I may not get the notification because of this server issue.