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Frontier Report Issue 2 Seeking Submissions

hi guys, It's been 4 months since the official launch of Frontier Report the Traveller communities new bi-annual fair use fanzine. We got off to a really good start with the first issue and now to get the second out for the target date in November we need submissions.

We're looking to fill about 100 pages in all and wish to support all d6 versions of Traveller (except the present mongoose ruleset (for legal reasons)).

We need

Artwork - Interior art and cover designs.
Adventures (set in the Four Corners would be Great!)
Amber Zones
NPC write ups
New Rules and rule systems
Ship Designs and Deckplans
Animals and Encounters
Vehicles & Equipment.

All we ask is that they have not been submitted elsewhere. Full credit is given to all authors but sadly no payment as Frontier Report is a free Fanzine.

The special focus in this Issue will be about criminality in the Traveller universe, so if you have any articles or contributions on this subject please send them to me:


Send all submissions to me at the above address. there's plenty of room for all. It's only with fan support can we continue to release high quality work for all to enjoy.

You can download the last issue free here

Many Thanks from the Commander
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Very nice...only wish that it could be in deadtree at the local gaming store...but such is the fate of our fanzines...and magazines.
Funny thing...

Very nice...only wish that it could be in deadtree at the local gaming store...but such is the fate of our fanzines...and magazines.
I happen to know a Publisher and yes all that stuff is true, I touched his Birth Certificate. So here is some of his various sites, one of which I worked for while in NYC (check Who We Are if you are curious, that is me at the top of the heap. :D.)

Tell him Magnus sent you, he will know who I am. I mean as long as it is legal, I would check with Marc.
I'll see if I can dig something up, on the basis that one submission from each of us will ensure a next issue, and no submissions will ensure...

C'mon guys. :)
Sorry, I've received some art pieces but no actual writing which is what we need to fill pages. In light of this we might be better of making it a yearly event perhaps.